terça-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2019

Cardeais Burke e Brandmuller Perguntam "Ei Vaticano, Nós Também Seremos Silenciados?".

Os cardeais Raymond Burke, Walter Brandmuller, Joachim Meinsner e Carlo Caffarra são os autores da famosa Dubia que questionaram o Papa Francisco sobre  as partes do documento Amoris Laettia sobre o sacramento do casamento, em setembro de 2016.

Depois de quase três anos, eles nunca receberam nenhuma resposta do Papa até hoje. O Papa certa vez disse que soube do Dubia pela televisão, o que é claramente uma mentira pois os cardeais são cardeais e sabem como se chega uma carta nas mãos da Cúria e do Papa.

De lá pra cá, Caffarra e Meisner faleceram.

Hoje, Burke e Brandmuller divulgaram publicamente nova carta. Dessa vez eles dirigiram a carta aos presidentes das conferências sacerdotais, mas lembraram que nunca tiveram resposta do Papa.

Além de ter lembrando a praga do homossexualismo dentro da Igreja e que essa praga está relacionada ao silêncio dos líderes da Igreja que favorece o homossexualismo e à distância que os líderes da Igreja têm dos ensinamentos de Cristo.

Aqui vai  carta de Burke Brandmuller.

Dear Brothers, Presidents of the Conferences of Bishops,
We turn to you with deep distress!
The Catholic world is adrift, and, with anguish, the question is asked: Where is the Church going?
Before the drift in process, it seems that the difficulty is reduced to that of the abuse of minors, a horrible crime, especially when it is perpetrated by a priest, which is, however, only part of a much greater crisis. The plague of the homosexual agenda has been spread within the Church, promoted by organized networks and protected by a climate of complicity and a conspiracy of silence. The roots of this phenomenon are clearly found in that atmosphere of materialism, of relativism and of hedonism, in which the existence of an absolute moral law, that is without exceptions, is openly called into question.
Sexual abuse is blamed on clericalism. But the first and primary fault of the clergy does not rest in the abuse of power but in having gone away from the truth of the Gospel. The even public denial, by words and by acts, of the divine and natural law, is at the root of the evil that corrupts certain circles in the Church.
In the face of this situation, Cardinals and Bishops are silent. Will you also be silent on the occasion of the meeting called in the Vatican for this coming February 21st?
We are among those who in 2016 presented to the Holy Father certain questions, “dubia,” which were dividing the Church in the wake of the conclusions of the Synod on the Family. Today, those “dubia” have not only not had any response but are part of a more general crisis of the Faith. Therefore, we encourage you to raise your voice to safeguard and proclaim the integrity of the doctrine of the Church.
We pray to the Holy Spirit, that He may assist the Church and bring light to the Pastors who guide her. A decisive act now is urgent and necessary. We trust in the Lord Who has promised: “Behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world” (Mt 28,20).
Walter Cardinal Brandmüller
Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke

2 comentários:

  1. Ótima notícia, caro Pedro.

    Que Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo e a ImacukIma Conceição proteja os Valentes cardeais.

    Viva Cristo Rei e a Imaculada Conceição!

  2. Realmente, a Santa Igreja precisa de nossas orações. O santo Rosário deve ser nossa prece diária ao Senhor


Certa vez, li uma frase em inglês muito boa para ser colocada quando se abre para comentários. A frase diz: "Say What You Mean, Mean What Say, But Don’t Say it Mean." (Diga o que você realmente quer dizer, com sinceridade, mas não com maldade).