Ontem mostrei uma pesquisa da Pew Resarch de 2010 que mostra que
80% da população no Egito, Jordânia e Paquistão acham que a pessoa merece pena de morte se deixar a religião islâmica. Hoje tenho o desprazer de saber pelo
Wall Street Journal que é exatamente isso que vai acontecer a dois afegãos que se converteram ao cristianismo.
O Ministro da Justiça do Afeganistão, Jamal Khan, disse: "
The sentence for a convert is death and there is no exception..They must be sentenced to death to serve as a lesson for others." (A sentença para o convertido é a morte e não há exceção. Eles devem ser sentenciados a morte como lição para os outros). Não há nem um
São Domingos de Gusmão do Islã para conversar com eles e tentar trazê-los de volta ao islamismo. Basta uma denúncia e pronto, cadeia e morte.
Aliás, nenhum advogado quer defender os acusados, pois isso também poderia provocar pena de morte para eles.
Um dos presos é Said Musa, 46 anos, pai de seis filhos, membro da Cruz Vermelha, médico terapeuta, que se converteu 9 anos atrás. Em uma carta aberta, ele diz que está sendo torturado e abusado sexualmente na prisão.Sua esposa e seus filhos deixaram o Afeganistão.
O segundo convertido é Shoaib Assadullah Musawi de 25 anos, que foi preso depois que deu uma coópia do Novo Testamento a um amigo e esse amigo da onça o denunciou.
A pergunta que não quer calar é: Ué, os Estados Unidos e outros países não gastaram milhões dólares para afastar o Talibã (bandeira acima) do poder e agora torram milhões para manter no poder e enriquecer
Hamid Karzai, e a lógica Talibã ainda permanece? De que serviu a retirada do Talibã?
Isto mostra que tirar um tirano é bem mais fácil que tornar um país realmente democrático. A democracia é a defesa dos direitos individuais, a defesa das minorias. Não é voto apenas.
Vamos rezar pelos dois prisioneiros.
Barnabas Fund divulgou a carta que Said Musa fez da prisão. Aqui vai:
"To the international church of world and to the President Brother Barak Obama President of the United States and to the head of ISAF [International Security Assistance Force] in !
"My name is Said Musa 45 years old.
I have been working since 15 years as a Physiotherapist in I-C-R-C [International Committee of the Red Cross] orthopaedic centre in Kabul, . About four and a half months before by security force of I [was] captured, due to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour of the world. One person ____ he is spy of ____ [a] leader in . He told about me [to] the Government's officials, 'He's believer, He's head of church in ____'. He showed my house to the security force. Since that time I am in jail. The authority and prisoners in jail did many bad behaviour with me about my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. For example, they did sexual things with me, beat me by wood, by hands, by legs, put some things on my head, mocked me ‘He's Jesus Christ', spat on me, nobody let me for sleep night and day. Every person spat on me and beat me. Also the prosecutor wrote something wrong against me.
He told from himself something wrong against me on my file."He is stimulating every day the prisoners against me, ‘He is also in jail due to spy for country', to reveal the church in Kabul. I'm in a very and very bad condition in the jail.
"I agree with long imprisonment about my faith even for long life. Because I'm the sinnest person in the world. Because sometimes they treated for died I refuse my faith due to died. Sometimes I tolerate the persecution but immediately I acknowledge my sin before Lord Jesus Christ: ‘
Don't refuse me before your holy angels and before your Father.' Because I am very very weak and sinful man.
"Nobody could accept my defender before the court. If I say I am a Christian man he immediately spat on me and abuse me and mock me! I am alone between 400 handlers of terrible values in the jail like a sheep. Please, please, for the sake of Lord Jesus Christ help me. Please send a person who should supervise my document and my file, what I said in it. My prosecutor has told something wrong to the judge because he asked [for] money but I refused his request. Please, please you should transfer me from this jail to a jail that supervises the believers.
I also agree with died on cross of my pride. I also agree with the sacrifice [of] my life in public, I will tell the faith in Lord Jesus Christ son of God and other believers will take courage and be strong in their faith. Hundred percent I am stable to my word. I have family of seven - one wife, three daughters and three sons.
My big son [is] about eight years old. One of my daughters can't speak, she has some mental problems.
"This is a request from me to all over the world, people please help me. I could not have any person to help. For [the] sake [of] Lord Jesus Christ please pray and immediately help me and rescue me from this jail. Otherwise, they will kill me, because I know they're very very very cruel and hard hearted!
"Your destitute brother in the world.
"Please my English writing is not enough good. If I did some mistake please forgive me! From Kabul Provincial jail."