quinta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2017

Dádiva ao Mundo: Fim do Puxa-Saquismo da Imprensa a Obama

No vídeo acima, Sean Hannity mostra Obama atacando quem se opõe a ele e atacando pessoalmente o próprio Hannity. Obama é um "crybaby" (bebê chorão) quando alguns da imprensa o atacam.

Washington Times mostrou que Obama é o pior presidente da história em termos de relação com o Congresso. Basicamente, ele não soube lidar com a oposição, com o contraditório e assim aprovou menos leis em oito anos que Jimmy Carter, um dos piores presidentes dos Estados Unidos, aprovou em quatro anos.

Mas os puxa-sacos da imprensa não querem saber.

Ontem, Obama deu a última coletiva a imprensa que os americanos chamam de "Lovefest" pelo enorme amor e puxa-saquismo que a imprensa despeja a Obama.

O site Grabien fez uma análise dessa última demostração de puxa-saquismo que chega ao ponto de uma "jornalista" fazer sinal de "me liga" com os dedinhos ao quase "ex-presidente". Outros ressaltam o gayzismo de Obama.

Vejam o que mostra o Grabien abaixo. É de chorar. Agora a imprensa se prepara para atacar sem trégua Trump. A imprensa vai passar para o outro extremo. Nos dois casos, não confiem no que diz a imprensa. Chequem tudo.

‘It’s been an honor’ Jan 18 2017

PResident Obama began his final press conference on a surprising note. Despite “not liking all of the stories you’ve filed,” he told the gathered White House press corps that it’s you’re duty to ask “tough questions” and not be “sycophants.” 
Too bad reporters were apparently not paying attention.
What followed was one softball after another, with rhetorical foot massages sandwiched between. 
“Thank you, Mr. President,” each reporter began. 
“It’s been an honor,” said another, before literally making the "call me" expression while pointing at her cellphone. 
A reporter for The Blade, Chris Johnson, used his opportunity to ask the president a question to instead list a series of LGBT “accomplishments” Obama enjoyed during his tenure — before setting the president up to attack Trump. 
“On LGBT rights, we have seen a lot of achievements over the past 8 years, including signing hate crime protection legislation, ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ repeal, marriage equality nationwide and ensuring transgender people feel visible and respected,” Johnson began. “How do you think LGBT rights will rank in terms of your accomplishments and your legacy? And how confident are you that Congress will endure or continue under the president-elect?”
“Are you fearful for the status of those DREAMers” under Trump, another reporter asked suggestively. 
“Under your watch, people have said, you have expanded the rubber band of inclusion," another reporter began. "And with the election and the incoming administration, people are saying, the rubber band has recoiled and maybe even is broken. And I’m thinking back to a time on Air Force One going to Selma, Ala., when you said your job was to close the gaps the remain."
"What gaps still remain?" she asked. "And also, what part will you play in fixing those gaps in your new life?”
With questions like these, it's no wonder Obama doesn't want to stray too far from Washington.
To see the whole sad spectacle, check out the montage above. 
Other highlights from today's press conference:
Finally, here's a free question idea: How can you claim to be scandal-free considering ... [pick any one of these at random]?

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