sábado, 26 de fevereiro de 2011

O Lugar Mais Perigoso É o Ventre Materno

Quase 60% das gravidezes entre as negras norte-americanas resultaram em aborto em 2009. Vocês leram direito sim, 60%. Isto é, o ventre de uma negra é o lugar mais perigoso para um negro americano. A chance de não nascer é maior do que nascer.

Foi isso que a organização Life Always publicou em um imenso cartaz no bairro Soho em Nova Iorque (vejam acima). Mas a empresa que fez o cartaz (Lamar Advertising)  mandou retirá-lo, alegando que o restaurante mexicano que ficava abaixo do cartaz estava sofrendo ameaças de pessoas que não aprovaram a campanha publicitária.

A Live Always publicou uma nota que condena a retirada.  Ela diz que o cartaz é baseado em fatos reais estatísticos da própria cidade de Nova Iorque e que a intenção é chamar a atenção para a tragédia do aborto, especialmente nas minorias. Ao invês de se retirar o cartaz, a cidade deveria era enfrentar e procurar resolver esse grande problema para a comunidade negra norte-americana.

Aqui vai a nota da Live Always:

For Immediate Release: February 24, 2011 Life Always Statement on Removal of “Dangerous Place” Billboard

Austin, Texas: Life Always strongly disagrees with Lamar Outdoor's decision to remove the billboard in Soho, but the billboard's message holds true, and truth has a place in the public square. The intent of the board is to call attention to the tragedy and the truth that abortion is outpacing life in the black community.
In 2009, according to New York City Vital Statistics (http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/downloads/ pdf/vs/2009sum.pdf), 59.82 percent of black pregnancies ended in abortion. 59.8 percent of black pregnancies ending in abortion means that 1,489 black babies are aborted in New York City for every 1,000 born alive.    The goal behind this campaign is to heighten awareness and save lives. Pastor Stephen Broden states, “The reaction to this billboard is centered on trauma; abortion is traumatic, it is the emotional and physical trauma that women face after abortion that necessitates access to post-abortive healing services."    Rev. Michel Faulkner of New York adds, “While this billboard causes a visceral reaction from many African Americans, it addresses a stubborn truth that 60 percent of black babies do not make it out of the womb. We must do something now.”
“Instead of challenging the design of the ad, we should ask why the message is true and how can we change the fact that the leading cause of death for African Americans is abortion,” Faulkner said.
Life Always respects all women and encourages anyone in need of pregnancy care to visit one of the numerous pregnancy care centers in New York City offering hopeful alternatives and support to all women.

About Life Always:

Life Always is a nonprofit organization which aims to raise public awareness of Life issues through advertising. Life Always campaigns share research and confrontational truths about Life issues to educate and empower individuals to choose Life, always!

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