terça-feira, 1 de setembro de 2015

Pedaço do Alcorão é Anterior a Maomé

Teste de carbono 14 mostrou que fragmento encontrado em Birgmingham no mês passado, de texto que faz parte do Alcorão, é datado antes do (suposto) nascimento de Maomé.

O especialista em Islã, Robert Spencer, escreveu um livro mostrando que as evidências de que Maomé existou são parcas. Agora o que esse fragmento está mostrando é que o Alcorão foi montado a partir de textos anteriores à data que Maomé supostamente existiu. E assim a ideia do Islã de que Maomé recebeu o Alcorão do anjo Gabriel seria negada.

Isto tudo reforça a ideia de que o Islã pode ter sido uma religião criada usando textos existentes antes da vida de Maomé (se é que ele existiu), para justificar religiosamente uma dominação militar.

Vejamos texto do jornal inglês MailOnline:

The 'Birmingham Koran' fragment that could shake Islam after carbon-dating suggests it is OLDER than the Prophet Muhammad

  • Fragments of the oldest Koran were discovered last month in Birmingham
  • Carbon dating found the pages were produced between 568AD and 654AD 
  • But several historians now say that the parchment may predate Muhammad
  • They believe that this discovery could rewrite the early history of Islam

Fragments of the world's oldest Koran, found in Birmingham last month, may predate the Prophet Muhammad and could even rewrite the early history of Islam, according to scholars.

The pages, thought to be between 1,448 and 1,371 years old, were discovered bound within the pages of another Koran from the late seventh century at the library of the University of Birmingham.

Written in ink in an early form of Arabic script on parchment made from animal skin, the pages contain parts of the Suras, or chapters, 18 to 20, which may have been written by someone who actually knew the Prophet Muhammad - founder of the Islamic faith.

The pages were carbon-dated by experts at the University of Oxford, a process which showed the Islamic holy book manuscript could be the oldest Koran in the world.

The discovery was said to be particularly significant as in the early years of Islam, the Koran was thought to have been memorised and passed down orally rather written.

But now several historians have said that the parchment might even predate Muhammad.
It is believed that the Birmingham Koran was produced between 568AD and 645AD, while the dates usually given for Muhammad are between 570AD and 632AD.

Historian Tom Holland, told the Times: 'It destabilises, to put it mildly, the idea that we can know anything with certainty about how the Koran emerged - and that in turn has implications for the history of Muhammad and the Companions.'

Keith Small, from the University of Oxford's Bodleian Library, added: 'This gives more ground to what have been peripheral views of the Koran's genesis, like that Muhammad and his early followers used a text that was already in existence and shaped it to fit their own political and theological agenda, rather than Muhammad receiving a revelation from heaven.

However, these claims are strongly disputed by Muslim scholars, with Mustafa Shah from the School of Oriental and African Studies in London also telling the paper: 'If anything, the manuscript has consolidated traditional accounts of the Koran's origins.'

The Prophet Muhammad is thought to have founded Islam sometime after 610AD and the first Muslim community was founded in Medina in 622AD.

During this time the Koran was memorised and recited orally but Caliph Abu Bakr, the first leader of the Muslim community after Muhammad's death, ordered the Koranic material to be collected into a book.

The final authoritative written form was not completed until 650AD under the third leader Caliph Uthman.

Professor Nadir Dinshaw, who studies interreligious relations at the University of Birmingham, described the discovery as 'startling'. 

When it was found last month he said: 'This could well take us back to within a few years of the actual founding of Islam.

(Agradeço a informação ao site Jihad Watch)

5 comentários:

  1. Então meu amigo, em breve os extremistas tratarão de destruir esse material...



  2. Já era, caro Gustavo. Tem registro, tem foto e carbono 14.
    Pedro Erik

  3. Interessante... Olha essa outra notícia aqui, Pedro... http://shoebat.com/2015/08/21/archeologists-discover-a-4000-year-old-archeological-find-linking-allah-to-lucifer-and-the-harlot-religion/

  4. Realmente, muito interessante, Nik.
    Alá como cobra, como Lucífer.
    Muito obrigado,

  5. Boa tarde, nobre Pedro.

    Diante de tão interessante notícia fica a pergunta: os arqueólogos e historiadores vão ter coragem de manifestarem essas descobertas? E as esquerdas vão ser rigorosas em suas críticas como são com o cristianismo? Duvido... O Islamismo é um dos piores males que no planeta já conheceu!


Certa vez, li uma frase em inglês muito boa para ser colocada quando se abre para comentários. A frase diz: "Say What You Mean, Mean What Say, But Don’t Say it Mean." (Diga o que você realmente quer dizer, com sinceridade, mas não com maldade).