segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2016

Livro: "Se Case com Ele e Seja Submissa"

Desde a década de 60 a moda, elogiada por todas as feministas e homens da mídia, é ser revoltado. O negócio é se revoltar contra os maridos,  as esposas, os pais, os filhos, os professores, os líderes religiosos, os chefes de governo, etc.

Se alguém se diz submisso hoje em dia, logo é atacado. Se um mulher vai à televisão e diz que é submissa ao marido, capaz deles editarem e apagarem isso da programação.

Constaza Miriano é uma jornalista italiana da RAI, mãe de quatro filhos e católica. Ela resolveu escrever para mulheres reais, aquelas que lutam com seus maridos, filhos e trabalho. E não para aquelas mulheres, professoras de faculdades  e de sucesso na carreira, solteiras e sem filhos. A sugestão dela para as mulheres reais foi "seja submissiva". 

Em um mundo de revolta e guerra dentro dos lares, é uma ótima sugestão de livro. O livro é feito por conversas humoradas de Constanza com as amigas dela.

Constanza Miriano deu uma entrevista para o Catholic World Report. Vejamos parte da entrevista abaixo:

CWR: Why did you write this book?
Costanza Miriano: Actually, I didn’t think I had anything to teach about marriage! I just wanted to write letters to my real friends (I changed their names and some details) to convince them that it is possible to learn to be happy every day in our marriages. Finally, I wanted to talk about God, who is the source of love, even in a couple. But I never thought, never, that so many people were going to read it. For the first printing, they printed some hundreds of copies. I was sure that just my mother, my sister, and my old aunts were going to buy it. I never thought it would become such a big thing!
CWR: Who is your audience?
Miriano: When I write, I think I am talking to a Western emancipated woman, a woman who has passed through feminism and its achievements. A woman who is grateful because she had the chance to choose in her life. A woman who has everything but still she is unhappy, because she has lost the sense of her mission in this world: being a cradle for life. When I write I think about my typical colleagues—very good in their jobs, able to go anywhere in the world reporting about wars and financial matters; or even about engineers, lawyers, college teachers; or, finally, about the mothers of my children’s playmates, also secretaries, hairdressers. Normal women, who grew up thinking they had to establish themselves, and after that, think about others. But a woman can be fulfilled only when she gives of herself. 
CWR: What is the message of this book?
Miriano: I’m discovering—because it’s a slow process, we call it conversion!—that when I give life I’m at my best. Giving life doesn’t mean just giving birth, literally. It also means generating, holding, making space. It’s the best of our vocation. God gives custody of humanity to women. We have the assignment to help humanity to look up, to the Truth, the Beauty, to God. When I speak like this it seems a very serious question, but in the book I try to say it in a funny way. During the night—a working mother of four can write in the night, and then sleep at press conferences—I often woke up my husband because I was laughing out loud (I shouldn’t say it, maybe, but I laugh at my own jokes).
CWR: Your title, rendered in English as Marry Him and Be Submissive, is a provocative callback to St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians where the Apostle exhorts wives to “be submissive” to their husbands, who must sacrifice themselves in love for their wives. As a wife and mother, how are you “submissive” to your husband, and how does he sacrifice himself for you?
Miriano: I don’t know if I’m always able to be as submissive as I want. Sometimes my husband goes to our bookcase, he takes my own book and says: “there’s a good book you should read.” Anyway, in spite of my daily inconsistency, I try to quit the temptation to control my husband, to [mold] him, or worse, to manipulate him. I try to accept what he gives me, which is a lot, without always checking if it’s done the way I wanted. I try to thank him for what he makes for me, and I try to avoid highlighting what’s missing to perfection (we as women are often sick of perfectionism). I try to bite my tongue. On the other hand, he gives his life to me doing silently the hard duty. All the bothers of our family life. All the broken things. Furthermore he protects me, he makes me stable: without him I think I would be a bit unreliable, he keeps my feet on the ground. 
CWR: Your book promotes the complementarity approach of St. John Paul II to marital relations, seeing husbands and wives fulfilling equal yet distinct roles. How does this approach play out in your own marriage?
Miriano: Because we both work outside the house, we don’t respect traditional roles, in the sense that he often cooks, he sometimes does our laundry (I’m not very happy about that: our sheets are grey, but once they were white), he puts dishes in the dishwasher when necessary (but I think I’m more able to find room for the big frying pan). The roles are something deeper than the question “who cleans the house?”, and more spiritual. I think I’m the fire of our home, I keep everybody warm. I’m the wind: I blow to keep everybody going. But he’s the stone, he makes our children feel safe and protected, and self-confident. When he says something, they are sure about it. They know they can trust him.
CWR: You mentioned that this book unfolds as a series of candid letters from you to your closest women friends, not as a catechetical instruction or theological document. What do readers find appealing about this style?
Miriano: I think they like to look at the details of life: we Catholics know about general principles. We know catechism, we know the lives of the saints, we know the Bible. Sometimes it’s useful to think about the ways to live the faith in day-to-day life. We Catholic women like bags and shoes, just like other women. We struggle to learn to live in the world, not belonging to it. We make diets, trying not to be slaves to shape. And I tell about my family: the funny things little babies say, and the funny life of a mother who is always late, who goes to interview a government minister without knowing his face because, in the time she had to prepare herself, she had to look for a purple Barbie shoe under a bed.
CWR: What are some graces you’ve received from the sacrament of matrimony in your life?
Miriano: Everything in marriage is a grace. Living 20 years together with a creature so different from ourselves; it’s a miracle. Four children are an enormous grace. Having a house and food and the possibility to do many things is a grace. But the most important grace we receive is to understand that no human love can fill up our heart. The spouse is Jesus Christ. He’s the only one who loves us the way we want to be loved. We can’t love our wives and husbands the way they need, we can just ask for the grace to love them the way Jesus does. We slowly learn that true love has the shape of the cross.
CWR: What are some challenges you’ve faced in marriage and how have you faced them?
Miriano: My husband and I are very different: we are—I don’t know if it’s the right word—opposites. He likes cold, I like heat. He likes still water, I like it very sparkling. I hate to lose time, so when I have nothing to do—I mean nothing very urgent—I go out and run 10 kilometers; instead, when he has nothing to do, he does nothing! It sounds reasonable, thinking about it; he says that in emptiness you can have good ideas. I can think only when I run, or pray, or both (when I run to a Mass—I try to go everyday, but I’m always late). The most important difference between the two of us is maybe that I always need people around me—I invite friends, I want to know about their lives, how do they feel, and so on. He’s a bear, as we used to say: he would love to live in a cave, just with me and the puppies. We are learning to work together.
CWR: In the book, you advise women to stop worrying about “first world problems” and quit waiting to get married, arguing that nobody is ever “100 percent ready” for marriage and that acting out of anxiety will not lead to a happy life. In your experience, what common reasons keep women from getting married today and what outweighs them?
Miriano: We tend to think that marriage is the end of a course; that it is graduation from life. Instead, when you get married, you begin going to the school of love. You begin your lifelong way to conversion, because the purpose of life is to know and love God. Obviously, because I try to talk also to non-Christian women (many readers are atheists, but they agree on many issues), I try to highlight human reasons (we know the human and the spiritual are never conflicting). So I tell my friends their expectations are too high. They have to dive, and then they will learn to swim. You don’t need the perfect party, the perfect dress, the perfect house, and the perfect job to decide to get married. You just need a man, and God, and the priest who makes it possible. If you also have some friends to hug it will feel better. We should also talk about the real reason why young people feel no hurry to get married: because they have sex outside marriage, and it complicates things. But that’s another issue.
CWR: You also address the complaint of many wives that their husbands “don’t listen” to them. When your husband doesn’t seem to be listening to you, what is your own response?
Miriano: The question is not that it seems he isn’t listening. He truly doesn’t listen to me! He says I talk too much, so he has to put a filter in his ears. I know it, and if I just need comprehension, when I want to complain and I don’t need a solution, I call a friend of mine. A female friend, who doesn’t have filters in her ears. When I seriously need him to listen to me, I ask: please, stop doing everything you’re doing, sit down, and watch my lips. When it’s necessary, he’s always there. When I just need to express myself, I have friends who listen, and I do the same for them. Men and women use language in a very different way. We use it to spit out feelings, emotions, worries, thoughts. On the other hand men use language to say “things.” A man always says exactly what he wants to say. When my husband asks me, “Do you need me to come and take you home from the station?”, I always answer, “It doesn’t matter.” But I actually mean: “If you won’t come, it means you don’t love me anymore, and now what are we gonna do about our four children?” We have to learn to translate each other. When my husband buys me a battery charger, I answer “I love you, too,” because that’s the way he expresses his love for me.

CWR: How does Catholicism influence your approach to being a wife and mother?
Miriano: As I said, I try to love my husband the way I want to love God. If I forgive his not listening by saying nothing, it’s because Jesus asked me to do it. The same for him: He forgives me when I’m late, which is always, just because of God. And I try to educate my children by teaching them not to be successful, but to earn eternal life.
CWR: Who are your role models in the faith, either living or dead?
Miriano: I love the Blessed Mother! And my sisters are Teresa of Avila, Catherine of Siena, Thérèse of Lisieux, Claire of Assisi, Mother Teresa, Madeleine Delbrel, and Chiara Corbella Petrillo, a young mother of three who died when she was 28.

CWR: What do you hope people will take away from your life and work?
Miriano: I hope people listening to me think: “She seems to be joyful, and hers is a very simple path; if she can do it, I can do it too.”
CWR: Any final thoughts?
Miriano: Do you really want to know what I’m truly thinking now? I’m thinking: I have to go iron many clothes, but I can’t avoid reading again very carefully what I answered, because Father Salai is a Jesuit, and if I said something theologically wrong he will immediately realize it. The problem is that I won’t realize it. So I’m going to iron.

7 comentários:

  1. FÁCIL DE ENTENDER ISSO: à medida que as ideologias vã entrando em lugar da fé cristã, tomam o poder os partidos comunistas, os quais instigam as infernais Lutas de Classes, sem as quais não existe comunismo!
    O diabolista comunismo é sinônimo de caos generalizado, inerente a esses sociopsicopatas revolucionarios!

  2. Há, e o que eu conheço de mulheres, nos seus 20 e poucos anos, que deveriam ler e reler este livro, bem antes de namorar e casar, mesmo eu morando em cidade pequena, não "está no gibi".

    Nos tempos atuais, é um desafio muito grande para os homens de bem encontrar uma mulher honesta, digna e submissa. Tristes tempos os nossos, caro Pedro.

    Cumprimentos, e ótima segunda-feira pra você.

    1. Obrigado, meu amigo. Para você e sua família também.

  3. Caro Pedro, e aproveitando a ocasião, gostaria, se possível, que você me indicasse algum bom livro católico que discorresse sobre o assunto Casamento Misto (entendido este como o casamento entre uma pessoa católica, e outra que professa outra religião).

    Procurei em várias livrarias on-line, mas não achei nenhum título que, a primeira vista, me parecesse bom.

    Por que de livros sobre este assunto? É que eu preciso urgentemente esclarecer determinadas dúvidas que tenho sobre o assunto, para decidir um assunto pessoal meu. :(

    Se os nobres leitores deste blog querem um conselho, aí vai: se você é Católico, só namore com boas moças católicas. Vai evitar MUITA dor de cabeça pra você. E falo por experiência própria. :(

    Cumprimentos, caro Pedro.


    Ricardo Lima.

  4. Caro Ricardo,

    Primeiro, eu gostaria de dizer que você tem toda razão. Aliás, eu acho que se alguém é católico, deve parar de frequentar bares e clubes e passar a frequentar missas, se deseja encontrar uma pessoa que o entenda.

    Sobre o livro, o que eu fiz foi dar uma pesquisada na internet. Achei muita coisa, mas como é difícil indicar sem ser um especialista no assunto e sem conhecer os livros, vou lhe indicar um livro de um padre. Infelizmente, está em inglês. Não sei se você ler em inglês, mas parece bom. Em todo caso, vou ficar de olho em outros livros.

    When a Catholic Marries a Non-Catholic Paperback – November 13, 2006
    by Robert J. Hater (Author)

    Pedro Erik

  5. Realmente, a implosão do ocidente e da cristandade e da própria sociedade começou com o feminismo, que nada mais é que a luta de classes dentro de casa.
    Não é fácil casar hoje. As femeas querem ser "empoderadas"....quem consegue que faças as palavras de São Paulo, faça-se eunuco....rssss


Certa vez, li uma frase em inglês muito boa para ser colocada quando se abre para comentários. A frase diz: "Say What You Mean, Mean What Say, But Don’t Say it Mean." (Diga o que você realmente quer dizer, com sinceridade, mas não com maldade).