domingo, 9 de dezembro de 2018

General do Egito: "Se você vai para um país diferente, e é recebido, Você deve Respeitar as Leis, a Cultura e Tradição do País"

Nenhum líder europeu da França, Alemanha, Espanha e Reino Unido de hoje é capaz de dizer essa obviedade

O Papa Francisco jamais diria isso.  Sinais dos tempos de trevas que vivemos. Sinto-me até meio ridículo em noticiar isso.

E quem fala é um líder muçulmano.

Vejam parte do relato do site Jihad Watch.

Egypt’s el-Sisi: “If you go to a country that welcomes you, you must respect its laws, traditions and culture”

Immigration: El Sissi more honest than Macron, Merkel and Trudeau,” translated from “Immigration: El Sissi plus honnête que Macron, Merkel et Trudeau,”, December 9, 2018 (thanks to David):
In the context of the recent World Youth Forum in Egypt, Egyptian President El Sissi participated in a session where he answered questions from young people. I translated from Arabic his answer to a question about emigration.
El Sissi: The second question is put to me by Mohammed Kassim (a young Afghan): Why world leaders are closing their doors to immigration?
I certainly do not intend to go further on this issue. Every state has the right to protect its people and see to its interests. It must respect human rights, of course, but in a framework that allows it to preserve its national interests.
Let me tell you this: Instead of asking why these countries are closing their doors, ask yourself why Afghans in Afghanistan do not care about the fate of their country. Why are they fighting for forty years to kill each other and self-destruct? This question also arises for other countries like Pakistan and … Egypt too. It is also relevant for Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Somalia. Why do we behave this way?
We are tearing ourselves apart within our countries, and afterwards we are asking the working states that toil day and night, who strive to preserve their achievements, to protect their population, to maintain their standard of living and development … we ask them to share with us the fruit of their labors, simply because we argue with each other! Let’s see! Note that I am neither for them nor against them, I’m just trying to be objective and fair in my view of the problem.
We have an obligation to criticize ourselves: Are we protecting our own states? Do the leaders of the states I am talking about (the Muslim states) have no obligation to be more equitable, more respectful and more considerate of their people? And do not they have the duty to make concessions, to sit down to table and solve their problems, whether in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq or Libya? Why do they not? You want to go the heads of European states, whether in England, Germany, Italy or elsewhere, who close their borders to protect the fruit of long years of hard work and effort to build an evolved society! We ask that they open their doors to us, while we want to impose our culture, even though it is far from their own, especially in the field of work and effort. Our work ethic is different from theirs, they have a rigorous ethic, they do not agree with any privilege or carelessness in the field of work or training. On the other hand, we allow ourselves, sometimes in an exaggerated way, pass-rights and complacency.
Do you intend to impose your culture? To hurt no one I would say this: as an immigrant I bring with me my Egyptian culture, I want everything without tiring myself! Is not this culture really ours?
Senior officials have asked me this question: “Why do you have so much unproductive labor?” I tell them that we have our ways and our habits, they correspond to what we are and we can not change them without causing clashes and disturbances.
Do you want to emigrate with your culture, which for you cannot be questioned? Do you want to impose it on the pretext that it is a human right? No! And by the way, if you go to a country that agrees to welcome you, you must respect, but with absolute respect, its laws, customs, traditions and culture. But you do not have this mindset; in fact, we are not at all in this mindset, so we must not go. Do you want them to open the door for you to enter and after that you create problems for them? No!
I’m not defending them, no, by Allah! I just judge from what I see and what I understand about events happening on this subject. It’s not possible, it’s been more than forty years that you kill each other and you want me to let you in? No! Want to solve your problems? Solve them in your countries. That’s why I say to the Egyptians, “take care of your country!” This is my message. Instead of asking others to open their doors, let us make sure that our land is enough for us, and in fact it is enough for us. In Egypt there is enough room for all Egyptians; we must avoid fighting against each other and thus demolish everything, otherwise the young people will choose to live elsewhere … No, it is unacceptable!
We must resolutely confront our problema.

Um comentário:

  1. Certíssimo, Gen Sisi, não ao contrario como procedem os neo derrotistas da Europa, pertencentes ás esquerdas e ferrando seus compatriotas - como os Macrons e Merkels da vida - convertidos agora em desprestigiadíssimos esquerdoides e em fase final de extinção - assim esperamos a continuidade desse processo!
    Seria o inicio mais patente e disseminado do bíblico "povo x povo, nação x nação" mais explícitos e exacerbados?


Certa vez, li uma frase em inglês muito boa para ser colocada quando se abre para comentários. A frase diz: "Say What You Mean, Mean What Say, But Don’t Say it Mean." (Diga o que você realmente quer dizer, com sinceridade, mas não com maldade).