domingo, 18 de outubro de 2015

Cardeal Conservador Diz Que Não Precisa da Petição.

Vejam sobre Petição abaixo. Hoje, o cardeal conservador George Pell, um dos que assinaram carta criticando o processo do Sínodo estabelecido pelo Papa,  disse que não há necessidade de se abandonar o Sínodo, como pedido pela petição mostrada no post anterior.

Ele também se mostra que confiante de que o Papa entendeu o apelo que fez na carta e que a comunhão para divorciados não passa.

Se ele está tranquilo...fico mais tranquilo. Em todo caso, a petição já fez efeito desejado de pressionar ainda mais e de mostrar que os conservadores leigos estão atentos.

E continuemos atentos, Sínodo não acabou e os inimigos de Cristo não dormem. Rezemos também.

Vejam parte da entrevista dele para o site Crux. Leiam todo clicando no link

Cardinal Pell rejects conservative call for a walkout at Synod of Bishops

ROME — Despite an online petition calling on prelates “faithful to Christ’s teaching” to abandon the 2015 Synod of Bishops on the family, due to perceptions of a “pre-determined outcome that is anything but orthodox,” one of the summit’s most outspoken conservatives says “there’s no ground for anyone to walk out on anything.”
Australian Cardinal George Pell, who heads the Vatican’s Secretariat for the Economy, told Crux on Friday that by the midway point of the Oct. 4-25 synod, concerns about stacking the deck circulating in some quarters have “substantially been addressed.”ROME — Despite an online petition calling on prelates “faithful to Christ’s teaching” to abandon the 2015 Synod of Bishops on the family, due to perceptions of a “pre-determined outcome that is anything but orthodox,” one of the summit’s most outspoken conservatives says “there’s no ground for anyone to walk out on anything.”
Overall, Pell said he believes the synod is making solid progress.
“I think a lot of good work has been done on the first two parts of the document,” he said, referring to a working text that’s the basis for synod discussions. “I think there’s generally a good atmosphere in the synod.”

Pell also said that he believes the information flow this time is an improvement on the October 2104 edition of the Synod of Bishops, when there were charges by conservatives that Vatican briefings presented a selective vision that generally favored progressive positions.
“Both sides of the story are getting out this time, I think,” he said.
“In terms of the [synod participants] who are briefing the media, I think they’re getting a mix of left, right, and center …. it’s better than it was the last time, anyway,” Pell said.
Pell said that he believes the final report must deal with sensitive issues, such as proposals to allow divorced and civilly remarried Catholics to receive Communion, even if there’s no clear consensus among the bishops.
“I don’t think we’ll be in that position,” he said, suggesting that opposition to those proposals represents a strong majority in the synod.
“But even if it actually is 50/50 on some significant point, I think the Catholic world has to know that,” Pell said.
Vatican briefers repeatedly have told reporters that a decision on whether to release the synod’s final document is up to the pope. Pell said he believes it should be released, among other things because it’s destined to leak out anyway.
“I think no matter what happens, it will be public,” he said.

Um comentário:

  1. Será que o Sínodo atual não seria para dar um tempo, preparar as cabeças para confirmação dos planos de relativização que tinham em mente um ano atrás?
    D Pell, D Sarah etc. são excelentes prelados, mas será que independente da vontade deles tudo não estaria acertado com o caras do avental?
    Tem muitas décadas que o terreno já está aplainado prá vinda do anticristo!


Certa vez, li uma frase em inglês muito boa para ser colocada quando se abre para comentários. A frase diz: "Say What You Mean, Mean What Say, But Don’t Say it Mean." (Diga o que você realmente quer dizer, com sinceridade, mas não com maldade).