domingo, 31 de dezembro de 2017

Irã em Chamas - Estudantes contra Polícia Iraniana

Acima, estudantes desafiam a polícia iraniana. Isso não é a mesma coisa que desafiar a polícia brasileira, lá pode ser morte imediata sem direito a nada.

E lá também eles não estão pedindo para baixar o preço do ônibus ou para adotarem a ideologia de gênero nas escolas. Querem derrubar um regime xiita de mais de 37 anos.

Em outro vídeo do site Jihad Watch, estudantes colocam fogo em delegacia de polícia.

Vejam o vídeo do Jihad Watch clicando aqui.

Também há divulgações de vídeos das manifestação nas ruas, como esse aqui.

Apesar de vermos esses vídeos, há informação que o Irã bloqueou acesso a internet. Vejam aqui, notícia do Yahoo, sobre isso.

sábado, 30 de dezembro de 2017

Guarda Revolucionária do Irã Abre Fogo Contra Manifestantes

Governo iraniano abre fogo contra o próprio povo. 5 mortos na cidade de Lorestan

Tem um vídeo no site Jihad Watch.

Trump já disse que está de olho.

Rezemos pelo povo iraniano para que se livre desse terror de mais de 37 anos.

Vídeo - Alexa (Robozinho da Amazon) Responde Quem Fundou as Igrejas Cristãs.

Ela acerta todas. Acerta até quem fundou a Igreja Católica. Ótimo. Mas os politicamente corretos não vão deixar por muito tempo.

sexta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2017

Protestos Contra Governo do Irã. Viva Ano Novo.

Notícias de agora dão conta que centenas estão nas ruas de várias cidades iranianas contra o governo, pedindo a queda do governo teocrático islâmico xiita.

Gritando coisas como "Povo está mendigando e clérigos vivem como deuses" ou  "Liberdade ou Morte" e pedindo "Anti-revolução".

Que 2018 traga a liberdade iraniana!!

Governo planeja passeata pró-governo, aqueles da "mortadela".

Esses protestos aconteceram durante o governo Obama, em 2009, e Obama não fez nada. Será que Trump repetirá a estupidez de Obama.

Vejam relato da Reuters:

Price protests turn political in Iran as rallies spread

DUBAI (Reuters) - Demonstrators chanted anti-government slogans in several cities across Iran on Friday, Iranian news agencies and social media reports said, as price protests turned into the largest wave of demonstrations since nationwide pro-reform unrest in 2009.
Police dispersed anti-government demonstrators in the western city of Kermanshah as protests spread to Tehran and several other cities a day after rallies in the northeast, the semi-official news agency Fars said.
The outbreak of unrest reflects growing discontent over rising prices and alleged corruption, as well as concern about the Islamic Republic’s costly involvement in regional conflicts such as those in Syria and Iraq.
An official said a few protesters had been arrested in Tehran, and footage posted on social media showed a heavy police presence in the capital and some other cities.
About 300 demonstrators gathered in Kermanshah after what Fars said was a “call by the anti-revolution”. They shouted: “Political prisoners should be freed” and “Freedom or death”, and some public property was destroyed. Fars did not name any opposition groups.
The protests in Kermanshah, the main city in a region where an earthquake killed over 600 people in November, took place a day after hundreds rallied in Iran’s second largest city Mashhad to protest at high prices and shout anti-government slogans.
Videos posted on social media showed demonstrators yelling, “The people are begging, the clerics act like God”.
Fars said there were protests in the cities of Sari and Rasht in the north, Qazvin west of Tehran and Qom south of the capital, and also in Hamadan in western Iran. It said many marchers who wanted to raise economic demands left the rallies after demonstrators shouted political slogans.


State television said annual nationwide rallies and events were scheduled for Saturday to commemorate pro-government demonstrations held in 2009 to counter protests by reformists.

Trump Faz Chacota do Aquecimento Global. Ambientalistas Expressam Ódio.

Engraçado como esse tipo de coisa que Trump fez encontra tanto ódio. Esses ambientalistas são fanáticos religiosos do pior tipo.

No twitter, Trump disse:

"No lado leste dos Estados Unidos (região de Nova York) pode ocorrer a véspera de fim de ano mais FRIA da história. Talvez nós possamos usar um pouco daqueles TRILHÕES DE DÓLARES que gastávamos com "Aquecimento Global", enquanto outros países não gastavam nada. Se protejam."

As reações foram de ódio, disseram que Trump era idiota, que foi a coisa mais estúpida que ele já escreveu, que ele se preparasse para o impeachment.

(Agradeço o vídeo ao facebook de Mike Cernovich).

quinta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2017

Papa Francisco - "Chapa Branca da Burguesia e dos Poderosos"

O editor da prestigiada revista First Things, R.R, Reno (foto acima) escreveu um excelente artigo sobre liberalismo, no qual tratou muito sobre como podemos definir o Papa Francisco.

Sobre o Papa, em resumo, ele disse:

1) Não é difícil definir o Papa Francisco, ele procura seguir os poderosos da burguesia progressista;

2) Como Jesuíta, ele mantém a tradição dessa ordem religiosa de se adaptar aos poderosos;

3) Jesuítas também têm tradição de considerar os evangelhos como se fossem "plásticos" adaptáveis. Assim é o Papa.

4) É um Papa político, ele vai defender a imigração em massa na Europa até o ponto em que os poderosos da Europa defendam;

5) O Papa tenta aproximar o catolicismo da "burguesia iluminada" que defende gays, divórcio, aborto e eutanásia;

6) O Papa e seus acólitos tentam fazer um tratado de paz com os defensores da revolução sexual;

7) Mas é inútil e estúpido  tentar acordo com o establishment político, a promessa dos poderosos de "diversidade, aborto, divórcio, etc." só traz mais destruição. Eles não entregam o que prometem.

8) O Papa entra também em muitas contradições ao tentar se juntar aos poderosos. Por exemplo, diz que a pena de morte é inconcebível e ao mesmo tempo briga com teólogos e canonistas contra argumentos definitivos;

9) Os atos do Papa reduzem a Igreja a uma instituição política.

O site The American Catholic lembrou que isso acontgeceu muitas vezes na história, com um papa sendo simplesmente um representante de quem tem o pdoer temporário. E que isso não costuma acabar bem, mas também que o catolicismo está acostumado a resistir;

Vejam abaixo a parte do artigo que trata do Papa Francisco:

The Catholic Church’s retreat from anything resembling clarity about sexual morality does not surprise me. It’s been a long time coming. Catholicism and other forms of establishment Christianity in the West tend to take the form of bourgeois religion. That term denotes the fusion of church culture with the moral consensus held by the good, respectable people who set the tone for society as a whole. In the aftermath of the sexual revolution, that consensus shifted. For a long time now it has been socially acceptable to divorce and contracept. Soon thereafter it was OK to cohabitate, and then the good and responsible people who run things adopted an affirmative attitude toward gay sex. During all this, the same consensus became hostile to those who say otherwise. It became “cruel,” “hateful,” and “bigoted” to call something wrong that the bourgeois consensus now deems right. In this way, the good and responsible people did not just accommodate themselves to the sexual revolution; they took ownership of it.
Amid this change, most Catholic bishops and priests have been disoriented. Not too long ago, they were happy chaplains of the bourgeois, the good people, who tended to affirm the moral code that the Church taught. As the sexual revolution worked its way through elite culture, bishops and priests were eager to sustain their place as chaplains of the establishment consensus. Unfortunately for them, the Catholic Church has a rigorous tradition of moral philosophy and theology. This closed off the broad, well-traveled avenues of revisionism used by mainline Protestants. Do the loving thing! This noble and conveniently vague imperative offers wide latitude. In the smug and self-complimenting culture of the bourgeois, that meant pretty much anything they did was by definition loving. These sorts of people are always seeking to do what’s best!
Given the inconvenience of the Catholic commitment to moral truth, the approach has been to remain silent. Insofar as bishops and cardinals have spoken about sex, it has almost always been to qualify and soften the Church’s moral voice. The strategy was one of careful retreat. The enduring hope has been to find a way to moderate the obvious clash between what the Church teaches and the bourgeois consensus about sex.
It has become apparent that Pope Francis wants to make this retreat more explicit. For this reason, I have given up trying to keep track of controversies surrounding Amoris Laetitia. The details don’t matter. Pope Francis and his closest associates have no interest in the sacramental coherence of their positions on matters such as divorce and remarriage, nor do they care one whit about defending the logic of the arguments they put forward. I admire those who have explained the limits that the rich tradition of Catholic sacramental and moral teaching places on our interpretation of Amoris Laetitia. This is important work. But it has little bearing on the near-term outcome of this controversy. Pope Francis and his associates want to sign a peace treaty with the sexual revolution. They will use whatever arguments and rhetoric are necessary to achieve this goal.
One can see the urgency of the task. Reconciling the Catholic Church with the sexual revolution is necessary in order to preserve Catholicism as a bourgeois religion. Unless this is done, more and more of the good and responsible people will come to regard the Church as a regressive, harmful force in society, a source of repression and bigotry that is antithetical to the spirit of inclusion and affirmation that promotes human flourishing. This is especially obvious in the controversy surrounding divorce, remarriage, and communion. These are good, sensitive people trying to make the best of a difficult situation!How can the Church deny them communion? The same is true for those who use artificial means of contraception or who are committed to another person of the same sex—which is why it’s reasonable to think the pontificate will seek to muddy the Church’s teaching on those issues as well.
This papacy’s goal of aligning the Catholic Church with the bourgeois consensus has other dimensions that show how unprincipled this process will be. Euthanasia is not something our bourgeois consensus wishes to endorse, at least not enthusiastically. Most good and responsible people have misgivings. They recognize the dangers it poses to the weak and vulnerable. But they believe that intelligent, self-possessed people like them ought to have the option of doctor-assisted suicide, at least in some cases. The general tone of the Francis papacy thus encourages bishops to mirror this position. Doctor-assisted suicide is not OK, exactly, but it is OK-ish. It falls under the rubric of “accompaniment,” which means saying “no” without saying “no,” which is a way of saying “yes” without saying “yes.”
One need only consult the opinions of earnest and progressive secular elites in Germany, France, Canada, the United States, and elsewhere to be able to predict the positions that will be taken by this papacy on a wide range of issues. It will be permissive where permission is wanted, not so much changing the Church’s teaching as sidelining it. But Francis also will denounce where denunciations are wanted. Recently, he declared capital punishment always and everywhere forbidden. One can argue that this pronouncement is inconsistent with the Church’s two-thousand-year tradition of moral teaching on the matter. But that’s beside the point. The notion of Pope Francis defining any act as intrinsically evil is laughable on its face, given how often he attacks the “doctors of the law” who speak about objective moral norms. And didn’t Fr. Antonio Spadaro very clearly tell us that the time has passed when we can speak of “a norm that stands above all”? Pope Francis takes the hard line because it’s required if the Catholic Church is to remain aligned with the good and responsible people. After all, only barbarians in Texas continue to support the death penalty.
Christianity orients us upward and toward the divine. Bourgeois religion is horizontal. It takes its cues from the consensus of the moment, the opinions of the good and responsible people. This reduces Christianity to a political religion organized to buttress the status quo. The Francis papacy largely follows this pattern, making it quite predictable. We can count on Pope Francis to talk about the poor in exactly the same way that people do in Berkeley, which means with great earnestness and little consequence.
This papacy is not hard to figure out. Pope Francis and his associates echo the pieties and self-complimenting utopianism of progressives. That’s not surprising. The Jesuit charism is multifaceted and powerful. I count myself among those profoundly influenced by the spiritual genius of St. Ignatius. Yet there’s no disputing that for centuries Jesuits have shown great talent in adjusting the gospel to suit the powerful. And so, I think the European establishment can count on the Vatican to denounce the populism currently threatening its hold on power. I predict that this papacy will be a great defender of migrants and refugees—until political pressures on the European ruling class become so great that it shifts and becomes more “realistic,” at which point the Vatican will shift as well. What is presently denounced will be permitted; what is presently permitted will be denounced.
Adjustment, trimming of sails, and accommodation are inevitable. The Catholic Church is not set up to be countercultural. Catholicism, at least in the West, has establishment in its DNA. But this papacy is uniquely invertebrate. I can identify no consistent theological structure other than a vague Rahnerianism and post–Vatican II sign-of-the-times temporizing. This makes Francis a purely political pope, or at least very nearly so. No doubt he has an evangelical heart. But ever the Jesuit, he seems to regard every aspect of the Church’s tradition as a plastic instrument to be stiffened here or relaxed there in accord with ever-changing pastoral judgments.
This will not end well. The West has seen a long season of loosening, opening up, and deconsolidation, of which the sexual revolution is but a part. Our establishment is committed to sustaining this consensus. This is why it has been at war with Catholic intransigence, which is based on the Church’s insistence that she answer to timeless, unchanging, and demanding truths. It’s foolish for the papacy to make a peace treaty with this establishment consensus. It’s theologically unworkable. It’s also politically inept. For the establishment consensus is failing, and that includes the sexual revolution, which made many promises that were not fulfilled.

quarta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2017

Lista das Fraudes dos "Crimes de Ódio" em 2017 nos EUA.

Crimes de ódio é uma mania moderna, e existem as vítimas preferidas. Internacionalmente, em geral, são negros (reclamam de racismo), gays e lésbicas (reclamam de homofobia), muçulmanos (reclamam de islamofobia) ou comunistas (reclamam de "fascistas"). Por vezes é uma mistura disso tudo.

Para a mídia, se fazer de cristão ou mesmo de homem brancos para criar um crime de ódio não é crime de ódio.

No Brasil, acho que o site do UOL é o que mais gosta de colocar "crimes de ódio", especialmente sobre gays e lésbicas. Nunca se fica sabendo muito bem das circunstâncias, mas as vítimas ganham destaque no site.

Entre os crimes de ódio é difícil distinguir se realmente é mesmo crime de racismo, homofobia, islamofobia, etc. E muitos deles são claramente fraudes, embustes (hoax, em inglês).

Por vezes, o crime de ódio fraudulento é um sucesso enorme internacionalmente antes de se saber que é fraude, e quando se sabe que é fraude muitas vezes nem mesmo a mídia que o divulgou se retrata.

Os "crimes de ódio" são ainda mais comum entre adolescentes universitários, em geral ideologicamente esquerdistas.

O site College Fix preparou uma lista das maiores fraudes em termos de crimes de ódio em 2017. Tem realmente coisa bem idiota e muitas vezes é a própria vítima preferida (negro, gay, muçulmano) que faz o crime se fazendo passar por um suposto conservador de direita.

Qual seria a lista para o Brasil?

Desconfie bastante desse tipo de notícia, temos péssimos jornalistas no Brasil e no mundo.

Nos Estados Unidos, a maioria das fraudes são de negros criando uma falsa ameaça contra negros, mas também tem muçulmanos criando fraudes contra Trump.

Destaco alguns casos, vejam a lista completa abaixo:

1) Estudantes acharam que tinha um membro do Ku Klux Khan na faculdade. Era só um pano branco cobrindo um equipamento;

2) Muçulmana diz que foi atacada por dois eleitores do Trump no dia seguinte à eleição de Trump. Quando a polícia começou a questioná-la, viu que era invenção total.

3) Muçulmana diz que foi ameaçada de morte por eleitores do Trump a tirar seu lenço. Era também pura invenção;

4) Estudante escrevia mensagens racistas e colava na própria porta para dizer que supostos racistas estavam lhe ameaçando;

5) Estudante diz que foi atacada por eleitores de Trump e tinha ferimentos. Ela própria tinha feito ferimentos nela.

6) Grupo esquerdista divulgou folheto dizendo que "todos os brancos devem alertar as autoridades sobre imigrantes ilegais", como se fosse folheto feito por "brancos" e como isso fosse sério. Tiveram que se retratar.

7) Homem negro escreveu no campus da universidade que "negros não são aceitos" e "America Great Again" (mensagem de Trump), como uma maneira de querer implicar que eleitores do Trump são racistas;

8) Um cadete da força aérea encontrou a expressão "vá embora, negro" em seu dormitório. Acontece que o autor do vandalismo também era negro.

Lista completa:

 Student cries KKK — except it was a sheet over lab equipment
Jan. 2017
A Bowling Green State University student falsely identified a cover for a piece of equipment as a member of the Ku Klux Klan. After seeing a white, pointy figure in a classroom window, the student took to Twitter to post the image and dramatically stated there was an “ACTIVE KKK group” at BGSU. After the university looked into this claim, they discovered what the student tweeted was a cover on a piece of lab equipment. Whoops.
Black student sent threatening ‘KKK’ messages 
Jan. 2017
A 14 year-old African-American student was disciplined for sending a threatening tweet to her high school under the Twitter handle “@KoolkidsKlankkk.” The message read “We’re planning to attack tomorrow.” But a police investigation found the Twitter account was run by progressive student activists.
Another anti-Muslim hate crime claim bites the dust 
Jan. 2017
A day after the election of President Trump, a female San Diego University student claimed she was approached by two men in a parking garage stairwell who invoked the name of the newly elected president “before attacking [her] and stealing her car.” The student claimed that these men said things like “Now that Trump is president get ready to start fleeing.” Turns out, she had forgotten where she parked. After police in January disproved her claim, the student “decided not to pursue charges.”
Prosecutors won’t file charges against Muslim student’s hate-crime hoax 
Feb. 2017
The Washtenaw County Prosecutor’s Office in February decided not file charges against a University of Michigan student accused by the Ann Arbor Police Department of a hate-crime hoax. In November, a female University of Michigan student told police days after the election that a white man demanded she remove her hijab or he would set her on fire. Without any proof, the U of M Division of Public Safety and Security issued an alert, calling the incident an act of “hate and intimidation.” But authorities determined it never happened.
Hate crime hoax alert: Capital University student confesses  
Feb. 2017
A Capital University student confessed to “submitting multiple false reports to campus police” after campus police asked him if he had written a hate-filled note taped to his own door. He confessed that he had been seeking “notice” for at least two years. In 2015, he pulled a similar stunt, and the school responded with an inclusivity march. The student added that he wished “that those who feel his actions have delegitimized the reporting of hate crimes will forgive him.”
Hoax alert: ‘Non-Caucasian’ student behind racist graffiti
March 2017
A “non-caucasian” Minnesota high school student was disciplined after it was determined he was responsible for racist and anti-semitic graffiti found in a school bathroom. The scribblings included a picture of a lynching, the phrase “Hail the Ku Klux Klan,” the “N” word, and a swastika. The school district released a statement that “Lakeville South High School administration received permission from the parent to share that the student is non-Caucasian and has significant special education needs.” Nevertheless, the district viewed it as a “teachable moment” and launched cultural liaison opportunities.
Student admits to hoax she said was linked to post-election ‘surge in hate crimes’
March 2017
A 21 year-old student at the University of Michigan claimed in mid-November 2016 that a man scratched her face due to her wearing a “solidarity [safety] pin.” In March of this year, the student pled guilty to one count of “false report of a misdemeanor.” She told the judge she was embarrassed by a visible scratch she herself had made with the pin. But her story had already been reported as “part of the surge in hate crimes following the election of Donald Trump.”
‘Report Illegal Aliens; America is a White Nation’ posters hung — by liberal students
March 2017
A group of progressive students at Gustavus Adolphus College apologized for posters they put up across campus that stated: “A notice to all white Americans. It is your civil duty to report any and all illegal aliens to U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement. They are criminals. America is a white nation.” The posters’ were allegedly hung to start a dialogue on discrimination, hate, and bias, and A-frames next to the posters advised students on what they could do if they witnessed discrimination. Unaware that this war some sort of social justice lesson, students reacted with shock and anger at the posters, ripping many of them down. The progressive students group later apologized and said they wanted “to help put an end to bias-related incidents that happen on our campus, social media, and in our communities by forcing individuals to have dialogues about forms of hate and bias” and that they hope that “members of the campus community will reflect on today’s events and join us in ensuring that no one student or group of students are ever a victim of this form of discrimination.”
Black guy hangs ‘No Black People Allowed’ sign at USC
April 2017
The University of Southern California’s Department of Public Safety confirmed that the person who had adhered a sign reading “No Black People Allowed” that featured a makeshift confederate flag and “#MAGA” on a gate of a campus residence was African American. The culprit was not affiliated with the university and did not face charges. Fortunately, not many jumped on this now-revealed hoax as “more evidence” of the alleged hate-filled Donald Trump era. But one exception was the “Blacktivist” Facebook page which has more than 300,000 followers. The group urged their fellow African Americans to “look around” and ponder if this is “the country our ancestors died for? Is this the country that we want our children to grow up in?”
Beware the hoax: Noose sighted at University of Maryland frat
A noose was allegedly discovered hanging in the kitchen of a University of Maryland fraternity in early May. In an email to The College Fix, the Department of Fraternity and Sorority Life Director Matt Supple stated that “We all bear responsibility to confront bias/hate when we see it. Sadly, this is one more example of hatred and prejudice that continue to poison our society. We must stand together in defiance of this act. We need to ensure people who would perpetrate this type of hate know they do not belong and are not welcome in our chapters, in our community, at the University of Maryland, or in our society.” Except photos of the noose on either social media or news sites never arose.

CONFIRMED: Racist note that prompted St. Olaf College shut down is hate-crime hoax
May 2017
A note that used the n-word and threatened a black female student at St. Olaf College — sparking an intense protest that led to classes being shut down for a day as student demonstrators accused the school of institutional racism — “was not a genuine threat,” according to the school’s president. In a campus wide email, the president explained that the reasons why he said this was not a genuine threat is because the university learned from the author’s confession that the note was fabricated. “It was apparently a strategy to draw attention to concerns about the campus climate,” he added.
Suspect in social media threats to minority HS students is … black
September 2017
Various threats made online against minority students at a Pennsylvania high school were not hate crimes, police determined. The suspect turned out to be a black student. The 14-year-old student from West Chester East High School was charged in September with harassment, cyber bullying, and terroristic threats for posts he made on the “East Shade Room” Instagram page.
Man charged in U. Maryland swastika vandalism is black former UMD employee
October 2017
The suspect charged in connection with a spray-painted swastika on campus in October on the University of Maryland’s campus is African American and a former employee of UMD, according to authorities.
University’s ‘colored’ water fountain scandal was student hoax
October 2017 
A “colored” sign placed over a water fountain at the University of North Carolina Charlotte—a callback to the days of racial segregation in which public facilities were separated by “whites” and “colored” designations—was placed there by “a male student” who believed he was engaging in “humor.” The sign caused “a strong response from staff and students alike,” leading the student in question to approach school officials and reveal that he had placed the sign as part of “a poor attempt at humor,” according to the student himself. “I am deeply sorry for all that came out of this,” the student is alleged to have said.
Hate-crime hoaxer near Kansas State won’t be charged
November 2017
A Kansas man won’t face charges for filing a false police report about the n-word graffiti and threat he painted on his own car near Kansas State University, The Kansas City Star reports. “Go Home Ni**er Boy” was written with yellow paint across the rear windshield of the car. Other racially offensive language — “White’s Only,” “Die,” and “Date your own kind” — was also painted on the windshield and side doors of the car. But police said that because the vandal, who is black, admitted he was behind the graffiti and was “genuinely remorseful” it would “not be in the best interests” of the community to charge him.
Black Air Force Academy cadet admits to racial slur vandalism
November 2017
Back in September, some black Air Force Academy cadets discovered racial slurs written on their dorm doors, including “Go home ni**er.” The school began an investigation and Superintendent Lt. Gen. Jay Silveria lectured cadets about the messages’ “horrible language,” telling them “if you can’t treat someone with dignity and respect, then get out.” According to The Washington Post, Silveria’s speech “drew national attention for its eloquence” and was viewed more than 1 million times on YouTube. Alas, in November it was announced that the black cadets were victims of one of their own. A black student wrote the racist messages.
‘Non-white’ high school student admits to ‘White Lives Matter’ graffiti 
November 2017
A Missouri high school student, identified merely as “non-white,” admitted to writing the “N word” and “White Lives Matter” on a school bathroom mirror in November. Though the situation turned out to be a hoax, officials stressed the “teachable moment.”

terça-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2017

Natal com André Rieu - Músicas Celestiais

O violinista holandês André Rieu fez um concerto natalino em Londres no dia 19 de novembro. Ao que parece o concerto virou filme.

Meu Deus, crianças que assistem a isso nunca mais serão as mesmas. Serão muito melhores.

Rieu falou sobre o filme:

“I would never be away from my family around Christmas – especially now since I can enjoy the glowing faces of my grandchildren and their excitement when they see the Christmas tree and the gifts waiting underneath. I travel around the world for the whole year working hard to bring music and joy to my audiences and fans but I am always home for Christmas. I am looking forward to giving cinema audiences a personal tour of my castle and showing where we filmed each of the Home for Christmas concert sequences, as well as answering many questions in a live Q&A.”

O que dizer?


Como eu não resisto a "Noite Feliz" (Silent Night), aqui vai também um vídeo de André Rieu tocando "Noite Feliz".

Feliz período natalino, amigos.

Por Que Ninguém Ouve Quando o Papa É Católico?

Engraçado esse titulo do post, não é? Mas é que com Papa Francisco pela primeira vez se tem perguntado seriamente se o Papa é católico, se segue realmente o que prega a Igreja há milênios.

Eu conheço pelo menos dois textos, um em um site católico e outro em um jornal inglês, que perguntam seriamente se o Papa Francisco é católico. Vejam aqui e aqui.

Li ontem um texto bem interessante no site de Sandro Magister que traz novamente a discussão, mas  sob um novo ângulo.

A questão é: O Papa Francisco, por vezes, costuma defender a Doutrina eterna da Igreja em alguns discursos mas ninguém, nem a mídia, presta a atenção nisso, por que será?

Resumindo, Sandro Magister diz que apesar de alguns discursos "católicos" do Papa, há quatro  razões para se ignorar esses discursos:

1) A mídia prefere manter a imagem dele como Papa que procura destruir parte da Doutrina, especialmente sobre casamento, família e gays;

2) O Papa gosta de exaltar a imagem do "quem sou eu para julgar", gosta de ser visto diferente de João Paulo II, que lutou contra o comunismo, e  de Bento XVI que lutou contra o relativismo;

3) O Papa também exalta encontros com gays e outros que odeiam a Doutrina da Igreja, como em encontros que faz com casais gays, como que abençoando esses casais. A foto acima mostra um desses encontros que foi divulgada com louvor pela mídia internacional. O Papa se encontra com Yayo Grassi, amigo argentino do Papa, com o "parceiro" dele Iwan Bagus.

4) O Papa nunca reage contra decisões de países que estão em em contrário a Doutrina na Igreja. Os países adotam eutanásia, aborto e casamento gay e o Papa silencia.

Magister conclui dizendo que agindo assim o Papa mantém a Doutrina sob ataque total do secularismo, como uma abrigo anti-aéreo sob ataque.

Vejam o texto do site de Magister:

No One Listens To Him, When He Defends Life and Family. And There's a Reason

One time, when he was visiting Turin, he said to a crowd of young people: “Be chaste, be chaste.” And he almost apologized: “Pardon me if I am telling you something you did not expect.”
Pope Francis is also this. A pope who occasionally goes back in time and reiterates the precepts of the perennial Church. Such as not aborting. Or to use his words to the young people in Turin: not “to kill children before they are born.”
The mainstream media minimize it or are silent when Francis departs from his dominant image, as a pontiff who is permissive on subjects that until a few years ago the Church defined as “non-negotiable.”
And yet there have been so many times, at least a hundred, in which he has departed from it, even in solemn circumstances as in Strasbourg, in front of the European parliament, when he condemned the logic of the “discardable,” of the elimination of all human lives that are no longer functional, “as in the case of the sick, of the terminally ill, the elderly who are abandoned and uncared for.” It is what he customarily calls “hidden euthanasia.”
But it was as if he had not even said it. His speech in Strasbourg was greeted with thunderous applause from all the seats of the assembly, and calmly shelved.
This is also what happened in mid-November, when Francis dug up no less than a warning from Pius XII to reiterate the condemnation of euthanasia, here too with the media instead interpreting his words as an “opening.”
A week later, in two consecutive homilies at Santa Marta, the pope also took aim at the “ideological colonization” that presumes to wipe out the difference between the sexes. One year ago, while he was in Georgia, he even branded it as “a world war to destroy marriage.”
Even these repeated outbursts of his trickled away like water on marble. Ignored.
The press may have its share of the blame, but it is truly paradoxical that this should happen to a pope like Jorge Mario Bergoglio, whose mastery in the use of the media is seen as unbeatable. Unless one were to hypothesize that he in the first place is the one who wants these statements of his to have no impact, and above all to do no damage to his reputation as a pontiff with the passing of time.
One thing is certain: the epic head-on confrontation between a John Paul II and modernity, or between a Benedict XVI and the “dictatorship of relativism,” is something that Pope Francis does not want to revive in the least. He is perfectly content to have his pontificate interpreted in the reassuring light of “who am I to judge?” and as a consequence never to have any of his spoken or written words on these divisive issues taken as definitive and definitional, but to be offered as harmless, pliable, up to the judgment of each individual.
This result has also been produced by Bergoglio’s ability to perform gestures with an impact in the media that is incomparably more powerful than that of words.
When two years ago, at the end of his visit to the United States, he gave a very warm audience (see photo) to one of his Argentine friends, Yayo Grassi, accompanied by his Indonesian “partner,” Iwan Bagus, this was enough to consecrate the image of Francis as open to homosexual marriage, in spite of all his words to the contrary.
And vice-versa, when imposing crowds, Catholic and not, take to the streets in defense of marriage between man and woman and against “gender” theories, as happened in Paris with the “Manif pour tous” or in Rome with the “Family Day,” the pope is cautious not to say a single word in their defense. Nor much less to protest against the victories of the opposing side. When in May of 2015 in Ireland the “yes” on homosexual marriage won, Francis left to Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the secretary of state, the duty of calling that result “a defeat for humanity,” and thus of taking upon himself the inevitable accusations of obscurantism.
In short, where and when the political and cultural battle is raging for or against the affirmation of new rights, Pope Francis remains silent. And he speaks instead far away from the contest, in the places and moments most sheltered from attack.
He preserves the Church’s traditional doctrine this way, as in an air raid shelter.


O Papa é católico?

Rezemos por ele e pela Igreja.

segunda-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2017

Os Exércitos do Mundo são Islamofóbicos. E Devem Ser.

O vídeo acima diz que a França colocou 100 mil soldados nas ruas para proteger as pessoas no Natal. Eu fui a França em outubro de 2016, para Toulouse, e as ruas estavam cheias de soldados. Nas ruas da França, os soldados extremamente armados viraram obrigação e não vão sair. Toulouse estava feia e suja e com poucos franceses nas ruas. De noite, no hotel, não consegui dormir por causa do barulho infernal das ruas e na praça de uma igreja da cidade, não se podia circular a igreja, pois em um lado escuro havia pessoas estranhas (possivelmente refugiados).

Leio também que o site Indenpendent  diz que nesse Natal, soldados protegem as igrejas cristãs na maioria dos países muçulmanos. A desculpa que dá o jornal é que Donald Trump mudou a embaixada americana para Jerusalém, como se em todo ano os muçulmanos não atacassem os cristãos no Natal.

Aqui vão algumas notícias sobre terrorismos contra cristãos desse Natal:

1) No Egito, os cristãos coptas foram atacados na Igreja, com centenas de feridos.

2) Na Itália, um muçulmano subiu em uma árvore de Natal em Milão e tentou tirar a Cruz.

3) Igreja cristã foi atacada no Paquistão por dois terroristas suicidas.

4) Reino Unido (a estupidez): Igreja Anglicana retira os bancos de uma igreja para que os muçulmanos rezem.

Enquanto isso, o mundo, a mídia só fala em "islamofobia". Por um lado é verdade, todos devem ter islamofobia. Até os muçulmanos sabem disso. 

Só os esquerdistas debiloides anti-cristãos ocidentais que falam que isso isso é "preconceito".

sábado, 23 de dezembro de 2017

Video: Andrea Bocelli Canta Música de Natal Escrita por Santo Afonso Ligório

O que seria melhor? O grande Andrea Bocelli canta uma música escrita por um santo. Bocelli diz, antes de cantar, que ele tem lindas memórias dessa música cantada nos dias de Natal na sua cidade na Itália. Diz também que é a primeira música de Natal que ele aprendeu e que ia na Igreja depois que prometiam que iam cantar essa música.

A música foi escrita por Santo Afonso Ligório em 1754 e se chama Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle.

Pavarotii também cantou essa música

Aqui vai a letra para vocês acompanharem. Bocelli só canta as duas primeiras estrofes.

Feliz Natal. Que Deus abençoe vocês e suas famílias, que Ele dê muita paz.

1. Tu scendi dalle stelle, o Re del cielo,
e vieni in una grotta al freddo e al gelo.    (2 volte)
O Bambino mio divino, io ti vedo qui tremar;
o Dio beato! Ah quanto ti costò l'avermi amato!    (2 volte)
2. A te, che sei del mondo il Creatore,
non sono panni e foco, o mio Signore.    (2 volte)
Caro eletto pargoletto, quanto questa povertà
più m'innamora, giacché ti fece amor povero ancora.    (2 volte)
3. Tu lasci il bel gioir del divin seno,
per venire a penar su questo fieno.    (2 volte)
Dolce amore del mio core, dove amore ti trasportò?
O Gesù mio, perché tanto patir? Per amor mio!    (2 volte)
4. Ma se fu tuo voler il tuo patire,
perché vuoi pianger poi, perché vagire?    (2 volte)
Sposo mio, amato Dio,
mio Gesù, t'intendo sì! Ah, mio Signore!
Tu piangi non per duol, ma per amore.    (2 volte)
5. Tu piangi per vederti da me ingrato
dopo sì grande amor, sì poco amato!
O diletto - del mio petto,
se già un tempo fu così, or te sol bramo
Caro non pianger più, ch'io t'amo e t'amo    (2 volte)
6. Tu dormi, Ninno mio, ma intanto il core
non dorme, no ma veglia a tutte l'ore
Deh, mio bello e puro Agnello
a che pensi? dimmi tu. O amore immenso,
"un dì morir per te", rispondi, "io penso".    (2 volte)
7. Dunque a morire per me, tu pensi, o Dio
ed altro, fuor di te, amar poss'io? **
O Maria, speranza mia,
s'io poc'amo il tuo Gesù, non ti sdegnare
amalo tu per me, s'io nol so amare!    (2 volte)
(*) Variante: Tu, che godi il gioir nel divin seno, come vieni penar su questo fieno; altrove: Tu lasci il bel gioir del divin seno, per venir penar su questo fieno.
(**) Variante: Ed altr'oggetto amar come poss' io?

sexta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2017

Trump Avança: 81 Vitórias e Contando

Eu já falei aqui no blog que um dos maiores sites de proteção da vida dos EUA já declarou que em menos de 1 ano como presidente Trump é maior defensor da vida entre todos os presidentes da história dos EUA.

Agora, com a vitória de Trump na reforma tributária que reduziu a carga dos impostos de forma massiva, o site Washignton Examiner contabilizou 81 vitórias de Trump no primeiro ano de governo.

Com certeza, o que Trump fez em menos de 1 ano, Obama não faria em 8 mandatos. Acho até impossível que ele continue nesse ritmo, ele fez coisas demais e coisas realmente impressionantes para um primeiro ano. Go Trump!

Também a cada dia se descobre que Trump ganhou as eleições passando por cima de Obama, de sua opositora Hillary Clinton, dos manda-chuvas de seu próprio partido e até do FBI. A cada dia se descobre que membros do FBI tentaram a todo custo impedir que Trump ganhasse.

Vejam a lista de 81 vitórias de Trump do site Washignton Examiner:

Jobs and the economy
  • Passage of the tax reform bill providing $5.5 billion in cuts and repealing the Obamacare mandate.
  • Increase of the GDP above 3 percent.
  • Creation of 1.7 million new jobs, cutting unemployment to 4.1 percent.
  • Saw the Dow Jones reach record highs.
  • A rebound in economic confidence to a 17-year high.
  • A new executive order to boost apprenticeships.
  • A move to boost computer sciences in Education Department programs.
  • Prioritizing women-owned businesses for some $500 million in SBA loans.
Killing job-stifling regulations
  • Signed an Executive Order demanding that two regulations be killed for every new one creates. He beat that big and cut 16 rules and regulations for every one created, saving $8.1 billion.
  • Signed 15 congressional regulatory cuts.
  • Withdrew from the Obama-era Paris Climate Agreement, ending the threat of environmental regulations.
  • Signed an Executive Order cutting the time for infrastructure permit approvals.
  • Eliminated an Obama rule on streams that Trump felt unfairly targeted the coal industry.
Fair trade
  • Made good on his campaign promise to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
  • Opened up the North American Free Trade Agreement for talks to better the deal for the U.S.
  • Worked to bring companies back to the U.S., and companies like Toyota, Mazda, Broadcom Limited, and Foxconn announced plans to open U.S. plants.
  • Worked to promote the sale of U.S products abroad.
  • Made enforcement of U.S. trade laws, especially those that involve national security, a priority.
  • Ended Obama’s deal with Cuba.
Boosting U.S. energy dominance
  • The Department of Interior, which has led the way in cutting regulations, opened plans to lease 77 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas drilling.
  • Trump traveled the world to promote the sale and use of U.S. energy.
  • Expanded energy infrastructure projects like the Keystone XL Pipeline snubbed by Obama.
  • Ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to kill Obama’s Clean Power Plan.
  • EPA is reconsidering Obama rules on methane emissions.
Protecting the U.S. homeland
  • Laid out new principles for reforming immigration and announced plan to end "chain migration," which lets one legal immigrant to bring in dozens of family members.
  • Made progress to build the border wall with Mexico.
  • Ended the Obama-era “catch and release” of illegal immigrants.
  • Boosted the arrests of illegals inside the U.S.
  • Doubled the number of counties participating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement charged with deporting illegals.
  • Removed 36 percent more criminal gang members than in fiscal 2016.
  • Started the end of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program.
  • Ditto for other amnesty programs like Deferred Action for Parents of Americans.
  • Cracking down on some 300 sanctuary cities that defy ICE but still get federal dollars.
  • Added some 100 new immigration judges.
Protecting communities
  • Justice announced grants of $98 million to fund 802 new cops.
  • Justice worked with Central American nations to arrest and charge 4,000 MS-13 members.
  • Homeland rounded up nearly 800 MS-13 members, an 83 percent one-year increase.
  • Signed three executive orders aimed at cracking down on international criminal organizations.
  • Attorney General Jeff Sessions created new National Public Safety Partnership, a cooperative initiative with cities to reduce violent crimes.
  • Trump has nominated 73 federal judges and won his nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
  • Ordered ethical standards including a lobbying ban.
  • Called for a comprehensive plan to reorganize the executive branch.
  • Ordered an overhaul to modernize the digital government.
  • Called for a full audit of the Pentagon and its spending.
Combatting opioids
  • First, the president declared a Nationwide Public Health Emergency on opioids.
  • His Council of Economic Advisors played a role in determining that overdoses are underreported by as much as 24 percent.
  • The Department of Health and Human Services laid out a new five-point strategy to fight the crisis.
  • Justice announced it was scheduling fentanyl substances as a drug class under the Controlled Substances Act.
  • Justice started a fraud crackdown, arresting more than 400.
  • The administration added $500 million to fight the crisis.
  • On National Drug Take Back Day, the Drug Enforcement Agency collected 456 tons.
  • In his first week, Trump reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy that blocks some $9 billion in foreign aid being used for abortions.
  • Worked with Congress on a bill overturning an Obama regulation that blocked states from defunding abortion providers.
  • Published guidance to block Obamacare money from supporting abortion.
Helping veterans
  • Signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs to fire failing employees and establish safeguards to protect whistleblowers.
  • Signed the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act.
  • Signed the Harry W. Colmery Veterans Educational Assistance Act, to provide support.
  • Signed the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017 to authorize $2.1 billion in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program.
  • Created a VA hotline.
  • Had the VA launch an online “Access and Quality Tool,” providing veterans with a way to access wait time and quality of care data.
  • With VA Secretary Dr. David Shulkin, announced three initiatives to expand access to healthcare for veterans using telehealth technology.
Promoting peace through strength
  • Directed the rebuilding of the military and ordered a new national strategy and nuclear posture review.
  • Worked to increase defense spending.
  • Empowered military leaders to “seize the initiative and win,” reducing the need for a White House sign off on every mission.
  • Directed the revival of the National Space Council to develop space war strategies.
  • Elevated U.S. Cyber Command into a major warfighting command.
  • Withdrew from the U.N. Global Compact on Migration, which Trump saw as a threat to borders.
  • Imposed a travel ban on nations that lack border and anti-terrorism security.
  • Saw ISIS lose virtually all of its territory.
  • Pushed for strong action against global outlaw North Korea and its development of nuclear weapons.
  • Announced a new Afghanistan strategy that strengthens support for U.S. forces at war with terrorism.
  • NATO increased support for the war in Afghanistan.
  • Approved a new Iran strategy plan focused on neutralizing the country’s influence in the region.
  • Ordered missile strikes against a Syrian airbase used in a chemical weapons attack.
  • Prevented subsequent chemical attacks by announcing a plan to detect them better and warned of future strikes if they were used.
  • Ordered new sanctions on the dictatorship in Venezuela.
Restoring confidence in and respect for America
  • Trump won the release of Americans held abroad, often using his personal relationships with world leaders.
  • Made good on a campaign promise to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
  • Conducted a historic 12-day trip through Asia, winning new cooperative deals. On the trip, he attended three regional summits to promote American interests.
  • He traveled to the Middle East and Europe to build new relationships with leaders.
  • Traveled to Poland and on to German for the G-20 meeting where he pushed again for funding of women entrepreneurs.