quarta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2018

Open Doors: 10 Países que Mais Perseguem os Cristãos.

A organização Open Doors se preocupa em apoiar os cristãos perseguidos  no mundo. Ela costuma medir anualmente que países mais perseguem os cristãos.

O campeão nesse quesito diabólico mais uma vez é a Coréia do Norte, pelo décimo-sexto ano seguido, mas os outros nove piores são muçulmanos.

Vejam a lista dos 10 piores:

Open Doors exists to support and to advocate for persecuted Christians where ever they may be in the world,” Open Doors USA’s CEO and president, David Curry, said in announcing the list in Washington on Wednesday (Jan. 10). “We are asking that the world begin to use its power and its influence to push for justice, that we would use the list to direct us where justice is needed most in the world today.”
Curry also highlighted three trends Open Doors identifies as persecution against Christians — the rise of “rogue agencies” such as the Islamic State group and the North Korean government; “Islamic extremism”; and actions such as rape and forced marriage.
The list is compiled annually by Open Doors, whose researchers assign a point value to incidents of persecution — forced conversions, attacks on churches, arrests, etc. Open Doors has published its list for 26 years.

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