quarta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2017

33 Motivos para os Movimentos Pró-Vida e Pró-Família Agradecerem a Trump.

Hoje li que administração Trump declarou que NÃO existe direito constitucional para abortos. Mais um motivo para a grande alegria que tenho em ver Trump no poder.

Nessa semana, o site Life Site News divulgou a mais recente coleção de atos pró-vida e pró-família de Trump, desde que assumiu a presidência. Quando eu li eram 30, agora já são 31. Eles continuam catalogando no mesmo site e eu senti falta da nomeação do juiz pró-vida Neil Gorsuch para a Suprema Corte, que o próprio site Life News noticiou, então podem contar 33, a de hoje e a do Neil Gorsuch:

Vamos à lista com os outros 31 abaixo, coloco os fatos mais importantes dos 31, em negrito.

1. November 23, 2016 — Trump appointed pro-life Gov. Nikki Haley as UN ambassador. This signaled a total reversal of the Obama direction at the United Nations.
2. December 25, 2016 — Trump named strong social conservative, Dr. Ben Carson, as his choice for secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Carson was confirmed in the position on March 2, 2017.
3. January 23, 2017 — Trump reinstated the Mexico City Policy ban on U.S. funding to defunding International Planned Parenthood and foreign pro-abortion groups. It was not just a repeat of the old Republican policy. In fact, it is vastly stronger.
4. January 25, 2017 — President Trump very publicly called out mainstream media for failing to the cover the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C.  Jeanne Mancini, president of the March for Life, stated, “We have never seen anything like this.” 
5. Trump also sent Vice President Pence and his counselor, Kellyanne Conway, to speak to the March. A president has never sent such senior representatives to speak at this annual event that takes place steps from the White House. Because of President Trump’s actions, the major television networks covered the March for Life 37 times more this year than in 2016.
6. February 2, 2017 – The president spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast. He said the world has a duty to stop the genocide of Christians in the Middle East, that we "must never, ever" stop asking God for wisdom, and he declared that America will flourish "when religious liberty can flourish."
7. February 13, 2017 - The Trump administration announced it will not defend the Obama administration's transgender school bathrooms mandate. More angry condemnations of Trump resulted.
8. February 21, 2017 — Melania Trump surprised her husband by leading the Lord’s Prayer at a Trump rally and the president publicly complimented her for this.
9. Donald Trump has consistently been bringing God back into government and invoking His name for the good of the nation. That has been a vast change from President Obama’s mostly secularist but also Islam-fawning approach.
10. April 13, 2017 — Trump signed a law overturning a last-minute Obama-era regulation, H.J. Res. 43, forcing states to fund Planned Parenthood.

11. April 26, 2017 - Trump signed an executive order to pull the federal government out of K-12 education, following through on a campaign promise to return school control to state and local officials. The order, dubbed the “Education Federalism Executive Order,” will launch a 300-day review of Obama-era regulations and guidance for school districts.
12. April 28, 2017 — Trump appointed leading U.S. pro-life activist Dr. Charmaine Yoest to be Assistant Secretary of Public Affairs at the Department of Health and Human Services. This was major.
13. May 2, 2017 - Trump broke with the Obama tradition of designating June as ‘LGBT Pride Month’. He has received intense condemnations for doing so.
14. May 2, 2017 — President Trump named pro-life activist Teresa Manning, a law professor with a pro-life background who has questioned the effectiveness of contraception, to deputy assistant secretary in the Office of Population Affairs of the Health and Human Services Department (HHS).
15. May 4, 2017 - Trump signed an Executive Order protecting freedom for opponents of abortion, gay ‘marriage’. "We will not allow people of faith to be targeted, bullied, or silenced anymore. And we will never ever stand for religious discrimination," he said. However, the Order was much less than has been needed and previously expected and it was at least a step in the right direction of undoing what president Obama imposed on the nation. 
16. May 23, 2017 — President Trump's 2018 budget proposal had one goal of withholding all federal funds from abortion-provider Planned Parenthood. As it has turned out, this has proved to be much more difficult to implement than expected, but the effort is still being given high priority. Divisions among Republicans in Congress and in the Senate have created severe challenges for Trump’s promises to defund abortions in the U.S. and to repeal and replace the Obamacare disaster. The July 27 vote by three liberal Republicans against the last, trimmed down attempt at health care reform which included defunding of Planned Parenthood was devastating to Trump and all pro-life Republicans and pro-life Americans. The RHINO's in government are proving to be the worst enemies of the Trump promises.
17. May 23, 2017 — Trump hired another top social conservative, Shannon Royce, former chief of staff at the Family Research Council, to serve as the Director of the Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships at HHS
18. April 11, 2017 — President Trump appointed social conservative Roger Severino to head the Office of Civil Rights of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in a choice celebrated by pro-family advocates and condemned by pro-LGBTQ leftists.
19. April 4, 2017 — The Trump administration withdrew U.S. funding from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) because of its participation in China's forced abortion regime.
20. June 20, 2017 — In the last of four successful Republicans wins in recent special elections, pro-life candidate Karen Handel beat her pro-abortion opponent despite his having received massive, out-of-state Democrat funding. These wins by conservative candidates were seen to reflect public approval of the Trump presidency that contradicted the claims of the constant Democrat and allied media Trump-hate-generating campaign.
21. June 22, 2017 — The Trump administration told the United Nations: Abortion is not "family planning."

22. July 13, 2017 — Under President Donald Trump, more Christian refugees have been admitted to the United States in the first six months of 2017 than Muslim refugees, a departure from the Obama-era.
23. July 13, 2017 - Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Cecile Richards says the Trump administration has already done more to set back the nation’s largest abortion provider than any other in the last half-century.
24. July 26, 2017 - President Trump tweeted the U.S. military will no longer accept "transgender" individuals because of the "tremendous medical costs and disruption" it causes. The ban has earned Trump a wave of praise from pro-family conservatives and bitter condemnations from LGBTQ activists.
25. July 26, 2017 - Trump ended $100 million per year failed Obama teen pregnancy program that promoted sex before marriage.

26. July 31, 2017 - Trump appointed pro-life Kansas Governor Brownback to for a religious persecution watchdog post called "Ambassador for Religious Freedom." Brownback will lead the Office of International Religious Freedom which monitors how people of religion are treated across the globe. The appointment was met with immediate disapproval from homosexuals.
27. September 22, 2017 - Trump’s UN speech rejected globalism and cultural imperialism. Defying UN, EU, climate change, de-population and other globalists, Trump pledged to respect the “sovereignty” of other nations as they respect ours
28. October 6, 2017 -  Trump admin reverses Obama policy: ‘Gender identity’ not a protected civil right. the U.S. Department of Justice issued a memo interpreting the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as not intended to apply to transgenders.
29. October 6, 2017 - The Trump administration issued an order ending the federal requirement that employers violate their consciences to participate in the provision of employees’ contraceptives and abortifacient drugs.
30. October 12, 2017 - Trump pulls U.S. out of pro-abortion, pro-LGBT (UNESCO), a UN agency that advocates for abortion, homosexuality, and radical sex education for young children.
31. October 16, 2017 - Trump admin makes protecting citizens “from conception to natural death” top priority

3 comentários:

    Ele age determinadamente como elas: procurando mantê-las em redeas curtas, pois se der vez atacam como lobos furiosos e para o mal, enquanto ele é para o bem, sendo pró familia e anti aborto!
    Quando as essquerdas pensavam que só faltava o bote final via vitoria da raposa Hillary, eis que surge o TRUMP que não cai na labia desses cínicos, que entende de esquerdismo e MARXISMO CULTURAL, dando rasteiras pra tudo quanto é lado!
    Até o Soros parece que foi passar uma temporada em Marte, e eu com saudade dele, sempre serelepe prá lá e prá cá, e dizendo de peito estufado: vencemos, só falta botar a coleira no pescoço do povo, porém, aparece uma árvore imensa caída na estrada, o Trump, paralizando o cortejo fúnebre do enterro do Ocidente!...

  2. Olá amigo!
    Ótima notícia a de hoje! É uma gota de esperança!
    E deixou também mais claro para mim o motivo de tanto ódio da mídia e dos poderosos contra o Trump.
    Aliás, ficou sabendo do rosário nas fronteiras que os poloneses fizeram no dia 7? É quase tão incrível quanto a vitória de Lepanto.


  3. Sim, meu amigo, Gustavo, realmente os poloneses espantam pela força do catolicismo. O mundo precisa muito deles.



Certa vez, li uma frase em inglês muito boa para ser colocada quando se abre para comentários. A frase diz: "Say What You Mean, Mean What Say, But Don’t Say it Mean." (Diga o que você realmente quer dizer, com sinceridade, mas não com maldade).