segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2015

O Que é um Muçulmano Moderado?

Eu sempre me pergunto sobre o que seria um muçulmano moderado, especialmente quando leio sobre a vida de Maomé. Para mim, a melhor definição seria de que um muçulmano moderado não segue Maomé. Um cristão seguindo Cristo sempre seria moderado. Um muçulmano seguindo Maomé seria um terror para o mundo.

A Arábia Saudita é um grande aliado dos países ocidentais, eles estão longe de ser moderados, executam infiéis até com crucificação. A foto acima é de uma execução por lá. Sem falar do dinheiro deles que incentivam terrorismo pelo mundo, por meio de mesquitas e escolas.

Hoje, eu li uma análise muito boa sobre por que o chamados "moderados" muçulmanos, aqueles que procuram "viver pacificamente",  não se levantam contra os muçulmanos radicais e extremistas. É um texto de William Killpatrick, escrito para The Catholic World Report.

Eu diria que se os países ocidentais e o muçulmanos fizessem o que Patrick pede seria o fim do Islã.

Mas, em resumo, Patrick diz que os moderados não se levantam porque:

1) Muçulmanos moderados teriam que renegar a vida de Maomé e muitos versos do Alcorão. Teriam que renegar a própria religião;

2) São os radicais muçulmanos que conseguem a consciência dos muçulmanos, pois eles usam palavras de Alá e a vida de Maomé. (Falei um pouco disso no post abaixo sobre versos do Alcorão).

3) Eles olham o que acontece com aqueles que simplesmente dizem algumas palavras contra o Islã, são atacados tantos por muçulmanos como por ocidentais. Ele coloca os exemplos de Malala Yousafzai, Shahbaz Bhatti e Salman Taeser.

4) Os moderados não são uma maioria silenciosa. A maioria dos muçulmanos no mundo apoia a lei Sharia islâmica, que condena infiéis, mulheres e gays. Os moderados são uma minoria que precisa ser heroica e não moderada.

5) Familiares e vizinhos perseguem e até matam "muçulmanos ocidentalizados". Patrick mencionou os vários casos no próprio EUA e no Reino Unido e lembrou do livro 1984 de George Orwell (bem lembrado).

6)  Os países do Ocidente não apoiam financeiramente associações de muçulmanos moderados, nem países moderados.

7) Os países ocidentais não usam a força contra países islâmicos radicais, pelo contrário, até dão dinheiro para eles.

Aqui vai parte do texto de Patrick:

Who Will Reform Islam?

William Kilpatrick

Those who are relying on the moderate Muslims of the world to correct their errant brethren might profit from a news story out of Pakistan. The All Pakistan Private Schools Federation (APPSF) has launched a book titled I am Not Malala, I am Muslim, I am Pakistani. It’s meant to “counter [the] anti-Islamic propaganda” in Nobel Prize winner Malala Yousufzai’s book, I am Malala. In addition, the teacher’s association is going to court to have Malala’s book banned.

So, the girl whom the Nobel Prize Committee looks upon as the face of moderate Islam is looked upon as something of a heretic by a sizable segment of Pakistani teachers (the association represents 173,000 private schools.)

Or shift your focus to Indonesia—once hailed as a model of moderation, and the place fondly remembered by our president for the sweet sound of the muzzein’s call to prayer. These days, you’re just as likely to hear the shrill sound of the imam’s call to prepare—torches, that is. According to a report in Gatestone Institute, more than 1,000 Christian churches have been shut down, torn down or burned down since 2006. Sometimes the churches are demolished by imam-incited mobs, but just as often they are shut down by local authorities. In many cases when Christians are attacked by mobs, police stand by and watch.


Thinking that moderate Muslims are somehow going to reclaim Islam from extremists is wishful thinking. Moderate Muslims in the sense we understand the word “moderate” are not a huge silent majority who only need to make their voices heard. Rather, they are a silent minority who are silent for good reason. They see what happens to people like Malala and they don’t want to suffer the same fate. There’s a big difference between being personally opposed to shooting schoolgirls in the head and being willing to speak out openly against the ideology that justifies the shooting. The proper term for those willing to speak out under dangerous circumstances is not “moderate”, but “heroic.”


The Civil Rights Movement broke the back of Jim Crow, but it wasn’t led by moderates of the go-along-to get-along school. And it was primarily successful because it was a Christian movement that appealed to the Christian conscience of all Americans. It’s difficult to imagine a similar movement in the Muslim world that would bring about equivalent reforms (say, in the treatment of women) by appealing to the Muslim conscience. The imitation of Muhammad leads in a different direction from the imitation of Christ. The well-formed Muslim conscience is a powerful thing, but it is not the same as a well-formed Christian conscience. Indeed, it is the extremists who have been most successful in appealing to the Muslim conscience. They remind people what Allah expects of them and they can back up their teachings with chapter and verse from the Koran and with examples from the life of the Prophet.

Given their circumstances, it’s unrealistic to expect the majority of Muslims to adopt enlightened attitudes and practices. In essence, it’s asking them to stand up to their own religion. That’s asking a great deal, especially in light of the fact that we show so little willingness to do the same—stand up to their religion, that is.

If you’re a moderately-inclined Muslim living in some Mid-Eastern country and you notice that non-Muslims living in the relative safety of the West are afraid to speak against Muslims behaving badly, what’s the likelihood that you’ll take up the gauntlet? With much less to risk, citizens of the U.S. and Europe are—what’s the word?—deathly afraid to offend Islam. Why should you stick your neck out—especially when the penalty for sticking one’s neck out in your part of the world is to get it cut off?

It’s not simply that Muslims are afraid of what al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and similar groups might do to them. In Islam, the code of beliefs and behavior is also strictly enforced by your neighbors, your imam, your aunts and uncles, your cousins, your brothers and sisters, your mother and father, and your husband or wife. The first line of enforcers in Islamic societies are not the mujahideen, but the people seated around your dinner table. In the Orwellian societies that Muslims have created for themselves, each extended family is its own Ministry of Truth and Love.

We’re beginning to get a taste of this family “fear pressure” here in the U.S. A report commissioned by the Department of Justice reveals that between 23 and 27 honor killings are committed every year in the U.S., with many more probably going unreported. Young women are the usual victims. They can be killed for becoming “too westernized,” for dating a non-Muslim, for refusing an arranged marriage, or for requesting a divorce. Fathers are the usual culprits, but very often the killings are a family project with mothers, brothers, and cousins joining in. In other Western countries, the problem is much worse. Over the past five years, the UK has recorded 11,000 cases of honor violence
That’s not to say that Muslims who want to break out of the mold don’t face other pressures. If you can get executed by your family for being too Western, you can certainly be killed off by the local version of the Taliban for being un-Islamic.

One reason it’s difficult to find a genuine reform-minded person in the Muslim world is that such people tend to be targeted by the radicals. In 2011, Shahbaz Bhatti, the Pakistani Minister for the Defense of Minorities and a Catholic, was gunned down for opposing the country’s blasphemy laws. Two months earlier, Salman Taseer, the governor of the province of Punjab who also opposed the blasphemy laws, was assassinated by one of his bodyguards. The bodyguard was showered with rose petals when he appeared in court, and some Pakistani religious leaders called for a boycott of Taseer’s funeral. One religious party warned that “No Muslim should attend the funeral or even try to pray for Salman Taseer.”

People who live in the West shouldn’t underestimate how difficult it will be for moderate Muslims to reform Islam. That’s because many Muslims, perhaps a majority, don’t think that Islam needs to be reformed. Numerous polls have shown that the majority of the world’s Muslims would prefer to live under sharia law. Moreover, in majority Muslim lands there is powerful support even for the harshest sharia penalties such as amputation for theft and death for apostasy. Even in the U.S., 51 percent of Muslims agree that they should have the choice of being governed according to sharia. We like to think that there are only a “handful” of radicals in the Muslim world, but it’s likely that the number of truly reform-minded Muslims is also in the “handful” range. They are engaged in an uphill battle.

Ultimately, it’s up to Muslims to reform Islam, but it’s a mistake to think they can do it without help. The forces for moderation in the Muslim world are on the defensive. They need considerable moral and physical support. How can it be provided? In the first place, one has to be able to identify the moderates. That’s something we haven’t been successful at doing. Our administration keeps giving weapons to the people we think are the “moderate” rebels in Syria, and they keep handing the weaponry over to ISIS. We mistake the fanatic “death-to-America” crowd in Iran for moderates, send them hundreds of billions of dollars, and assume that their apocalyptic rantings are mere hyperbole. In Egypt, we helped bring the radical Muslim Brotherhood to power, and over here, Muslim Brotherhood affiliates such as CAIR and ISNA are given veto power over domestic security policy.

There are genuine moderate Muslim organizations in the U.S. (the Clarion Project maintains a list of them), but they are mostly ignored by our government and by the media. If our establishment paid more attention to them and less to the stealth jihadists, moderation might have a better chance of success. The same is true on the international level. There are moderate Muslim leaders who need our support, but aren’t getting it. While we were very supportive of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, we have provided only grudging support to the man who brought Egypt back from the brink of fanaticism—Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. While Western leaders continue to lavish praise on the “religion of peace,” President el-Sisi has had the courage to publicly call for a reform of Islam. In his continuing fight against the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and the growing power of ISIS in the Sinai, he deserves all the military, intelligence, and moral support we can provide.

What else can we do to make the Islamic world more moderate? Well, contrary to the peace-studies crowd who have the President’s ear, force sometimes helps. It was force, after all that turned Libya’s Gaddafi from a terrorist into a moderate. And currently, it is a show of force that is winning recruits to ISIS. When the young and restless of the world see the ability of ISIS to gobble up huge chunks of Syria and Iraq, to down a Russian jetliner, and to create panic in Paris, they are impressed and they want to get in on the action.

The only antidote to that is a superior show of force. As Senator Marco Rubio said the other day on TV, we should “subject [ISIS] to high-profile, humiliating defeats.” He added that such defeats should be captured on film and broadcast to the world. Indeed. In fighting an enemy such as ISIS, the propaganda war is almost as important as the shooting war. Battlefield defeats should be leveraged into psychological defeats.

The Islamic world can be made more moderate, but Muslims can’t do it on their own. Their problems, unfortunately, are our problems, and we can’t afford to take a laissez-faire attitude in the face of a fast-spreading cancer. The vast majority of silent Muslims are not waiting for a chance to declare their moderation, they’re waiting to see which way the battle goes. Do they want peace? Sure. But many of them are willing to settle for the peace of Islam—the total submission of all to the will of Allah once final victory is obtained.

4 comentários:

  1. Boa noite, meu irmão e amigo nobre Pedro.

    Rapaz, esse mês o Thyself realmente está caprichando sobre o islamismo. Estou compondo uma apostila só com postagem sobre as cruzadas e sobre o islamismo para dedicar um pouco de tempo a estudar essas duas histórias; vou aproveitar as férias e o fim de ano para isso.

    A minha conclusão sobre essa liberdade com que o islamismo goza no Ocidente é de há dois tipos de cegueiras: 1) uma produzida pela educação e 2) outra produzida pelas esquerdas. NO caso do Brasil, é uma aberração: todos, digo TODOS, livros didáticos usados no ensino de história nas escolas públicas e privadas ocultam deliberadamente a verdadeira face do islamismo, incluindo as aberrações cometidas contra os tais muçulmanos moderados.
    Eu realmente queria ter tempo para acompanhar fatos da história política no mundo islâmico, como os casos de EShahbaz Bhatti e Salman Taseer. É realmente assustador.

    Considero ainda mais assustador ver os jornalistas de canais como a Globo mentindo ou ocultando deliberadamente informações sobre a realidade da religião islâmica contra tudo e todos que não sejam muçulmanos. Me pergunto se é medo ou a BURRICE. Globo e Globo News são verdadeiros celeiros do jornalismo fraudulento. Os "especialistas" deles chegam a me enojar. Minha esposa até briga comigo quando eu dou uma espiadinha nesses canais. Por esse motivo, desisti literalmente de assisti-los.

    Creio que tudo o que podemos fazer é rezar muito, falar aos filhos e amigos da verdadeira face do islamismo e, acima de tudo, apontar-lhes a História de Nossa Amada e Santa Igreja Católica perante o islã.

    Abraços, meu amigo.

    1. TV e jornais do Brasil são de chorar mesmo, caro Adilson
      Outro dia uma jornalista da Globonews foi ao bairro Molenbeek em Bruxelas, bairro de onde saíram os terroristas de Paris. Ela achou um muçulmano que disse que seguia o Islã porque Maomé era pacífico. Veja se pode.
      Eles deviam não colocar no ar isso. Pois a repórter se entendesse de Islã não poderia discordar pois podia ser morta e uma pequena pesquisa de Maomé mostra que é bobagem.
      Mas eles insistem em salvar o Islã dele mesmo.
      Eles parecem também que escolhem os repórteres mais jovens e pessimamente formados para esse tipo de reportagem.
      Alias eu li hj um ótimo texto sobre Molenbeek mas resolvi colocar outro no blog.
      Pedro Erik

  2. Seria ótimo se tivéssemos um Papa Católico rezando e pedindo a conversão dos muçulmanos à única Igreja fundada por Jesus Cristo, a Igreja Católica.

    Mas, nos tempos atuais, "todas as religiões têm o seu valor" (eu DUVIDO disto), todas as culturas são "legais e tolerantes" (outra piada), e outras coisas politicamente corretas.

    Infelizmente, vivemos tempos tenebrosos, meu caro Pedro.

    1. É verdade, caríssimo Ricardo. E a cúria ainda ataca que segue à Cristo e exalta quem segue a Maomé.
      Rezemos, meu amigo.
      Pedro Erik


Certa vez, li uma frase em inglês muito boa para ser colocada quando se abre para comentários. A frase diz: "Say What You Mean, Mean What Say, But Don’t Say it Mean." (Diga o que você realmente quer dizer, com sinceridade, mas não com maldade).