quinta-feira, 10 de março de 2016

Documento do Estado Islâmico Mostra 22 Mil Terroristas Estrangeiros no Grupo

Um documento do Estado Islâmico vazou para um grupo sírio. Esse documento contém os nomes de 22 mil pessoas estrangeiras que se juntaram ao grupo terrorista na Síria.

O documento revelou que a maioria dos estrangeiros que ingressaram no Estado Islâmico falam árabe (72%), os próprios sírios representam apenas 1,7%. Os sauditas representam mais de 25% dos membros do Estado Islâmico, seguidos por tunisianos, marroquinos e egípcios. Os turcos representam  a maioria na lista dos não-árabes, seguidos pelos franceses. Depois se pergunta por que houve dois atentados terroristas na França em 2015.

Há estrangeiros de 51 países!!! Não consegui identificar se há brasileiros, mas como tem 51 países, deve ter.

O documento foi vazado por um ex-membro do próprio serviço secreto do Estado Islâmico.

O documento já recebeu confirmação dos serviços secretos ocidentais.

Vejam texto do site The Foreign.

Massive ISIS intelligence leak reveals data on 22,000 foreign fighters

If Western countries were ever in denial about their citizens going abroad to fight alongside the Islamic State, as the old saying goes, “The devil is in the detail.”
Details- lots and lots of personal details of at least 22,000 ISIS recruits who have joined the terror organization in Syria and Iraq from 51 countries including the U.S., have been leaked in a series of documents.
The information, including extremists’ names, dates of birth, citizenship, phone numbers, addresses and even blood types, comes from forms that serve as admission applications foreign fighters are obligated to fill out before they are accepted.
A collection of 1736 documents portraying the 23-question application wannabe terrorists fill out was leaked by Zaman Al Wasl, a pro-opposition Syrian news website.
Many of the names, both genuine identification and their new ISIS nom-de-guerres, on the registration forms are well-known jihadis, according to Sky News, who obtained the files on a memory stick stolen by a man who goes by the name Abu Hamed, a disgruntled former head of The Islamic State's internal security police, a high-level intel service for the terror group.
Abu Hamed, a former Free Syrian Army convert to ISIS, was responsible for the group’s most sensitive secrets and would travel with the drive so that he would not lose or forfeit it, according to Sky News.
Authorities in the West are hoping these details will offer much in terms of tracking down jihadis in the U.S., Canada, U.K, and all of Europe.
Terrorists are applying from all over the world, including applicants from Russia, Iran, Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia.
Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Agency (BKA) and Justice Department have already confirmed the documents, and say they hope this crucial information will lead to indictments against alleged terrorists who have returned or are returning to Germany, German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung said, quoting Germany’s Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere.

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