segunda-feira, 9 de março de 2015

Budistas em guerra contra Muçulmanos

Certa vez, folheando em uma livraria o livro Guia Politicamente Incorreto da História do Mundo, abri justamente na página relativa ao Tibete. O autor descreve o período em que o Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, patrocinava amputações, mortes e orgias com meninos (!).  Não estou recomendando o livro, não li todo, nem sou especialista em Tibete.

Bom, atualmente, o Dalai Lama é a imagem da mansidão e da paz. Ele parece que não comeria uma mosquito, como os jainas.

Mas leio hoje que os budistas estão se levantando contra os muçulmanos em diversas partes do mundo. Vale lembrar que, assim como acontece com os cristãos, esta luta não é nova.

Vejamos parte do relato de Raymond Ibrahim:

West Misses Point—and Lesson—of Buddhist Anti-Muslim Sentiment

By Raymond Ibrahim

Ongoing reports decrying “anti-Muslim” Buddhists seem to miss the point: this antipathy did not appear out of thin air but rather in response to Islamic aggression—the same Islamic aggression the rest of the world is trying to cope with.

Ashin Wirathu: spiritual leader of the anti-Muslim movement in Burma
Financial Times editorial titled “Buddhist militancy triggers international concern” opens by describing the “traumatic first-hand view” of a Muslim woman whose home was attacked and possessions plundered by Buddhists in Sri Lanka.   Says the woman: “If I could meet those responsible, I would ask: ‘Sir, does your Lord Buddha teach this?’”
Some paragraphs down, readers discover that her home was attacked during the course of “two days of clashes with Muslims,” which were “sparked by a street-corner disagreement between a Buddhist monk and a young Muslim,” and which left three people—religious identity unstated—dead.
So even this centerpiece story meant to demonstrate Buddhist intolerance begins with a quarrelsome “young Muslim” who may have been the one to initiate hostilities (unlike, for example, thehabitual and unprovoked persecution millions of Christians and other minorities experience in the Muslim world.)  But FT does not allow for that interpretation, arguing instead that the incident “is part of a wider trend: the rise of a new generation of militant anti-Muslim Buddhist organisations.”  At no point does the editorial point out that Muslim minorities regularly provoke Buddhist backlashes.
An Al Jazeera report titled “Myanmar’s Buddhist terrorism problem” cites major clashes that erupted in May 2012 and which displaced numerous Muslims.  But, as one digs further, one realizes that these clashes were sparked after Muslims raped and slaughtered a Buddhist woman.
And a New York Times article tells of how
Ashin Wirathu, a Buddhist monk with a rock-star following in Myanmar, sat before an overflowing crowd of thousands of devotees and launched into a rant against what he called “the enemy”—the country’s Muslim minority.  “You can be full of kindness and love, but you cannot sleep next to a mad dog,” Ashin Wirathu said, referring to Muslims. “I call them troublemakers, because they are troublemakers.”
While all such reports are meant to highlight Buddhist intolerance, for those who can read between the lines—or who are familiar with Islamic teachings, history, and current events—it is clear that Buddhists are responding to existential threats posed by the Muslims living among and around them.
Consider the words of Fr. Daniel Byantoro, a Muslim convert to Orthodox Christianity:
For thousands of years my country (Indonesia) was a Hindu Buddhist kingdom.  The last Hindu king was kind enough to give a tax exempt property for the first Muslim missionary to live and to preach his religion. Slowly the followers of the new religion were growing, and after they became so strong the kingdom was attacked, those who refused to become Muslims had to flee for their life to the neighboring island of Bali or to a high mountain of Tengger, where they have been able to keep their religion until now. Slowly from the Hindu Buddhist Kingdom, Indonesia became the largest Islamic country in the world. If there is any lesson to be learnt by Americans at all, the history of my country is worth pondering upon. We are not hate mongering, bigoted people; rather, we are freedom loving, democracy loving and human loving people. We just don’t want this freedom and democracy to be taken away from us by our ignorance and misguided “political correctness”, and the pretension of tolerance.(Source: Facing Islamendorsement section).
The fact is, as in other countries where they are minorities, Muslims in Buddhist nations often initiate violence and mayhem.  In Buddhist-majority Thailand, where Muslim minorities are concentrated in the south, thousands of Buddhists—men, women, and children—have been slaughtered, beheaded, and raped, as Muslims try to cleanse the region of all “infidel” presence. (Click here for graphic reports and images that shed light on why Buddhists are becoming increasingly anti-Muslim.)
Accordingly, Wirathu, the “radical” Buddhist monk cited by FT, NYT, and Al Jazeera—the latter simply calls him the “Burmese bin Laden”—is on record saying: “If we are weak, our land will become Muslim.”  The theme song of his party speaks of people who “live in our land, drink our water, and are ungrateful to us”—a reference to Muslims—and how “We will build a fence with our bones if necessary” to keep them out.  His pamphlets say “Myanmar is currently facing a most dangerous and fearful poison that is severe enough to eradicate all civilization.”

4 comentários:

  1. BOA NOITE, nobre Pedro.

    Esta postagem é simplesmente demais! Veja só: eu não tinha ideia de que isso era uma realidade. Sobre as canalhices de Dalai Lama, eu já sabia, inclusive de seus elogios ao marxismo. Quanto aos conflitos entre budistas e muçulmano, fico chocado com minha ignorância. O texto internacional que você nos trouxe é bastante intrigante. Embora, eu não o tenha lido todo, mas algumas partes, parece que, como os cristãos, os budistas são também difamados pelos canalhas de sempre. E, como sempre, fica-se a prova de que os muçulmanos, mesmo quando e pequeno número, praticam terríveis estragos. Concluo com duas pergunta: 1) Se Dalai Lama é tão cultuado o Brasil, por que a mídia vigarista brasileira não nos traz tais informações? 2) No que se refere ao Brasil, por que os muçulmanos residentes aqui sempre são tão quietinhos?

    1. Obrigado caríssimo Adilson.
      Bom sobre as perguntas. O budismo e o espiritismo são religiões dos gente boa. Religiões sem Deus nem pecado. Para criticar precisa ter noção do certo e do errado.
      Sobre os muçulmanos no Brasil eles não são tao quietos. Não atacaram como fizeram na Argentina mas usam o pais para financiar terrorismo.
      Pedro Erik

  2. Novamente.
    Sim. De fato, os muçulmanos no Brasil dão apoio a rede terrorista; isso sempre é noticiado, embora não da forma que deveria ser. Mas me referi às ousadias que normalmente praticam na Europa, como a violência contra a mulher, contra judeus e menores. Aliás esses tópicos nem mesmo aparecem nos livros didáticos do PNLD.

    1. Caro Adilson
      A população dos muçulmanos é maior na Europa, eles são mais ricos por lá, o estado europeu ajuda muito no sustento deles, e os paises europeus estão mais na linha de frente da guerra contra o terror. O Brasil em muitos sentidos é desimportante.
      Pedro Erik


Certa vez, li uma frase em inglês muito boa para ser colocada quando se abre para comentários. A frase diz: "Say What You Mean, Mean What Say, But Don’t Say it Mean." (Diga o que você realmente quer dizer, com sinceridade, mas não com maldade).