quarta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2018

#NoHijabDay - Dia Sem Véu Islâmico. Cadê a Merkel e a May?

Temos tantas mulheres como líderes políticas poderosas, como Theresa May (Reino Unido) e Angela Merke (Alemanha). Cadê o apoio delas? Elas se dizem feministas. Não cansam de repetir isso.

O mundo ocidental, especialmente as "feministas", ao invés de apoiar as mulheres que vivem oprimidas no mundo islâmico, se escondem, silenciam. Provando que há apenas ódio ao cristianismo, não há defesa das mulheres.

E se essas líderes se levantassem em apoio às mulheres do mundo islâmico receberiam apoio até de boa parte dos homens desse mundo islâmico, sem falar nas mulheres. Pesquisa de 2014 do Irã mostra que 49% dos iranianos apoiam o banimento do hijab. Muitos acham que hoje em dia, essa proporção seria ainda maior.

Certamente, a oposição mais forte seria das e dos feministas (também existem homens "feministas") que estão na midia ocidental.

O jornal Daily Mail reporta sobre o #No HijabDay, em que as mulheres postam vídeos na internet queimando seus hijabs ou burcas contra a imposição de uso dessas vestimentas no Oriente Médio.

Vejam o relato do jornal.

Women around the world burn their hijabs in protest against the headscarf as report shows half of Iranians think nobody should be made to wear them

  • Videos shared on social media show women burning the Muslim headscarf
  • The hashtag #NoHijabDay followed the international #WorldHijabDay last week
  • Women are protesting enforced headscarf in several Middle Eastern countries 

Videos showing women burning the hijab are being posted on social media in solidarity with a protest movement against enforced headscarf in Iran.

Posted online with the hashtag #NoHijabDay, a response to last week's World Hijab Day event, the videos show women removing their headscarves and setting them on fire in front of the camera.

It comes as the Iranian government released a report showing that half of the population do not believe that the state should dictate what women wear, despite dozens of arrests this month.

The office of President Hassan Rouhani revealed that a 2014 survey found that 49 per cent of Iranians believed women should be allowed to choose what to wear, DW.com reports. 

A woman who spoke anonymously to Deutsche Welle said she believed the numbers would be even higher if the survey was carried out today.

While many Muslim women around the world wear the hijab by choice, in countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Arab Emirates, it is enforced by the state. 

Anoud Al Ali, who grew up in the United Arab Emirates but is now living in France, posted a video of herself burning the hijab and called it 'true happiness'.
She details how she used to be forced to wear the headscarf by her family and in school or she would be punished with lower grades.  

Captioning the video, which shows her standing outdoors, taking off a headscarf and setting it on fire in a cardboard box on the ground, she writes: 'As promised, I did it on my birthday, it feels so liberating to burn the #hijab. 

 'And I am doing that in solidarity to #Iranian women who are protesting against the mandatory hijab and for all the forced girls. #nohijabday we are not candies or diamonds to be covered. We're humans. [sic]'

The Iranian protest movement against the state's enforced hijab - a policy in place since the Islamic revolution of 1979 - has been intensifying in recent weeks. 

Yesterday, the Iranian Judiciary claimed that all women who had been taking off their headscarves off in public in protest in Iran 'had been on drugs'.

On Friday, Iranian media reported that Tehran police had arrested 29 women for appearing in public without a headscarf.  

Um comentário:

Certa vez, li uma frase em inglês muito boa para ser colocada quando se abre para comentários. A frase diz: "Say What You Mean, Mean What Say, But Don’t Say it Mean." (Diga o que você realmente quer dizer, com sinceridade, mas não com maldade).