segunda-feira, 25 de junho de 2018

Trump Pode Derrubar Regime Iraniano Sem Fazer Nada.

Bastou Trump sair do acordo nuclear com o Irã que fazia o país receber milhões do mundo.

Agora, o próprio ministro das relações exteriores reconhece no Congresso iraniano que o fim do acordo será dramático para o país.

Enquanto isso o povo iraniano vai às ruas pedindo o fim do regime especialmente por conta dos problemas econômicos, que fazem despencar a cotação da moeda do país (rial).

Agora, o Irã não tem mais o Obama para ajudar a silenciar o povo. Trump só tem de estar do lado do povo e exigir que a ONU também esteja.

Go Trump, Go.

Vejam parte do texto do Daily Wire de hoje.

TRUMP WINNING IN IRAN: Foreign Minister Fears Collapse Of Nuclear Deal Could Topple Government

The Trump Administration knows exactly how to handle the despotic government of Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism: On Sunday Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif admitted to the Iran Chamber of Congress that the collapse of the 2015 nuclear deal would have "very dangerous consequences" for the country.
With protests mounting in the country against the government in full swing, what Zarif is likely referring to is the fact that any more pressure on Iran’s economic system and the government will fall.
 As Reuters reported, “The Iranian rial plunged to a record low against the U.S. dollar on the unofficial market on Sunday, continuing its slide amid fears of returning U.S. sanctions after President Donald Trump in May withdrew from a deal on Tehran’s nuclear program. The dollar was being offered for as much as 87,000 rials, compared to around 75,500 on Thursday, the last trading day before Iran’s weekend, according to foreign exchange website, which tracks the unofficial market."
The plunging rial is catalyzing even more protests:

:|ian currency devaluation breaks the record. 1 USD equals 9K Iranian Rial! Industries are at the edge of bankruptcy. This is going to trigger a new series of nationwide strikes & protests in which can lead to under leadership of
Today following to the shocking 's currency devaluation, shopkeepers in the Alaeddin & Chaharsu Bazaars of started protest. This might trigger a series of new strikes and protests against 's Islamic Regime across which will lead to .

Ppl are on the streets of Tehran today chanting "Leave Syria alone. Think of us instead". Iran's ppl want end to regime's corrupt policies. On June 30 the diaspora plan a major convention in Paris in solidarity with the . @realDonaldTrump @VP @SecPompeo
Chants today in Tehran: "We don't want the Dollar at 100,000 Rials" + "Strike!" Iran's ppl are angry at regime's corrupt policies that have crippled the economy. The diaspora's June 30 convention in Paris will seek global solidarity w/ the . @nikkihaley

Tehran is experiencing its first protests which are in fact the consequence of the collapse of the rial.

Um comentário:

    A quem derrubou a China-boneco Kim Jong, o xiitoide Irã será para ele fichinha - + 4 ANOS DE GOVERNO TRUMP PARA DESESPERO DAS ESQUERDAS E APOIADORES - e, nesse ínterim, Mike Pence desembarca hoje no Brasil, cuja missão seria "O pres. Trump não apoia a volta dos comunistas ao poder e nem fraudes via SMARMATIC, certamente nem a soltura do malfeitor Lula" - e nós de pleno acordo!


Certa vez, li uma frase em inglês muito boa para ser colocada quando se abre para comentários. A frase diz: "Say What You Mean, Mean What Say, But Don’t Say it Mean." (Diga o que você realmente quer dizer, com sinceridade, mas não com maldade).