segunda-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2015

84% dos Palestinos acham que Israel matou Cartunistas da Charlie Hebdo.

Para que alguém se recupere de uma doença, o primeiro passo é reconhecer que tem a doença. Mas os palestinos não reconhecem o terrorismo islâmico como uma doença. Quando o flagra é muito ostensivo, há imagens e bom som identificando o terrorismo islâmico, sempre é possível uma teoria da conspiração para dizer que o "mal é o outro".

Como o mundo pode esperar uma autocrítica dos muçulmanos sobre terrorismo, se eles não reconhecem que este terrorismo exista?

O jornal oficial da Autoridade Palestina, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, diz que foi Israel que executou os ataques em Paris que mataram os cartunistas e quatro judeus (!). Isto mesmo, Israel teria matado seus próprios filhos para finalidade política.

O pior é que pesquisa entre palestinos mostra que a imensa maioria deles (84%) concorda com o jornal.

Vejam texto do Palestinian Media Watch (para entender:  PA quer dizer Autoridade Palestina)

84% of “Palestinians” believe Israel was behind Paris jihad massacres

Following the terror attacks against the Charlie Hebdo magazine and a Jewish store in which Muslim terrorists killed 17 people in France earlier this month, columnists writing for the official Palestinian Authority daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida have claimed that Israel was behind the attacks.
This view is shared by the vast majority of Palestinians, according to a poll conducted by Ma’an (an independent Palestinian news agency). The poll  found that 84.4% support the claim that “the operation (i.e., terror attack) was suspicious, and that Israel may be behind it,” while “only 8.7% believed that the murder of the French [citizens] in Paris was a natural result of the spread of Islamic extremism in Europe.” [Ma’an, Jan. 19, 2015]
The writers of the official PA daily have argued that Mossad, the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service, planned the attacks because Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders want to encourage Jewish immigration and take “revenge on European governments… because of their… support for… an independent Palestinian state.” [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 15, 2015] (Longer excerpts of all quoted articles appear below)
One regular columnist, Muwaffaq Matar, argued that because Netanyahu “wishes to realize the myth of the ‘Jewishness of Israel'” and encourage immigration, the attacks against Jews in France and elsewhere in Europe were “no coincidence, but a carefully executed and fully controlled plan.” He further argued that these claims were true because “‘Netanyahu’s Jewish State’ was the only one to benefit” from these attacks. [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 15, 2015]
Netanyahu “trades with the blood of the 17 victims of the Charlie Hebdo newspaper and of the supermarket,” wrote another regular columnist, Omar Hilmi Al-Ghoul. He pointed out that Netanyahu wanted to “exploit the terrorism that struck some French Jews” to encourage them “to immigrate to Israel.” The writer claimed that “Turkish sources, including intelligence and the mayor of Ankara” determined that the attacks were “planned by the Israeli Mossad.” [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 14, 2015]
Similarly, a journalist, Akram Atallah, interviewed on official PA TV claimed that “in the past, the Israeli Mossad carried out operations (i.e., terror attacks): It bombed synagogues in order to force the Jews to emigrate,” and that “the operation (i.e., the terror attack onCharlie Hebdo) served Israel’s demographic [interests], for the Israeli media and government bodies predicted yesterday that 10,000 French Jews would immigrate to Israel.” [Official PA TV, Jan. 12, 2015]
Another writer, Yahya Rabah, claimed that Israel is behind “all the terrorist groups in the region,” trains them and provides them with weapons, and hinted that Israel, therefore, was behind the attacks in France:  “We have seen how Israeli terrorism in all its forms… is what grants patronage to all the terrorist groups in the region. Eventually, we have seen that terror[ists] have begun to receive training, weapons and perhaps [even] intelligence from Israel. Therefore, many believe that there was more to the last wave of terrorism in France than [just] two young Muslims. This was an [attempt to] target the role of France… [which voted] in favor of the Palestinian-Arab proposal at the [UN] Security Council last month!” [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Jan. 11, 2015]…
(Agradeço informação ao site Jihad Watch)

Um comentário:

  1. Os islâmicos em geral, como nos países comunistas, estão sob intensa lavagem cerebral dos Aiatollahs, Mullahs & Cia - verdadeiros deuses, representantes (da deusa da lua) Alah, não podem jamais serem questionados nas interpretações do Alcorão,(o livro do ódio), e assim vão de geração em geração passando a perna no povão bem aos estilo do "CHAME OS OUTROS DO QUE V É; ACUSE OS OUTROS DO QUE V FAZ" - Lênin.
    O pior é que o zé povão dopado por fonte única midiática acreditará, e eles, tais como os esquerdistas, entendem muito bem de manipular e disseminar falsas propagandas!


Certa vez, li uma frase em inglês muito boa para ser colocada quando se abre para comentários. A frase diz: "Say What You Mean, Mean What Say, But Don’t Say it Mean." (Diga o que você realmente quer dizer, com sinceridade, mas não com maldade).