quinta-feira, 23 de abril de 2015

Site: Os Primeiro Cristãos

Aprenda sobre a perseguição aos primeiros cristãos, como eles viviam e como um dos primeiros inimigos (romanos) os perseguiam. Saiba sobre o sofrimento deles e as falsas acusações que eles recebiam: infanticídio, incesto, ateísmo, idolatria.

O Rome Reports informa sobre um site muito interessante chamado Primeros Cristianos. O site tem muita informação, com vídeos e indicação de livros, escrito em espanhol, inglês e outras línguas. Muito bom.

Vejam abaixo a descrição do site feita pelo Rome Reports.

Where to learn about early Christians on the Internet


The first Christian communities were formed two thousand years ago, but the problems of that age perhaps aren't very different from what people face today.

March 4, 2014
"I tell you: today there are more martyrs than in the times of the Early Christians.”

Hunter, Jaime, and Cene created Primeroscristianos.com, which translates to "Early Christians.” The website describes the lives of actual people who belonged to the early Church. They said that today's Christians can learn a lot from the the first ones.

"I think we take a look of the news today and we see all the things that are happening to Christians in the Middle East especially. And I think it's important we remember the roots of Christianity, of where we come from, and have a better sense for what it really means to live the faith.”

"The first Christians were in a very paganized society. The writings of St. Paul and the attitude of the early Christians was, 'Let's change things.'”

A wide variety of information can be found on the website, such as the origin of the Rosary or how early Christians celebrated Easter. It also includes stories of people who died for the faith, like the 40 Holy Martyrs of Sebaste or Saint Cecilia, the patron saint of music.

"A Roman noble woman that had converted sang hymns to God while being tortured. You discover how the early Christians lived in a world that, in a sense, is similar to ours because they were few but they had big aspirations.”

The website already is already eight-years-old and is published in English, French, Italian, and Spanish. It includes more than just information about early Christians. Also provided is the latest news about Pope Francis. The creators said that a website about the past still can't lose sight of the present.

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