terça-feira, 10 de setembro de 2019

Cientista Sueco Propõe Canibalismo para Derrotar Mudança Climática

Mas não contem ao Papa nem aos clérigos do Sínodo da Amazônia, eles podem apoiar a ideia.

Meu Deus, daqui a pouco até o demônio vai abandonar o mundo.

O cientista Magnus Soderlund sugeriu que comer as pessoa depois que eles morrem é uma maneira de combater da mudança climática.

Para ele, existe um taboo em comer pessoas, que deveria ser abolido. E ele não está sozinho, em apoio ao canibalismo. O texto do Breibart nomeia outros cientistas. Para eles, os conservadores é que são uma pedra no sapato, pois não gostam da ideia.

Certamente, outro brilhante cientista ou clérigo do Vaticano da Academia de Ciência vai dizer: que tal as pessoas nem nascerem?  E outro renomado vai querer matar os vivos mesmo, deve sugerir começar matando os conservadores.

Esses suecos são tão civilizados.🙈

Vejam parte do texto do Breibart.

Swedish Scientist Proposes Cannibalism to Fight Climate Change

Swedish behavioural scientist Magnus Söderlund has suggested that eating other people after they die could be a means of combatting climate change.

The scientist mentioned the possibility of cannibalism during a broadcast on Swedish television channel TV4 this week about a fair in Stockholm regarding “food of the future”.
Söderlund is set to hold seminars at the event, entitled “Gastro Summit — about the future of food” where he intends to discuss the possibility of eating people in the name of cutting down greenhouse emissions.
According to his research, the main problem with the idea is the widespread taboo of eating human flesh and said that conservative attitudes could make it hard to convince Swedes at large to take up the practice of cannibalism.
Regardless of the likely immense resistance to the idea of eating people, Söderlund said it was important to examine different options in the name of sustainability.
Söderlund is not alone in his call to reject the taboo of cannibalism. Last year, noted atheist and evolutionary scientist Richard Dawkins advocated for lab-grown meat and suggested it may be used to “overcome our taboo against cannibalism”.
Psychologists Jared Piazza and Neil McLatchie of Lancaster University also questioned the taboo on cannibalism in an article for Newsweek last month but ultimately did not endorse breaking it.

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