sábado, 10 de novembro de 2018

Crianças com Down: Primeiros Humanos Espécie em Extinção

A Sociedade para Síndrome de Down do Canadá (CDSS) quer que o mundo reconheça as pessoas com síndrome de Down como espécie em extinção.

É uma tragédia dos tempos  em que animais sao mais respeitados e cuidados do que humanos.

Mas os números não mentem, virtualmente 100% dia humanos com Down são mortos na Islândia, em muitos países a taxa de aborto de crianças com Down é de 90%. É um genocídio.

Então a CDSS fez um pedido formal para que as pessoas com Down fossem tratadas como espécie em extinção e assim recebessem proteção.

Vejam lindos vídeos e textos da campanha clicando aqui.

Vejam abaixo declaração da CDSS:

By the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s own criteria, the Down syndrome community qualifies as endangered in many parts of the world. So we're going to be the first humans ever to apply to be on the Endangered List. By sharing on social media, you’re signing our petition to the IUCN to ensure that we get the support we need.

E abaixo texto do site Live Action:

The CDSS has applied “for the inclusion of people with Down syndrome as an endangered sub-species or sub-population of Homo Sapiens to the IUCN’s Red List of Threatened Species.” In their application, CDSS notes some disturbing statistics. Thanks to high abortion rates, which in some countries are in excess of 90%, Down syndrome births are 50% lower than projected, with births actually falling in countries like Denmark. Over 65% of people with the condition are out of the workplace, and a sizeable minority live in poverty. Many do not have access to an adequate education, or proper housing. And disturbingly, animal welfare organizations receive 90% more funding and resources than Down syndrome organizations do in North America.
In Iceland, the abortion rate for preborn babies with the condition is effectively  100 percent. “60 Minutes Australia” gave a glowing review to a test they boasted could “effectively end” Down syndrome in Australia, while in the Netherlands, parents are told they have a “moral duty”to abort children with the condition. In the United Kingdom, politicians have repeatedly called for people with it to be forcibly aborted or “put down” after birth. In the United States, 1 in 4 women report being pressured to have an abortion after a prenatal diagnosis. 
People with Down syndrome are, in fact, in danger of extinction — and why? Simply because they are different, because they have a disability. This petition will hopefully call attention to this crisis, and help bring an end to this genocide.

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