sábado, 23 de novembro de 2019

Bispo Abusador Sexual Vive na Casa do Papa em Roma

Procurado pela polícia internacional por abusar sexualmente de seminaristas, o bispo argentino Gustavo Zanchetta, mora no Vaticano na Casa Santa Marta, onde mora o próprio Papa Francisco.

A polícia argentina já se comunicou diversas vezes com o Vaticano, e o Vaticano não entrega o bispo.

Enquanto isso, o Papa fala contra abusadores sexuais na Tailândia.

Há muito tempo se sabe dos casos de abusos sexuais de Zanchetta, que foi julgado na Argentina e também é acusado de corrupção do dinheiro da diocese.

O relato que fiz acima não é meu. É do jornal inglês The Telegraph.

Vejam um pedaço abaixo.

Vatican accused of harbouring bishop wanted for alleged sexual abuse of young priests

The Vatican has been accused of harbouring a bishop wanted for alleged sex abuse offences, as Pope Francis railed against the evils of sexual exploitation on a visit to Thailand.
Prosecutors in Argentina have issued an international arrest warrant for Bishop Gustavo Zanchetta, who is accused of sexually abusing young trainee priests, known as seminarians. He denies the charges.
Bishop Zanchetta, 55, who is close to his fellow Argentine Pope Francis, lives in the Vatican.
Not only that, he reportedly resides in Casa Santa Marta, an accommodation block in the shadow of St Peter’s Basilica where Francis has lived ever since his election six years ago.
Argentinian prosecutors have complained that the bishop has failed to respond to repeated emails and telephone calls about the abuse allegations, which were made last year by two young seminarians. The trainee priests also accused him of mismanagement of the diocese’s finances and abuse of power.
If convicted, the bishop would face up to 10 years in prison, but there is no extradition treaty between Argentina and the Vatican and for now he seems to be safely ensconced in Rome.
The stand-off emerged as Pope Francis made an impassioned speech in Bangkok on behalf of victims of sex trafficking, prompting accusations of a double standard in the Catholic Church’s stance on sex crimes.
 Despite being suspended from ministry, the Vatican has argued that Zanchetta's ‘daily work’ requires him to be in Rome instead of facing trial in Argentina. This decision is at best questionable and at worst a Vatican-sponsored opportunity for Zanchetta to flee from justice,” said Zach Hiner, the executive director of victims’ pressure group SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests.

“If Pope Francis was serious about his “all-out battle” against cases of clergy abuse, he would order Zanchetta to return to Argentina and face the allegations against him.”

Um comentário:

  1. Triste.

    Pra mim, cada notícia que denuncia essas podridões no seio católico só confirma uma coisa: o centro da Igreja em Roma se transformou em pura politicagem. Dá pra dizer que isso é a Igreja Católica? Não dá: afirma que sim é contradizer-se; é dividir a alma. Só rezando o Rosário mesmo e confiando nas promessas de Nossa Senhora.

    Deus nos dê forças.


Certa vez, li uma frase em inglês muito boa para ser colocada quando se abre para comentários. A frase diz: "Say What You Mean, Mean What Say, But Don’t Say it Mean." (Diga o que você realmente quer dizer, com sinceridade, mas não com maldade).