quarta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2015

Os Muçulmanos atacam Cristãos já no Abrigo de Refugiados na Alemanha

Todos que moram na Europa sabem que existem bairros muçulmanos. Bairros onde impera a lei shari'a. Por vezes nem a policia entra lá.

Mas mesmo sabendo disso muitos políticos, incluindo o Papa Francisco, insistem que as diferenças entre as pessoas são baseadas em desigualdades econômicas, desprezando o o aspecto religioso. A religião traria apenas a paz.

Pois a polícia da Alemanha resolveu não desprezar o aspecto religioso e já separou os refugiados de acordo com a religião. A segregação entre os refugiados muçulmanos e os refugiados cristãos que chegaram na Alemanha já teve de começar no abrigo.

A polícia disse que teve de fazer isso porque os muçulmanos estavam atacando os cristãos já no abrigo. É o que relata o jornal inglês The Telegraph

Por que a polícia não separou pelo nível de renda ou por países? Porque que a religião determina muito mais seu comportamento do que sua nacionalidade ou nível de renda, ora essa.

Vejamos o relato do jornal:

Christian and Muslim refugees should be housed separately, says German police chief

As attacks on Christians in asylum seeker centres increase and religious groups clash, Jörg Radek says refugees should be separately accommodated based on their faith

Christian and Muslim refugees should be housed separately in Germany to minimise tensions following growing levels of violence at asylum seeker shelters, a police chief has urged.
Jörg Radek, deputy head of Germany’s police union, said migrants should be divided, following increasing numbers of attacks on Christians in refugee centres.
I think housing separated according to religion makes perfect sense,” Jörg Radek, deputy head of Germany’s police union, told German newspaper Die Welt, particularly for Muslims and Christians.
Two separate clashes erupted between refugees on Sunday at a temporary migrant shelter in Kassel-Calden in northern Germany left 14 people injured, police said.
The first outbreak of violence in the afternoon was triggered by a dispute in the canteen at lunchtime between two groups of around 60 refugees, followed by a second clash in the evening involving a group of 70 migrants against another of 300.
A few days earlier on Thursday evening, a fight broke out among up to 200 Syrian and Afghan refugees at a shelter in Leipzig, with migrants wielding table legs and slats.
German police have come under huge pressure during the refugee crisis as they are required to register new arrivals, settle conflicts in migrant homes and protect asylum seekers from Right-wing extremist protesters.
“The police have reached their absolute breaking point,” said Mr Radek. “Our officials are increasingly being called to confrontations in refugee homes. When there are 4,000 people in a home which only actually has places for 750, this confinement then leads to aggression where even a tiny thing like the corridor to the toilet can lead to violence.”
Mr Radek’s comments follow calls from German MPs from across the political spectrum for better protection for Christians, Yazidis and other religious minorities in asylum accommodation.
Thuringia is currently the only German state to try to accommodate refugees separately according to their country of origin, following a decision from the state’s premier Bodo Ramelow from the Left party after an outbreak of violence at accommodation in the town of Suhl in August.
Germany officially expects to receive 800,000 asylum applications by the end of this year, although a senior figure has put this figure higher at one million.
German chancellor Angela Merkel's bold open-door policy for refugees has hit her usually high popularity ratings as well as brought a backlash in her conservative ranks.
The initial party-like atmosphere at train stations in Germany in recent weeks where volunteers and members of the public greeted refugees with applause and sweets has since turned more sober, with Mrs Merkel, usually voted Germany's most popular politician, slipping to fourth place according to news magazine Der Spiegel.

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