Diante da repercussão negativa do documento assinado nos Emirados Árabes, ao ser perguntado sobre a frase que diz que Deus "deseja diversidade religiosa". O Papa respondeu que isso está de acordo com o Concílio Vaticano II e que ele consultou "muitos teólogos" e citou um deles chamado Wojciech Giertych, que foi nomeado por Bento XVI.
Não, claro que não está de acordo com o Vaticano II. O Concílio assegurou que a salvação só pode vir pela Igreja Católica, excluindo apenas aqueles que desconhecem totalmente a Igreja Católica, o que não é o caso nem de protestantes nem de muçulmanos.
A afirmação de que consultou "vários teólogos" e o fato de citar um deles é covardia. O teólogo vai desmentir o Papa ou vai querer defender a aberração do documento?
A Gloria.TV levou para outro lado, disse que é a primeira vez que um Papa admite que o Vaticano II é herético.
Bom, o Vaticano II realmente abriu uma brecha para os "irmãos muçulmanos" que foi prejudicial, mas defendeu sim que a Igreja Católica é a única Igreja de Cristo.
Vejam o texto da Gloria tv
Francis Says His Inter-religious Heresies Come "From Second Vatican Council”
During his flight from the United Arab Emirates to Rome (February 5) Pope Francis defended his Abu Dhabi statement on “Human Fraternity” in which he claimed that all religions are "willed by God".
Francis said that his theories are in “the line of inter-religious dialogue pursued by the Second Vatican Council”, adding that the document was made “in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council”.
Francis went on, “It is not a step back. It is a step ahead that comes from fifty years ago.” He insisted that the text does not “distance itself even a millimeter from the Second Vatican Council”.
This marks the first time that a pope has de facto admitted that the Second Vatican Council contains heresies.
Francis added that he consulted with several "theologians" before he decided to sign the [heretical] Abu Dhabi text, naming among them the theologian of the Pontifical Household, British-Polish Dominican Father Wojciech Giertych who was appointed by Benedict XVI.
Francis said that his theories are in “the line of inter-religious dialogue pursued by the Second Vatican Council”, adding that the document was made “in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council”.
Francis went on, “It is not a step back. It is a step ahead that comes from fifty years ago.” He insisted that the text does not “distance itself even a millimeter from the Second Vatican Council”.
This marks the first time that a pope has de facto admitted that the Second Vatican Council contains heresies.
Francis added that he consulted with several "theologians" before he decided to sign the [heretical] Abu Dhabi text, naming among them the theologian of the Pontifical Household, British-Polish Dominican Father Wojciech Giertych who was appointed by Benedict XVI.
É de dá uma dor no profunda no peito. Deus nos guarde. Que santo padre Pio de Pieltrecina rogue por nós!