quarta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2015

Vídeo: Líder Feminista Brasileira Pede Perdão aos Cristãos

Sara Fernanda Giromin escreveu o livro acima, e se converteu ao cristianismo. Ela era conhecida como Sara Winter e era líder feminista do Femen, costumava andar pelada contra o cristianismo. Ela fez um ato em 2014 contra o candidato Levy Fidelix.

Antes ela tinha feito um aborto, hoje ela vê a beleza da vida em seu filho. Antes ela atacava os cristãos, hoje ela fica ofendida quando atacam os cristãos.

O site Life Site News fez uma reportagem sobre ela. E mostra o que ela pensa agora sobre o feminismo. Ela viu que o feminismo explora e oprime as mulheres.

Vejam o vídeo em que ela pede perdão aos cristãos e o texto da Life Site News abaixo.

Ultra-feminist founder of Femen Brazil declares herself pro-life, apologizes to Christians
Sara Winter once bared her chest for Femen. Now she’s fighting for the unborn

December 28, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Sara Fernanda Giromin first made herself known to Brazil and to the world under the alias “Sara Winter” in 2012, when she became the founding member of Femen Brazil, and led a trio of girls in a number of topless protests that garnered much media attention. However, only three years later, the young activist has done an about-face and has declared war on feminism and abortion, and is apologizing to Christians for her offensive behavior. She has also published a short book detailing the abuse and disappointment she suffered at the hands of fellow feminists.
Giromin’s changing attitudes were first revealed in October of this year, when she expressed her repentance for an abortion that took the life of her first child, and acknowledged that the recent birth of her second child had changed her attitudes regarding the right to life.
“I have repented of having had an abortion and today I ask for forgiveness,” wrote Giromin. “Yesterday marked one month after the birth of my baby and my life has taken on a new meaning. I’m writing this while he sleeps serenely on my lap. It is the greatest sensation in the world.”
“Please, women who are desperate to abort, think carefully about it. I was very sorry I did it. I don’t want the same for you,” she added.
In the months that have followed, Giromin has revealed to her readership her disillusionment with feminism and gender ideology, and has repudiated her “bisexual” orientation. She has also expressed remorse for having offended Christians in January of 2014, when she engaged in a well publicized same-sex kiss with another seminude girl with a cross in the background, in front of the Church of Our Lady of Candelária in Rio de Janeiro. The photo of the two had become iconic in Brazil of homosexual contempt for Christianity.
“Asking for forgiveness is certainly not an easy thing to do,” said Giromin in a YouTube video entitled “I ask Christians for forgiveness for feminist protest.” “We went way too far and ended up offending many religious and non-religious people,” she added, recognizing the stunt as a form of “blasphemy.” She adds that she is making progress in her own spiritual life, although the exact nature of her current beliefs remains unclear.
Although she left Femen in 2013 after denouncing it as a “business,” she had continued her bare-chested protests as the leader of a new feminist group comprised of both men and women, called “Bastardxs,” (allowing for both the masculine and feminine forms of the word “Bastards” in Portuguese).  She has now made it clear that she regards herself as having no affiliation with feminism at all, repudiating the movement as a religious “sect” that uses women as objects, promotes lesbianism, and covers up pedophilia in its ranks.
“For the feminist sect women are not the inspiration, they are prime matter in the worst sense of the term. They are convenient objects useful for the purpose of inflaming hatred against the Christian religion, hatred against men, hatred against the beauty of women, hatred against the equilibrium of families. That’s what feminism is, and I can guarantee it is like that because I was on the inside!”
“I saw the feminist movement cover up for PEDOPHILES,” writes Giromin. “I saw the feminist movement PERSECUTE WOMEN ... I am a witness to the fact that today in the feminist movement women are not of any importance but serve as fuel for the fires of hatred that the feminist sect cannot allow to die.”
Giromin says that she felt pressured by the feminist movement to declare herself “bisexual” so that she could receive maximum respect. “Lesbian and bisexual women have much more voice and respect within the movement, so in the search for recognition of my struggle, with each day that passed, I deconstructed my heterosexuality and was substituting it with an artificial bisexuality.” Upon leaving feminism, Giromin ceased to regard herself as a “bisexual” and has also rejected gender ideology, a sine qua non of social acceptance in the feminist movement.
In her new book “Bitch, no! Seven times I was betrayed by Feminism” (Vadia não! Sete vezes que fui traída pelo feminismo), Giromin writes that she was repeatedly pushed to do drugs, to engage in sex with strangers, and was even molested by a lesbian, all at the hands of feminists who claimed to be fighting for women’s equality. She also recounts that when she once confided in a feminist academic that she was involved in prostitution while still a teen, she was devastated to find that the woman affirmed her behavior and did nothing to offer her a way out. She notes that one of the few times she received affection, kindness, and understanding from a female friend, it was from an older, conservative “anti-feminist,” who treated her like a daughter.
Giromin is donating a percentage of her book earnings to pro-life causes, and is now beginning to give talks against feminism, gender ideology and cultural Marxism, teaming up with Christian psychologist Marisa Lobo.
“I left that movement of which for four years I was one of the principal symbols in Brazil, and no one can say the contrary!” writes Giromin. “The result? Today I’m much happier and I’m able to help women more.”

5 comentários:

  1. Daí, Pedro!

    Que bom! Que Cristo conduza esta mulher a Igreja para que ela sinta o que é ser feliz de fato!

    Na minha cidade, as mulheres sempre foram fonte de virtude para seus filhos. Enquanto os homens saíam em suas diversões, elas ficavam sozinhas em casa cuidando de 5, 6, ou até mesmo 16 filhos...

    Não sei se esses movimentos feministas não são uma espécie de castigo aos homens por sua faltas no Matrimônio, por muitas vezes tratar a mulher como serva, por muitas vezes tratar a mulher como um ser inferior.

    Que nós, homens católicos, saibamos, com os olhos voltados a Maria, dar o verdadeiro valor às nossas mulheres, às nossas esposas, às nossas religiosas.

    Grande abraço e parabéns por mais um ótimo post


    1. Muito bem dito, Jonas. Nós homens também temos culpa do feminismo.
      Pedro Erik

  2. Jesus é maravilhoso....e digo: Se essa moça persistir e nascer de novo, será uma guerreira a serviço da Verdade.
    Não sei porque mais me veio na cabeça Saulo de Tarso.

    1. A conversão dela foi tão radical quanto a de Saulo. Talvez por isso vc tenha lembrado, caro Flavio
      Rezemos por ela.

      Pedro Erik

  3. Orei sim, e amanhã no terço da misericórdia será a intenção.
    Que Deus a use em favor das feministas.


Certa vez, li uma frase em inglês muito boa para ser colocada quando se abre para comentários. A frase diz: "Say What You Mean, Mean What Say, But Don’t Say it Mean." (Diga o que você realmente quer dizer, com sinceridade, mas não com maldade).