sexta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2017

Protestos Contra Governo do Irã. Viva Ano Novo.

Notícias de agora dão conta que centenas estão nas ruas de várias cidades iranianas contra o governo, pedindo a queda do governo teocrático islâmico xiita.

Gritando coisas como "Povo está mendigando e clérigos vivem como deuses" ou  "Liberdade ou Morte" e pedindo "Anti-revolução".

Que 2018 traga a liberdade iraniana!!

Governo planeja passeata pró-governo, aqueles da "mortadela".

Esses protestos aconteceram durante o governo Obama, em 2009, e Obama não fez nada. Será que Trump repetirá a estupidez de Obama.

Vejam relato da Reuters:

Price protests turn political in Iran as rallies spread

DUBAI (Reuters) - Demonstrators chanted anti-government slogans in several cities across Iran on Friday, Iranian news agencies and social media reports said, as price protests turned into the largest wave of demonstrations since nationwide pro-reform unrest in 2009.
Police dispersed anti-government demonstrators in the western city of Kermanshah as protests spread to Tehran and several other cities a day after rallies in the northeast, the semi-official news agency Fars said.
The outbreak of unrest reflects growing discontent over rising prices and alleged corruption, as well as concern about the Islamic Republic’s costly involvement in regional conflicts such as those in Syria and Iraq.
An official said a few protesters had been arrested in Tehran, and footage posted on social media showed a heavy police presence in the capital and some other cities.
About 300 demonstrators gathered in Kermanshah after what Fars said was a “call by the anti-revolution”. They shouted: “Political prisoners should be freed” and “Freedom or death”, and some public property was destroyed. Fars did not name any opposition groups.
The protests in Kermanshah, the main city in a region where an earthquake killed over 600 people in November, took place a day after hundreds rallied in Iran’s second largest city Mashhad to protest at high prices and shout anti-government slogans.
Videos posted on social media showed demonstrators yelling, “The people are begging, the clerics act like God”.
Fars said there were protests in the cities of Sari and Rasht in the north, Qazvin west of Tehran and Qom south of the capital, and also in Hamadan in western Iran. It said many marchers who wanted to raise economic demands left the rallies after demonstrators shouted political slogans.


State television said annual nationwide rallies and events were scheduled for Saturday to commemorate pro-government demonstrations held in 2009 to counter protests by reformists.

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