O governo do Panamá divulgou lista de pessoas com "elevado risco" de praticar lavagem de dinheiro e financiamento ao terrorismo, entre elas está o presidente da Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, o advogado geral da Venezuela, o presidente da entidade eleitoral do país, o irmão de Hugo Chávez e mais 16 firmas venezuelanas.
Humm...por que eu não estou surpreso quando vejo "socialistas" roubando e financiando o terror?
No meu outro blog, em 2015, eu relatei que a mulher mais rica da Venezuela é a filha Hugo Chávez. Humm...
Vejam o texto da Reuters.
Venezuela president lands on Panama's 'high risk' money laundering list
PANAMA CITY (Reuters) - Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro along with more than 50 Venezuelan nationals are considered “high risk” for laundering money and financing terrorism, according to an advisory issued by Panama’s economy and finance ministry.
Venezuelan Attorney General Tarek William Saab and electoral board president Tibisay Lucena were also named in the advisory along with Socialist Party No. 2 Diosdado Cabello, the elder brother of late president Hugo Chavez, and 16 firms in Venezuela.
The economy and finance ministry’s National Commission Against Money Laundering released the list late on Thursday, following its initial announcement on Tuesday,
Maduro’s socialist government has repeatedly vowed to combat corruption that has plagued Venezuela and its oil industry for decades, contributing to its devastating economic collapse.
But critics say the administration, despite making graft-related arrests, is still crippled by financial malfeasance.
Millions of Venezuelans suffer from food and medicine shortages, and the currency has fallen 99.99 percent against the U.S. dollar on the black market since Maduro came to power in 2013.
Comunista honesto nasce morto; os vivos são as hordas satânicas que infestam a terra por as ter preferido em lugar do Senhor Deus e de sua Igreja!