quarta-feira, 24 de abril de 2019

Outra Igreja Notre-Dame Incendiada na França

Dessa vez a polícia diz que o fogo foi intencional na Igreja Notre-Dame de Grace (Nossa Senhora das Graças) na cidade de Eyguieres no sul do país, no domingo de Páscoa.

Vejam parte da reportagem do Breibart.

Another French Church Burns on Easter Sunday, Probable Arson.

Police have confirmed that a fire in the French church of Notre-Dame de Grâce on Easter Sunday appears to have been intentionally set, making it the latest in a string of desecrations of Christian churches in the country.

The fire was started in a large, wooden confessional around 4:30pm and proceeded to consume a dais in the presbytery of the eighteenth-century church located in the southern French town of Eyguières, near Provence.

“Flames several meters high were coming out of the church,” said the mayor of Eyguières, Henri Pons, before a team of 30 firefighters with six vehicles arrived and managed to contain the blaze.

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