terça-feira, 8 de setembro de 2015

Bispo da Hungria diz que Papa Francisco está Errado sobre Refugiados

O que mais me preocupa são os olhares das crianças, como essa da foto acima. Sendo levadas por pais, muitas vezes completamente despreparados, podendo ser até terroristas.

Devemos cuidar de quem foge de guerras terríveis. Mas não podemos ser mortalmente estúpidos.

Tenho lido artigos que me trazem preocupações, como:

1) Cidadãos de diversos países, como Paquistão, Afeganistão e Bangladesh, estão aproveitanto a guerra na Síria para abdicar de suas cidadanias e se tornarem sírios, mesmo com passaportes falsos, para poderem entrarem na Europa e ficarem vivendo sob às custas dos estados europeus;

2) França aceita milhares de refugiados, mesmo quando a maioria da população é contra. Isso não vai dar em boa coisa.

E agora leio no Washington Post que um bispo da Hungria declarou que o Papa Francisco estava errado. Os refugiados são "muçulmanos, gritando Allahu Akbar (Alá é Grande), que vieram para conquistar a Europa".

O bispo Laslo Kiss-Rigo diz ainda que muitos refugiados têm posses e recusam de forma sarcástica quem oferece comida.

O texto diz que as organizações de ajuda não concordam com o bispo, que as pessoas realmente chegam necessitadas.

Mas eu creio que o texto não parece entender que qualquer um, rico ou pobre, que passe um bom tempo dentro de um ônibus ou de um navio, com crianças, vai chegar necessitado. Se eu viajar 50 km com meus filhos, de carro, com ar condicionado, eu vou chegar em qualquer lugar necessitado. Não estou comparando isso com a travessia dos refugiados, mas é preciso que se diga que viagens são sempre cansativas, especialmente com crianças, ainda mais quando envolve risco de morte. Depois de uma acolhida, conscientes que estão salvos, as pessoas podem então se apresentar como realmente são. Talvez o bispo tenha falado da oferta de comida depois que as pessoas já se alimentaram e estão confiantes na aceitação do país.

Vejamos texto do Washington Post:

Hungarian bishop says pope is wrong about refugees

 Pope Francis’s message Sunday couldn’t have been clearer: With hundreds of thousands of refugees flowing into Europe, Catholics across the continent had a moral duty to help by opening their churches, monasteries and homes as sanctuaries.
On Monday, the church’s spiritual leader for southern Hungary — scene of some of the heaviest migrant flows anywhere in Europe — had a message just as clear: His Holiness is wrong.
“They’re not refugees. This is an invasion,” said Bishop Laszlo Kiss-Rigo, whose dominion stretches across the southern reaches of this predominantly Catholic nation. “They come here with cries of ‘Allahu Akbar.’ They want to take over.”
The bishop’s stark language reflects a broader spiritual struggle in Europe over how to respond to a burgeoning flow of predominantly Muslim men, women and children onto a largely Christian continent.
The pope’s call for compassion and charity is competing with a view most prominently articulated by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has cast the flow of migrants as a direct challenge to Europe’s Christian character.
And in Hungary at least, it’s the prime minister’s view that seems to be winning out.
And despite the heat that Orban has taken worldwide for attempts to crack down on some of the globe’s most vulnerable people by halting their journeys or throwing them into prison, his stance has seemed to only burnish his reputation here as a no-nonsense nationalist who will defend the country against an onslaught of “tens of millions” of new arrivals.
“I’m in total agreement with the prime minister,” Kiss-Rigo said in an interview Monday.
The pope, by contrast, “doesn’t know the situation.”
The situation, as Kiss-Rigo describes it, is that Europe is being inundated by people who are posing as refugees but actually present a grave threat to the continent’s “Christian, universal values.”
Even though the majority of migrants who have crossed the border in southern Hungary are from Syria — where war has claimed more than 320,000 lives in the past four years — he judged them unworthy of assistance because most of them “have money.”
They leave rubbish in their wake, he said, and refuse when offered food.
“Most of them behave in a way that is very arrogant and cynical,” said Kiss-Rigo, who has been bishop for nine years in an area that is home to some 800,000 Catholics.
Aid workers on the border and at Budapest’s central train station — where hundreds of refugees awaited trains Monday to Western Europe — gave a different account. They described people desperate for assistance and grateful to receive it.
“When I first came to the station, it was filled with children and babies,” said Mark Balazs, a 34-year-old flight attendant. “I have three kids of my own. I imagined what I would do if there was a war here. I’d do the exact same thing they’re doing.”
For the past week, he has spent day and night at the station giving out food, clothes and diapers for Migration Aid, an all-volunteer Hungarian organization that sprang up several months ago to fill the void left by the government and more established charity groups.
The group’s efforts have not gone unnoticed by the migrants.
“You have a good people Hungaria,” was chalked on the station walls Monday as women searched through piles of donated clothes and children played with balls during a rare break in their epic and perilous travels.
But the volunteers are getting little support from larger aid organizations — particularly Christian charities.
Balazs Odor — an official with the Reformed Church in Hungary, the country’s second-largest denomination — acknowledged that faith groups had been slow off the mark in responding to the crisis.
“We were not fast or vocal in giving a clear reaction to the situation. I have to admit that,” he said.
Odor said he rejected Orban’s view that Christianity in Europe is under assault but said the arrival in Europe of hundreds of thousands of Muslims had unquestionably “created anxiety. And that’s politically misused.”
Hungary is not a particularly religious country, with a half-
century of communist rule having done much to curb the church’s influence and Sundays marked by the same thinly populated pews that dominate cathedrals across Europe.
But Orban’s attempts to position the country as a Christian bulwark against a Muslim onslaught strikes a deep chord in the national psyche, said Botond Feledy, a political analyst.
Hungary’s major national holiday still commemorates the country’s turn to Christianity, which dates back over a millennium. And nationalists often cite the country’s 17th-century defeat of its Ottoman occupiers as proof that Hungary is a critical European safeguard against malign influences to the east.
Orban has played the Christian card before, introducing a clause in the constitution that cites “the role of Christianity in preserving nationhood” and promoting religious education in the schools.
The tactic has worked for him, boosting his popularity.
But to Eva Varga, a 63-year-old doctor providing volunteer help to the migrants Monday, a refugee crisis is the wrong time to play religious politics.
“For me, there are no Christian patients and no non-Christian patients,” said Varga, who has provided medical help in countries around the world for the relief organization Hungarian Baptist Aid. “There are only my patients, and I’m obliged to take care of them.”
Gergo Saling contributed to this report.

Rezemos pelo grande São Lourenço de Brindisi (santo e Doutor da Igreja), que liderou um exército em 1601 e salvou a Hungria de se tornar um país muçulmano. 

4 comentários:

  1. Pedro, está difícil de pensar a respeito do que está em construção no mundo hoje. Talvez a maior dificuldade (minha) seja aceitar o que é evidente, por ser tão monstruoso e ignóbil que custo crer que seja esta a época atual que Deus reservou para nós - eu sei, não podemos pensar assim... mas...

    Não sei se já topou com a recente "descoberta" contida em um artigo publicado pelo hoje Cardeal Kasper, em 1967? Pois bem, como chegamos a isso? (eu sei como, apenas ironia)

    'The God who is enthroned over the world and history as a changeless being is an offence to man. One must deny Him for man’s sake, because he claims for himself the dignity and honour that belong by right to man. We must resist this God, however, not only for man’s sake, but also for God’s sake. He is not the true God at all, but rather a wretched idol. For a God who is only alongside of history, who is not himself history, is a finite God. If we call such a being God, then for the sake of the Absolute we must become absolute atheists. Such a God springs from a rigid worldview; he is the guarantor of the status quo and the enemy of the new.'

    A fonte: http://guildofblessedtitus.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/preaching-god-who-does-not-exist.html

    Paz e bem.

    1. Ele acaba de destruir o próprio conceito de Deus. Não apenas o Deus cristão, qualquer Deus.

      Mais um pouco e e vai falar igual aos mórmons e dizer que Deus foi um homem comum que viveu entre nós e qualquer um pode ser deus bde uma galáxia.
      Meu Deus.
      É por isso que a Alemanha está vem vias de um cisma.
      Pedro Erik

  2. O Bispo esta mais do que certo.
    Quem não enxerga é um SUICIDA em potencial.
    Esse EXODUs vai ser de MILHÕES!!! Toda a escoria do Oriente medio, Asia e África vai aproveitar da FRAQUEZA dos EUROPEUS,
    Toda a trama foi urdida e operacionalizada pela CIA, Os EUA estão por tra´rs desse CAOs , o interesse é ver a EUROPA acabada e os US como um SAFE HEAVEN para o CAPITAL EUROPEU E SUAS ELITES.
    A EURABIA já é uma realidade.
    Por incrivel que pareça a esperança de libertação da EUROPA da DITADURA MUÇULMANA virá da RUSSIA,
    Que terá que invadir a Europa para liberta-la.
    Angela Merkel é a maior traidora da Alemanha e da Europa.
    Haverá uma gigantesca guerra civil na Europa onde o povo EUROPEU BRANCO terá que pegar em armas para não serem decapitados pelos invasores mulçumanos.

    1. Suas previsões são bastante plausíveis, caro Affenberg
      Pedro Erik


Certa vez, li uma frase em inglês muito boa para ser colocada quando se abre para comentários. A frase diz: "Say What You Mean, Mean What Say, But Don’t Say it Mean." (Diga o que você realmente quer dizer, com sinceridade, mas não com maldade).