quinta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2019

Roubo de 400 Milhões de Euros do "Óbolo" do Papa

Na semana passada, eu relatei aqui uma investigação de fraude financeira na Secretaria do Estado do Vaticano, que envolveu o cardeal Angelo Becciu, homem de confiança de Francisco.

Hoje, leio no Church Militant,  relatos de que a investigação envolve roubo de 400 milhões de euros das doações mundiais que fazem parte do "Óbolo de São Pedro", doações que o mundo faz às intenções de ajuda humanitária do Papa. É dinheiro que os cristãos do mundo fazem aos mais necessitados.

Há clérigos investigados por esse roubo, que envolve investimentos em terrenos luxuosos da Inglaterra e empresas de fachada, o modus operandi da lavagem de dinheiro global.

O Church Militant fala até um clérigo venezuela, arcebispo Edgar Peña Parra, que estaria envolvido com os roubos e em assassinato de dois homens em orgias homossexuais. A foto acima mostra Parra com o Papa Francisco.

Segundo o site, todos os envolvidos são de grupos de apoiam o Papa, mas todos estão infelizes com ele de alguma forma. Normal, grupos de apoio a líderes estão sempre em briga e possuem algo a reclamar do líder. Se juntam todos contra o grupo de oposição, no caso de Francisco, se juntam todos contra os ortodoxos, conservadores, todos que querem que a Igreja siga o mais perto possível as palavras de Cristo. 

O Church Militant diz que o próprio Papa Francisco consentiu no pedido do Banco do Vaticano para que a polícia do Vaticano entrasse nos escritórios da cúria para cumprir mandato de busca e apreensão. Mas o fez porque os roubos ficaram muito evidentes e muita gente já estava sabendo. Acho também que o Banco do Vaticano está sob vigilância cerrada de autoridades italianas e financeiras globais e por isso fez o pedido ao Papa para liberar a investigação. O Banco deve ter muita informação dos roubos.

Aqui vai parte do texto do Church Militant.


A half a billion, to be precise.

October 10, 2019

Following up on yesterday's Vortex where we talked about Vatican Secretary of State Cdl. Pietro Parolin and his apparent covering up of at least a $13 million theft from the U.S.-based Papal Foundation — now there's more.
Parolin's offices were raided internally by Vatican police last week, as was widely reported in international media. The unprecedented raid, created a firestorm of questions.  
Church Militant has been informed that, behind the scenes, this is something of a power play between various Pope Francis factions, apparently all of whom are unhappy with him — just for competing reasons.
Indeed, it was Francis himself who gave permission for the raid, but by the time the case arrived on his desk, too much was already known by too many for the Pope to have not acted.
In short, various workers in the Vatican Secretary of State diverted — or ripped off — approximately 400 million euros; that's almost $500 million from the account which administers Peter's Pence.
Let that sink in: half a billion dollars stolen. Those optics immediately look bad — really bad. Francis' "Church of the Poor" has high-level workers stealing from a pot intended to help the poor.
It's so bad that the Swiss Guard was handed this flyer with the workers' official headshots and ordered to not let them back into Vatican City while the investigation is going on.
What has the investigation turned up so far, according to our Vatican sources?
That about half of the money, approximately $250 million, diverted from Peter's Pence, was used to buy a massively expensive building in the heart of London on Sloane Avenue.
While the cost of the building was at market price, the point is that the purchase was made with funds not authorized to be used for real estate or real estate speculation.
On top of that, when all the Brexit madness and political fallout turned into economic news, the market for expensive real estate in London took a huge hit and the value of the building dropped.
Additionally, some of the remaining roughly $250 million — 200 million in euros — appears to have been diverted to either phony legal companies or, at a minimum, fraudulent billable hours to cover for the purchase of the London property.
Aside from the theft, which makes Cdl. Parolin's so-called "loan agreement" for $13 million with the Papal Foundation look small by comparison, there is the more painful PR problem for Pope Francis of just who was in charge when the senior managers got sticky fingers.
That man is Cdl. Angelo Becciu, who was deputy to the Secretariat of State, the offices that were raided, at the time all this illegal stuff was going on.
He is a dyed-in-the-wool Francis man, who the Pope promoted to cardinal last year.
In December of last year, he transferred to become prefect of the Congregation for Saints and his replacement at State is none other than Abp. Edgar Peña Parra, a man with a very questionable past, but also an FOF — "Friend of Francis."
The theft or diversion of half a billion dollars appears to have happened on Becciu's watch, and the cover-up and resulting raid on Parra's watch.
Parra has a very troubling past, a past which Pope Francis seems to have no problem with.
This past June, Abp. Viganò, in hiding for fear of his life, told The Washington Post that he's seen with his own eyes official Church documentation linking Parra to the deaths of two men in Venezuela in 1992.
The deaths from electrocution occurred on the island of San Carlos in Lake Maracaibo in northern Venezuela, and according to the Church documents Viganò read, he says, "[T]he two corpses were found naked, with evidence of macabre homosexual lewd encounters."
Moreover, Parra has a long history of accusations of homosexual predation, including the seduction of two seminarians in September 1990 in Maracaibo, an account investigated and confirmed in writing by the seminary rector.
Archbishop Viganò also insists the Vatican has in its possession a 25-page dossier detailing Parra's alleged crimes, but none of this has stopped his rise to power in the Francis Vatican.
According to sources here in Rome, the half-billion-dollar theft was reported to Francis by high-ranking officials at the Vatican bank. 
That little nugget is what prompted the reports that a huge internal power play was underway inside the walls here.
The Vatican Bank has a very long history of corruption. That the bank would actually report other officials of corruption has become something of a quiet joke here. 
When Francis stepped out onto the loggia back in 2013, one of the two pressing issues was the widespread corruption — financial and moral — that needed cleaning up.
Jorge Bergoglio was presented to the cardinals in conclave as the man who could get everything cleaned up because he was not part of the bureaucracy, he was the consummate outsider.
But under Francis, the scandals have proliferated and Vatican corruption seems more entrenched than ever.

3 comentários:

  1. Será que essa corrupção financeira dentro da Igreja tem como objetivo a destruição da economia da Igreja, e assim, um certo "x", comprar as propriedades dEla, uma vez que será preciso que a administração precise vender ou penhorar seus bens para saldar dívida? Bem, pergunto isso porque me parece que durante o processo revolucionário na França, clerigos franceses (sem autorização de ROma) penhoraram seus bens para ajudar a Monarquia francesa a colocar suas contas em dias. Todavia, como os revolucionários derrubaram a monarquia antes, o estado transitório revolucionário imprimiram mais papeis moedas e assim, os bens da Igreja não foram devolvidos. Acho foi que algo mais ou menos assim. Confirma, professor Pedro?

    1. Monarquia e clero eram vistos como unidos pelos revolucionários franceses, sim. Por isso, eles mataram o rei e muitos e muitos clérigos. Além de profanar igrejas e cemitérios.

      Sim, no poder eles imprimiram moeda para pagar endividamento, mas logo se viram em dificuldade financeira.

      Abraço, amigo Adilson.

      Pedro Erik

  2. Posso lhe afirmar que meus varios bispos de minha diocese são socialistas barra-pesada, devotos do papa Francisco, assim como a CNBB e o papa Francisco ao lado desses adeptos também da ONU-NOM-maçonaria!
    Desde varios anos nem 1 centavo destinado aos acima, há varios anos, nem o óbulo de S Pedro e talvez nunca mais; dôo cestinhas mensais para os vicentinos, apenas, nem esmolas na ruas!


Certa vez, li uma frase em inglês muito boa para ser colocada quando se abre para comentários. A frase diz: "Say What You Mean, Mean What Say, But Don’t Say it Mean." (Diga o que você realmente quer dizer, com sinceridade, mas não com maldade).