terça-feira, 24 de outubro de 2017

A Guerra da França dentro da França

Como diz o autor do artigo, uma coisa é deixar cristãos argelinos à mercê de milícias muçulmanas na Argélia, dentro da França não tem como bater em retirada.

Faltou dizer, no entanto, que sim, que o governo francês está batendo em retirada dentro da França ao não condenar o Islã.

Morre-se mais na França por conta de ataques terroristas do que em zonas de guerra.

Ano passado, eu fui a Toulouse, me senti em zona de guerra ou na Rocinha, pelo número de soldados armados nas ruas, que estão sujas.

Vejam abaixo parte do excelente texto de Daniel Greenfield.

Europe's Next World War Begins in France

Interior Minister Gerard Collomb made it official. France is "in a state of war”.

It’s not just rhetoric. Bombs turn up in a posh Parisian suburb. Two young women are butchered at a train station. And it’s just another week of an Islamic World War III being fought in France.

From the November attacks in 2015 that killed 130 people and wounded another 400+, to the Bastille Day truck ramming attack last year that killed 86 and wounded 458, the war is real.

French casualties in France are worse than in Afghanistan. The French lost 70 people to Islamic terrorist attacks in Afghanistan. And 239 to Islamic terrorist attacks in France.

The French losses in Afghanistan were suffered in over a decade of deployment in one of the most dangerous Islamic areas in the world. The French losses in France were suffered in less than two years.

There’s something very wrong when Afghanistan is safer than Paris.

10,000 French soldiers were deployed in the streets of their own country in Operation Sentinelle after the Charlie Hebdo - Kosher supermarket attacks in 2015. Thousands of French soldiers are still patrolling, guarding and shooting in French cities which have become more dangerous than Afghanistan.

Operation Sentinelle has deployed twice as many French soldiers to France as to Afghanistan. And French casualties in the Islamic war at home have been far higher that they were in Afghanistan.

When the French intervened to stop the Islamist takeover of Mali, they suffered a handful of losses. The 4,000 French soldiers came away from Operation Serval with 9 casualties and Operation Barkhane amounted to 5 dead. The Gulf War? Another 9 dead. It’s a lot safer to be a French soldier fighting Al Qaeda in a Muslim country than a Parisian civilian going to a concert in his or her own city.

French casualties in the struggle with Islamic terror in just the last two years are approaching the 300 casualties of the Korean War.

France is at war. That’s why there are soldiers in the streets.

Um comentário:

  1. PIORANDO O QUE JÁ ESTÁ RUIM, OS BANANEIROS franceses, piores que os daqui, ainda elegem uns trastes socialistas, como o Hollande e agora sua cria, o Macron, como aqui a Dilmaloprada do Lulalucinado!
    E a França cada vez mais perdendo turistas por receio de ataques terroristas; breve o Chico Buarque retornaria ao Brasil por lá estar inseguro, quem sabe...


Certa vez, li uma frase em inglês muito boa para ser colocada quando se abre para comentários. A frase diz: "Say What You Mean, Mean What Say, But Don’t Say it Mean." (Diga o que você realmente quer dizer, com sinceridade, mas não com maldade).