quinta-feira, 5 de março de 2015

Padre Rosica Desiste, Blogger Fala das Ameaças.

Recentemente, eu falei das ameaças que o blogueiro e (para minha honra) seguidor do meu blog, David Domet (Vox Cantoris), sofreu do padre Thomas Rosica, porta-voz do Vaticano. O assunto teve enorme repercussão mundial e é um dos meus posts mais lidos. Recentemente, o Cardeal Burke condenou a atitude do Padre Rosica, em entrevista.

Ontem, o Vox Cantoris divulgou que o Padre Rosica desistiu das ameaças de processar David.

Rosica, na sua carta de desistência, alegou que o Vox Cantoris o caluniava e que foi compelido por uma agência de advocacia a processar David, mas que estava desistindo das ameaças.

David também lembra da importância dos blogs na luta em defesa da família: "We have our keyboards",  coisa também mencionada pelo Cardeal Burke.

No blog Vox Cantoris tem a carta em que padre Rosica desiste.

E David aproveita para divulgar o que ele passou durante este período: mais ameaças do Vaticano, até que ele disse que não ia pedir desculpas a Rosica, iria era enfrentar o processo por meio de ajuda de financiamento de todos os católicos que o apoiavam (a coisa mais honrada a fazer).

O relato de David é bastante preocupante sobre as coisas que ocorrem no Vaticano.

Vou divulgar aqui a carta de David, na íntegra.

Vejamos o relato de David. Lembrando que o escritório de advocacia usado pelo padre Rosica se chama Fogler, Robinoff LLP.

Dear Friends,
1. The first action on the part of this blogger after receiving the letter from Fogler, Rubinoff LLP was to "take it to the Church." This means that your writer went directly to Rome -- to the Vatican on Tuesday, February 17, via email to a direct contact in the Secretariat of State. The request on my part was to intervene "quickly" and this request was not fulfilled. Instead, I was met with an interrogation of my "intentions" which could have been used against me. Later the suggestion was made to humbly accept it as a Lenten sacrifice on Ash Wednesday morning and "apologise" which would have been an admission of guilt for something that did not occur and would have resulted in the silencing and censoring of the blog and a refutation of my rights and duties under Canon 212 §3.
2. Our response to the original letter of Fogler Rubinoff LLP, suggested that Canon Law was the appropriate vehicle and should have been chosen for any perceived grievance.  
3. Our suggestion was not only rebuffed but resulted in new demands including what would have been complete censorship of me and this blog in certain areas meaning by extension, no commentary on the Synod this October and even no linking indirectly to certain commentary on the Synod.
4. Our response to that continued threat of litigation was to advise that we would no longer engage in a campaign of letters and lawfare resulting in a slow and painful bankruptcy. We advised that as of the close of business on March 3, 2015, we would begin to prepare a robust defense should it become necessary and a crowd-funding campaign to finance a rigorous defense.
My wife Francoise and I extend to all of you our gracious thanks for your prayers, your letters, emails and Tweets and messages, phone calls and your offers of financial support should it have become necessary. Believe me, this has been incredibly hard and painful for her over these last two weeks. We pray that we can humbly offer this up to God our Father united with the Cross of Jesus Christ for reparation and for conversion. 
Friends, we have much work to do for Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church. It will not be long until the Synod is upon us. We must be vigilant in proclaiming the eternal truths of the Church and the upholding of doctrine on matters of marriage and the family and most especially, the Holy Eucharist.
All of us have a responsibility and a duty under God to stand for truth and proclaim it from the housetops. We have a duty to stand for Our Lord Jesus Christ, His Church and His Blessed Mother and all that the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church has taught Magisterially from the beginning. We have our keyboards even if we are not bishops or liturgists and we have our rights and duties under Canon Law. We have God-given abilities and talents and we must use them and not bury them in the sand as we will surely be condemned for doing so

Our parents and our grandparents did not have the tools and knowledge that we do today. If they did, we can all presume with some certainty that the so-called "spirit of Vatican II" and the "hermeneutic of rupture" spoken of by our dear Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI would not have occurred or what have been confronted in a way to stamp it out or minimise it. I am reminded of what they would think if we fail them now with the words of John McCrae a Canadian military hero, physician and poet;"To you from failing hands we throw the torch; be yours to hold it high if ye break faith with us who die, we shall not sleep." 
May the Holy Family that model of perfection and love guide us and may St. Michael the Archangel protect us.
God bless you.
Francoise and David Domet

Como eu disse no blog Vox Cantoris: Parabéns a toda a família Vox Cantoris. O Thyself, O Lord se sente parte dessa família.

2 comentários:

  1. God bless you Pedro and thank you for your prayers and support.

    1. Many thanks, my friend.
      You and your family deserve our prayers and your success.
      Also, let me say that I think you are right in thanking Boris and CMTV.

      Best regards,
      ICXC NIKA.

      Pedro Erik


Certa vez, li uma frase em inglês muito boa para ser colocada quando se abre para comentários. A frase diz: "Say What You Mean, Mean What Say, But Don’t Say it Mean." (Diga o que você realmente quer dizer, com sinceridade, mas não com maldade).