quarta-feira, 22 de julho de 2015

Vaticano Compara Bento XVI com Papa Francisco

Bom, o porta-voz da Santa Sé, Frederico Lombardi, disse o que é óbvio: o que Bento XVI tem de clareza em suas opiniões e métodos, o Papa Francisco tem de confuso.

É óbvio, mas ainda assim é assustador para a Igreja.

Vejamos o texto do Catholic World News:

In remarks published in the forthcoming edition of National Geographic, the director of the Holy See Press Office contrasted the styles of Pope Francis and his predecessor.
The magazine reported:
After meeting with a world leader, the former pope would emerge and rattle off an incisive summation, [Father Federico] Lombardi tells me, with palpable wistfulness: “It was incredible. Benedict was so clear. He would say, ‘We have spoken about these things, I agree with these points, I would argue against these other points, the objective of our next meeting will be this’—two minutes and I’m totally clear about what the contents were. With Francis—‘This is a wise man; he has had these interesting experiences.’” 

Chuckling somewhat helplessly, Lombardi adds, “Diplomacy for Francis is not so much about strategy but instead, ‘I have met this person, we now have a personal relation, let us now do good for the people and for the Church.’”
“No one knows all of what he’s doing,” Father Lombardi added in reference to the Pope's schedule. “His personal secretary doesn’t even know. I have to call around: One person knows one part of his schedule, someone else knows another part.”

O porta-voz deixou claro que o Papa Francisco não dá direções, nem tem uma estratégia clara de doutrina e ação.

Phil Lawer. observando o que disse o porta-voz, fez algumas considerações sobre a confusa liderança do Papa Francisco, uma vez que o Concílio que o elegeu tinha o objetivo declarado de reformar o Vaticano,  e sobre o porquê do porta-voz revelar isso que deixa o Papa Francisco em maus lençóis.

Vejamos parte do disse Lawer:

The papal spokesman limns a picture of a leader who doesn’t give clear directions, doesn’t communicate with his staff, and (at least in diplomatic affairs) doesn’t have a strategic vision.
The job of a spokesman is to make his boss look good. These comments by Father Lombardi definitely do not make Pope Francis look good. What’s happening here?
  • Has the frustration at the Vatican reached such a level that Father Lombardi feels that he can make critical comments about the Pontiff, knowing that other Vatican officials will back him? Or…
  • Is Father Lombardi himself frustrated enough so that he’s willing to risk his job? Or…
  • Does the papal spokesman—who knows the Pope much better than you and I do—feel confident that Pope Francis won’t be unhappy with the comments in National Geographic?
But what those remarkable quotes say about Father Lombardi is a secondary issue. What’s really important is what they say about Pope Francis.
By all accounts, the conclave that elected Pope Francis was looking for someone who could reform the Vatican, bringing accountability and efficiency to the Roman Curia. How can a leader harness a bureaucracy if he doesn’t give clear directives? How can he promote a culture of accountability if his own staff doesn’t know what he’s doing from day to day?
No one doubts the intelligence of Pope Francis. No one questions his work ethic. So what’s going on inside the Vatican? What do Father Lombardi’s revelations say about Pope Francis himself? Why would an intelligent, hard-working man, who is obviously determined to bring about change, adopt such an odd managerial style?
  • Hypothesis #1: The Pope is deliberately working outside the ordinary lines of command because he doesn’t trust the Vatican bureaucracy. Pope Francis has issued some scathing indictments of the habits of the Roman Curia, most notably blunt Christmas “greetings” to Vatican officials last year. He came into office knowing that the machinations of Vatican officials had undermined his predecessor. He doesn’t trust the bureaucracy. But it’s been over two years now since he assumed Peter’s throne; shouldn’t he have assembled his own trusted staff by now?
  • Hypothesis #2: The Pope is a maverick by nature; he doesn’t work well with a staff. There’s nothing wrong with people who prefer to work alone—unless they are in charge of large international organizations!
  • Hypothesis #3: The Pope doesn’t want to exercise leadership by himself; he really does prefer a collegial approach. Some dramatic reforms have already taken place during this pontificate: the new regularization of finances and budgeting; the new norms for bishops’ handling of sex-abuse complaints; the overdue streamlining of Vatican communications. But all these changes have come about through consultations with the Council of Cardinals—a body created by another innovative reform—and with the Synod of Bishops.
Like Father Lombardi, I’m confused; I don’t know which of these hypotheses—if any—is right. My guess is that there’s some truth in each of them. But once again, a glimpse into the internal workings of the Vatican under Pope Francis has raised far more questions than it answers.
Tempos realmente confusos para a Igreja, explícitos nas palavras e atos do próprio Papa.

Rezemos por mais clareza de sua parte no caminho de Cristo.

(Agradeço à informação ao site The American Catholic)

2 comentários:

  1. Daí, Pedro!

    Muito bom o post.

    Confesso que tenho muita saudade do Bento XVI. Como disseste, seus discursos eram claros e diretos, sem rodeios. Tudo era dito com lógica, com coerência e sem nenhum receio de defender a Sã Doutrina tal qual ela é.

    Como sempre dizes, rezemos pelo Papa. Apesar de tudo, sempre que olho para o quadro atual da Igreja lembro do que ensina Santo Agostinho: Deus só permite o mal para tirar dele um bem maior.

    Grande abraço,


  2. Foi Bento Papa que me fez aproximar da Igreja, alem do programa do prof. Felipe Aquino"Escola da fé" e do Pe Paulo Ricardo.
    Duvido que alguém se aproxime da Igreja por um progressista. Se fosse assim, a Igreja Católica Brasileira ICAB, que é uma dissidência progressista, adotando uma agenda modernista que sempre é cobrada para a ICAR, não seria um fracasso em termos de fiéis.


Certa vez, li uma frase em inglês muito boa para ser colocada quando se abre para comentários. A frase diz: "Say What You Mean, Mean What Say, But Don’t Say it Mean." (Diga o que você realmente quer dizer, com sinceridade, mas não com maldade).