terça-feira, 13 de agosto de 2019

O Caso do Bispo Zanchetta, Amigo do Papa Francisco, Acusado de Abusos Sexuais;

O bispo Gustavo Zancheta está em julgamento na Argentina onde se apresentam fatos de abusos sexuais contra ele, fatos já são relatados há anos quando ele estava a frente da diocese de Oran na Argentina. O Papa Francisco, mesmo sabendo das acusações, deu abrigo para Zanchetta no Vaticano, na Casa Santa Marta, onde mora o próprio Papa, e deu emprego para Zanchetta.

O jornal Crux relata o que uma testemunha tem falado sobre Zanchetta. A testemunha fala de Zanchetta dizendo abertamente que precisava de ereção, beijando seminaristas e oferecendo presentes. E obviamente arruinando vocações sacerdotais.

Zanchetta também é acusado de mal uso de recursos da diocese.

Outros 20 seminaristas já depuseram sobre o caso.

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Ex-seminarian tells sordid story of papal ally’s Argentine past

  • Inés San Martín
    Aug 12, 2019
  • Asked if he’d ever been abused by Zanchetta, Lucas said no, and that when Filtrín called him he said as much.
  • He did say, however, he’d been forced to repel the bishop’s advances.
    According to Lucas, Zanchetta had “his favorites,” who would receive gifts and party into the night with him in the seminary. It happened, he said, any day of the week the bishop was there.
    Zanchetta would roam the seminary at night, give the priests-to-be alcohol, kiss them on the neck and share overtly sexual jokes. One of those who accused the bishop was once awakened by the prelate sitting in his bed, touching his genitalia.
    The former seminarian acknowledged that he was able to say no to the bishop when he offered gifts- including a new computer- because of the formation he’d received at home.
    “My parents taught me that it’s not proper to receive a gift when it’s not deserved,” Lucas said. “I had done nothing to deserve a new computer, and I didn’t want to accept it and then have to do something to deserve it.”
    Lucas believes that Zanchetta has to pay for what he’s done, particularly from a canonical standpoint: “He doesn’t belong in the priesthood, and he should never have been made a bishop. He was manipulative and had disgusting attitudes.”
    When it comes to civil justice, Lucas is a bit more reluctant to assert the bishop’s culpability, as he believes that both Zanchetta and the seminarians knew what they were doing and, in a way, exchanged favors. He’s convinced that even though Zanchetta shouldn’t have acted as he did, the students weren’t necessarily forced either into accepting new computers, tablets or money.
    Filtrín, however, told Crux on Thursday she believes some measure of coercion was involved.
    “They had a reverential fear and a respect for the bishop,” who when he arrived was introduced to the diocese as a “friend of the pope,” she said.
    Some 20 former seminarians have given testimony, and, according to the prosecutor, each is key because they “illustrate the context and the relationship seminarians had with Zanchetta.”
  • “They are eyewitnesses and they heard things, meaning that they can support what those denouncing him claim,” she said. “It’s very difficult to verbalize these situations, the fear they had of the bishop, their inability to defend themselves.”
    According to Filtrín, the gifts Zanchetta gave the young men were all part of a grooming process that led to the abuses. The fact that he was the direct superior made it even more difficult for them to fight against what was happening.
    The bishop is also accused of mismanaging church funds, some of which were donations from the faithful and others came from the state. Lucas had no evidence of this, but said he once heard Zanchetta call the state governor, Juan Manuel Urtubey, the “father of providence.”

Um comentário:

  1. Chega ser nojento! Fico me perguntando: de onde brotou essa "tradição" demoníaca de papas e bispos ficar protendo e sendo neutros diante de sacerdotes em terríveis pecados públicos? Sinceramente, esses caras não têm a menor capacidade, espiritual e emocional, de praticar a tradição do sacerdócio. Que vocação esses caras têm? Em que esses caras se apoiam para continuarem no sacerdócio praticando tão terrível pecado contra as almas? O que lhes dá tanta segurança? Será que eles perderam o senso da sacralidade, ou seja, de não sentir nada perante o Sagrado da Igreja, mesmo sabendo os atos podres? Esses caras se comportam como verdadeiros criminosos no seio da Igreja, pois mesmo sabendo que são incapazes e que praticam coisas terríveis contra a Igreja, ainda assim se veem autorizados e se auto protegem perante aqueles que destruiu. Ora, falo isso porque pessoas normais quando, por exemplo, cometem atos maus contra alguém, por exemplo, contra seus pais, ficam profundamente tristes e até sofrem por dentro; há até mesmo ocasião em que nem ousam olhar os pais nos olhos, devido à consciência do erro que praticaram. Acho que esses caras perderam isso. E se padres vivem nesse estado, então, a única diferença entre os molestadores criminosos e esses sacerdotes é apenas a batina e boa educação que tiveram. A Igreja tem esse dever de misericórdia, de super proteger pervertidos sexuais de batina, só por que usam batinas? Então pra quê bíblias e catecismo, se nem os tais padres acreditam? Os criminosos sabem muito bem que há leis que condenam seus atos, no entanto, continuam praticando pois para eles as leis perderam o sentido, isto é, nada os impede, uma vez que a consciência, a força da alma, não funciona mais.


Certa vez, li uma frase em inglês muito boa para ser colocada quando se abre para comentários. A frase diz: "Say What You Mean, Mean What Say, But Don’t Say it Mean." (Diga o que você realmente quer dizer, com sinceridade, mas não com maldade).