domingo, 12 de março de 2017

Feministas Apresentam Grotesco Aborto de Nossa Senhora

Grupo de feministas da Argentina realizou o teatro do aborto de Cristo  em frente à Catedral da cidade de Tucuman.

São imagens fortes, grotescas, diabólicas.

Mas revelam o caminho do feminismo, o maior desejo das feministas e a fonte de inspiração (demônio).

Leiam abaixo a notícia que saiu no site Crux.

Argentina’s March for Women became an attack on the Church

In Pope Francis’s home country of Argentina, pro-women rallies of any sort have become synonymous for attacks on churches and on the Catholic faith.
This week was no different, when, on March 8, as the world marked the United Nations-sponsored International Women’s Day, a woman dressed like the Virgin Mary pretended to have an abortion in front of a cathedral.
The events took place in Tucuman, a northern province in Argentina, where thousands rallied in favor of equal pay for women and against femicide. In Argentina during 2016, a woman was murdered by her male partner every 30 hours, so it’s not as if there weren’t reasons for the protest.
Yet as has happened in many other countries, a rally that was once about equality between women and men has also become for most of those participating a rally in favor of abortion, a practice that is forbidden in Argentina unless the life of the mother is threatened by pregnancy.
Hence, in what is being described as “an artistic representation” by some, a group of women pretended to do an abortion on a woman dressed like a very pregnant Virgin Mary in front of a Catholic cathedral in a clearly provocative gesture.
The gruesome images, which include what looks like blood and baby parts coming out from under the woman’s dress, were shared thousands of times on Facebook.
An organization called “Socorro Rosa Tucuman” organized the fake abortion. On their Facebook page, they wrote: “In Tucuman, the Virgin aborted in the cathedral the patriarchate, the mandatory heterosexuality and the mandates of this reprising society and demanded all misogynist of this medieval province to remove her image from every maternity ward, to stop forbidding abortions in her name, that he, throwing this abortion in the face of monsignor Zecca, this rotten fetus, conceived only for the raping system that mandates us to forced maternity.”
The local archbishop, Alfredo Horacio Zecca exptressed his condemnation of the abortion parody.
The events, he said, “deeply aggravate the person and image of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God, and also the faith of the Catholics of Tucuman.”

4 comentários:

Ricardo Lima disse...

Realmente, o feminismo é grandemente influenciado pelo príncipe das trevas.

E vão haver aqueles que dirão que este "espetáculo" grotesco foi uma simples
demonstração da liberdade de expressão. Enfim.....

Cumprimentos, caro Pedro, e bom domingo pra você e sua família.


Ricardo Lima.

Pedro Erik Carneiro disse...

Obrigado, meu amigo, o mesmo para você e sua família.

Grande abraço,

Anônimo disse...

O antipapa Fraticelli deve estar feliz com isso.

Isac disse...

As participantes das cenas ultrajantes ao Divino Mestre Jesus e à Sua SS Mãe e nossa é obra de quem estaria sob controle de forças satãnicas para bestialidade tamanha!
As arruaceiras feministas, melhor, FEMINAZISTAS, são mercenarias bem remuneradas pelas esquerdas para ajudarem a destruirem a familia e a toda a cultura cristã católica ocidental, nada mais!
Defesa da mulher e seus direitos? Apenas teatro, pirotecnia; a realidade é outra, pois se agissem em defesa da mulher e seus direitos desbancariam os países árabes onde elas são capachas dos homens e tratadas como seres de segunda categoria, enterradas vivas e chicoteadas em público!
Bando de depravadas, diabólicas e massas-de-manobras das esquerdas - isso sim!