segunda-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2018

Apesar de Negar, Papa Francisco Recebeu Carta de Vítimas de Abuso de Pedofilia do Chile.

Hummm...por vezes, o Papa fala algo que a mim parece mentira, simplesmente mentira. Por exemplo, assim que ele foi nomeado Papa, ele disse que antes de dizer sim ao pontificado, saiu da cerimônia para refletir sobre o peso das obrigações, isso depois foi completamente negado pelos participantes, nem o local que disse ter ido existia. O sim dele foi imediato.

Depois ocorreram outros momentos. E por vezes, as frases mentirosas são aquelas mentiras que a gente ouve no trabalho. Um chefe novo chega e diz: "olha, quem tiver críticas a mim, minha porta está aberta, pode entrar lá sem bater que atenderei com maior prazer".

O Papa disse isso várias vezes.

Isso é simplesmente mentira. O Papa Francisco não é conhecido por respeitar seus críticos, nem mesmo por receber seus críticos, vide os quatro cardeais da dubia.

Agora, temos uma mentira muito séria. O Papa Francisco disse quando saiu do Chile recentemente que não recebeu nenhuma informação das vítimas de pedofilia no Chile, que elas não o procuraram.

Só que ele recebeu em mãos, em 2015, uma carta detalhada das vítimas de pedofilia sobre o que aconteceu com elas e quem são os culpados. O Cardeal O'Maley confirmou isso várias vezes!!

Além de mentir, o Papa contradiz suas palavras de que terá "tolerância zero" com a pedofilia dentro da Igreja.

Vejam o relato do jornal Catholic Herald.

AP: Despite denial, Pope received abuse victim’s letter

Pope Francis received an 8-page letter in 2015 detailing abuse at the hands of Fr Karadima, AP reports
Pope Francis received a victim’s letter in 2015 that graphically detailed sexual abuse at the hands of a priest and a cover-up by Chilean church authorities, contradicting the Pope’s recent insistence that no victims had come forward, the letter’s author and members of Pope Francis’ own sex- abuse commission have told The Associated Press.
The fact that Pope Francis received the eight-page letter, obtained by the AP, challenges his insistence that he has “zero tolerance” for sex abuse and cover-ups. It also calls into question his stated empathy with abuse survivors, compounding the most serious crisis of his five-year papacy.
The scandal exploded last month when Pope Francis’ trip to South America was marred by protests over his vigorous defence of Bishop Juan Barros, who is accused by victims of covering up the abuse by Fr Fernando Karadima. During the trip, Francis callously dismissed accusations against Barros as “slander,” seemingly unaware that victims had placed him at the scene of Karadima’s crimes.
On the plane home, confronted by reporters, the Pope said: “You, in all good will, tell me that there are victims, but I haven’t seen any, because they haven’t come forward.”
But members of the Pope’s Commission for the Protection of Minors say that in April 2015, they sent a delegation to Rome specifically to hand-deliver a letter to the Pope about Bishop Barros. The letter from Juan Carlos Cruz detailed the abuse, kissing and fondling he says he suffered at Fr Karadima’s hands, which he said Barros and others witnessed and ignored.
Four members of the commission met with Pope Francis’ top abuse adviser, Cardinal Sean O’Malley, explained their objections to Pope Francis’s recent appointment of Barros as a bishop in southern Chile, and gave him the letter to deliver to Francis.
“When we gave him (O’Malley) the letter for the Pope, he assured us he would give it to the pope and speak of the concerns,” then-commission member Marie Collins told the AP. “And at a later date, he assured us that that had been done.”
Cruz, who now lives and works in Philadelphia, heard the same later that year.
“Cardinal O’Malley called me after the Pope’s visit here in Philadelphia and he told me, among other things, that he had given the letter to the Pope — in his hands,” he said in an interview at his home Sunday.
Neither the Vatican nor O’Malley responded to multiple requests for comment.
While the 2015 summit of Pope Francis’ commission was known and publicized at the time, the contents of Cruz’s letter — and a photograph of Collins handing it to O’Malley — were not disclosed by members. Cruz provided the letter, and Collins provided the photo, after reading an AP story that reported Pope Francis had claimed to have never heard from any Karadima victims about Barros’ behaviour.
The Barros affair first caused shockwaves in January 2015 when Francis appointed him bishop of Osorno, Chile, over the objections of the leadership of Chile’s bishops’ conference and many local priests and laity. They accepted as credible the testimony against Fr Karadima, a prominent Chilean cleric who was sanctioned by the Vatican in 2011 for abusing minors. Bishop Barros was a Karadima protege, and according to Cruz and other victims, he witnessed the abuse and did nothing.
“Holy Father, I write you this letter because I’m tired of fighting, of crying and suffering,” Cruz wrote in Pope Francis’s native Spanish. “Our story is well known and there’s no need to repeat it, except to tell you of the horror of having lived this abuse and how I wanted to kill myself.”
Cruz and other survivors had for years denounced the cover-up of Fr Karadima’s crimes, but were dismissed as liars by the Chilean church hierarchy and the Vatican’s own ambassador in Santiago, who refused their repeated requests to meet before and after Bishop Barros was appointed.
After Pope Francis’s comments backing the Chilean hierarchy caused such an outcry in Chile, he was forced last week to do an about-face: The Vatican announced it was sending in its most respected sex-crimes investigator to take testimony from Cruz and others about Bishop Barros.
In the letter to the Pope, Cruz begs for Pope Francis to listen to him and make good on his pledge of “zero tolerance.”
“Holy Father, it’s bad enough that we suffered such tremendous pain and anguish from the sexual and psychological abuse, but the terrible mistreatment we received from our pastors is almost worse,” he wrote.
Cruz goes on to detail in explicit terms the homo-eroticised nature of the circle of priests and young boys around Fr Karadima, the charismatic preacher whose El Bosque community in the well-to-do Santiago neighbourhood of Providencia produced dozens of priestly vocations and five bishops, including Barros.
He described how Fr Karadima would kiss Barros and fondle his genitals, and do the same with younger priests and teens, and how young priests and seminarians would fight to sit next to Fr Karadima at the table to receive his affections.
“More difficult and tough was when we were in Karadima’s room and Juan Barros — if he wasn’t kissing Karadima — would watch when Karadima would touch us — the minors — and make us kiss him, saying: ‘Put your mouth near mine and stick out your tongue.’ He would stick his out and kiss us with his tongue,” Cruz told the Pope. “Juan Barros was a witness to all this innumerable times, not just with me but with others as well.”
“Juan Barros covered up everything that I have told you,” he added.
Bishop Barros has repeatedly denied witnessing any abuse or covering it up. “I never knew anything about, nor ever imagined, the serious abuses which that priest committed against the victims,” he told the AP recently. “I have never approved of nor participated in such serious, dishonest acts, and I have never been convicted by any tribunal of such things.”
For the Osorno faithful who have opposed Barros as their bishop, the issue isn’t so much a legal matter requiring proof or evidence, as Barros was a young priest at the time and not in a position of authority over Fr Karadima. It’s more that if Bishop Barros didn’t “see” what was happening around him and doesn’t find it problematic for a priest to kiss and fondle young boys, he shouldn’t be in charge of a diocese where he is responsible for detecting inappropriate sexual behavior, reporting it to police and protecting children from pedophiles like his mentor.
Cruz had arrived at Fr Karadima’s community in 1980 as a vulnerable teenager, distraught after the recent death of his father. He has said Fr Karadima told him he would be like a spiritual father to him, but instead sexually abused him.
Based on testimony from Cruz and other former members of the parish, the Vatican in 2011 removed Fr Karadima from ministry and sentenced him to a lifetime of “penance and prayer” for his crimes. Now 87, he lives in a home for elderly priests in Santiago; he hasn’t commented on the scandal and the home has declined to accept calls or visits from the news media.
The victims also testified to Chilean prosecutors, who opened an investigation into Karadima after they went public with their accusations in 2010. Chilean prosecutors had to drop charges because too much time had passed, but the judge running the case stressed that it wasn’t for lack of proof.
While the victims’ testimony was deemed credible by both Vatican and Chilean prosecutors, the local Church hierarchy clearly didn’t believe them, which might have influenced Pope Francis’s view. Cardinal Francisco Javier Errazuriz has acknowledged he didn’t believe the victims initially and shelved an investigation. He was forced to reopen it after the victims went public.
He is now one of the Argentine Pope’s key cardinal advisers.
By the time he finally got his letter into the Pope’s hands in 2015, Cruz had already sent versions to numerous other people, and had tried for months to get an appointment with the Vatican ambassador. The embassy’s December 15, 2014, email to Cruz — a month before Barros was appointed — was short and to the point:
“The apostolic nunciature has received the message you emailed December 7 to the apostolic nuncio,” it read, “and at the same time communicates that your request has been met with an unfavourable response.”
One could argue that Pope Francis didn’t pay attention to Cruz’s letter, since he receives thousands of letters every day from faithful around the world. He can’t possibly read them all, much less remember the contents years later. He might have been tired and confused after a weeklong trip to South America when he told an airborne press conference that victims never came forward to accuse Bishop Barros of cover-up.
But this was not an ordinary letter, nor were the circumstances under which it arrived in the Vatican.
Francis had named Cardinal O’Malley, the Archbishop of Boston, to head his Commission for the Protection of Minors based on his credibility in having helped clean up the mess in Boston after the U.S. sex abuse scandal exploded there in 2002. The commission gathered outside experts to advise the church on protecting children from paedophiles and educating church personnel about preventing abuse and cover-ups.
The four commission members who were on a special subcommittee dedicated to survivors had flown to Rome at their own expense specifically to speak with O’Malley about the Barros appointment and to deliver Cruz’s letter. A press release issued after the April 12, 2015, meeting read: “Cardinal O’Malley agreed to present the concerns of the subcommittee to the Holy Father.”
Commission member Catherine Bonnet, a French child psychiatrist who took the photo of Collins handing the letter to Cardinal O’Malley, said the commission members had decided to descend on Rome specifically when Cardinal O’Malley and other members of the Pope’s group of nine cardinal advisers were meeting, so that Cardinal O’Malley could put it directly into the Pope’s hands.
“Cardinal O’Malley promised us when Marie gave to him the letter of Juan Carlos that he will give to Pope Francis,” she said.
Cardinal O’Malley’s spokesman in Boston referred requests for comment to the Vatican. Neither the Vatican press office, nor officials at the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, responded to calls and emails seeking comment.
But Cardinal O’Malley’s remarkable response to Francis’ defence of Barros and to his dismissal of the victims while he was in Chile, is perhaps now better understood.
In a rare rebuke of a Pope by a cardinal, O’Malley issued a statement on January 20 in which he said the Pope’s words were “a source of great pain for survivors of sexual abuse,” and that such expressions had the effect of abandoning victims and relegating them to “discredited exile.”
A day later, Pope Francis apologised for having demanded “proof” of wrongdoing by Bishop Barros, saying he meant merely that he wanted to see “evidence”. But he continued to describe the accusations against Bishop Barros as “calumny” and insisted he had never heard from any victims.
Even when told in his airborne press conference on January 21 that Fr Karadima’s victims had indeed placed Bishop Barros at the scene of Fr Karadima’s abuse, Pope Francis said: “No one has come forward. They haven’t provided any evidence for a judgment. This is all a bit vague. It’s something that can’t be accepted.”
He stood by Bishop Barros, saying: “I’m certain he’s innocent,” even while saying that he considered the testimony of victims to be “evidence” in a cover-up investigation.
“If anyone can give me evidence, I’ll be the first to listen,” he said.
Cruz said he felt like he had been slapped when he heard those words.
“I was upset,” he said, “and at the same time I couldn’t believe that someone so high up like the Pope himself could lie about this.”

Um comentário:

  1. As esquerdas e aderentes a elas têm um comportamento muito parecido quando inquiridos a seguir do chacal Lula, o qual nunca sabe de nada, nada viu ou só vê e sabe acerca de seus interesses!
    Assim, as esquerdas ininterrupta e diariamente se valem da sentença:
    Hoje temos a midia que tudo descobre e publica de falcatruas, pois tb pode lançar um jornalista no topo dos heróis das investigações!
    Foi-se o tempo de facilmente esconderem fatos - e cada vez mais sendo apanhado em situações como essa o papa Francisco irá sendo isolado e rejeitado.
    Se não demite ou censura publicamente e os mantém no cargo uns maus procedimentos de D Luigi Capozzi, Pe J Martin, D Paglia etc. ainda apoia as esquerdas e o Islã, uns MST da vida, Evo Morales e outros abutres...
    Seus pontos de vistas não divergem dos meus no tocante a ele não ser ao todo confiável, sempre gerando dúvidas, apreensões, o que há por detrás disso...


Certa vez, li uma frase em inglês muito boa para ser colocada quando se abre para comentários. A frase diz: "Say What You Mean, Mean What Say, But Don’t Say it Mean." (Diga o que você realmente quer dizer, com sinceridade, mas não com maldade).