Eu disse aqui que a encíclica Laudato Sí é ruim cientificamente e ruim teologicamente. Apela para argumentos científicos no mínimo controversos, para não dizer completamente falsos, e usa a teologia e a Doutrina da Igreja de forma equivocada para tentar "ajudar os pobres".
Bom, o famoso articulista do jornal inglês Catholic Herald, William Oddie, disse exatamente isso que eu estou falando. Lembrando, como eu também faço, que há 18 anos o mundo não tem aquecimento global (na verdade, muitos cientistas já falam em um período de esfriamento global). Faltou apenas lembrar o que eu costumo ressaltar, o movimento climático está eivado de fraudes científicas.
É muito bom ver um jornal católico, que costuma ser bastante fiel à Igreja e até protege o Papa de suas próprias declarações, mostrar fatos básicos do movimento ambientalista.
Oddie comparou o Papa Francisco como Al Gore, com sua retórica explosiva e falsa sobre meio ambiente.
Oddie diz que os católicos não devem considerar a Laudato Sí como parte da Doutrina Social da Igreja, apesar do Papa dizer que faz parte.
Concordo plenamente com Oddie.
Vejamos parte do ótimo artigo de William Oddie. Cliquem no link, para ler o texto completo.
Bom, o famoso articulista do jornal inglês Catholic Herald, William Oddie, disse exatamente isso que eu estou falando. Lembrando, como eu também faço, que há 18 anos o mundo não tem aquecimento global (na verdade, muitos cientistas já falam em um período de esfriamento global). Faltou apenas lembrar o que eu costumo ressaltar, o movimento climático está eivado de fraudes científicas.
É muito bom ver um jornal católico, que costuma ser bastante fiel à Igreja e até protege o Papa de suas próprias declarações, mostrar fatos básicos do movimento ambientalista.
Oddie comparou o Papa Francisco como Al Gore, com sua retórica explosiva e falsa sobre meio ambiente.
Oddie diz que os católicos não devem considerar a Laudato Sí como parte da Doutrina Social da Igreja, apesar do Papa dizer que faz parte.
Concordo plenamente com Oddie.
Vejamos parte do ótimo artigo de William Oddie. Cliquem no link, para ler o texto completo.
St Francis, the Pope teaches concern for nature; but Laudato Si’ will bring no
justice for the poor
posted Wednesday, 24 Jun 2015
I recently
begged the Holy Father, in this magazine’s print edition, to be very careful in
anything he might say about global warming in his then forthcoming (but, alas, now published)
encyclical on the environment, not least because there has actually been no
global warming to speak of for more than 18 years now and because the supposed
“consensus” on the subject was being increasingly questioned.
however, it was because the subject has been so heavily politicised. As I wrote
in the article, it has become a matter of public controversy, involving massive
public funding and the striking of political postures. As Richard S Lindzen,
emeritus professor of atmospheric sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, illuminatingly comments: “The public square brings its own dynamic
into the process of science: most notably, it involves the coupling of science
to specific policy issues…. This immediately involves a distortion of science
at a very basic level: namely, science becomes a source of authority rather
than a mode of inquiry.”
“Scientific” claims then become simply political
assertions. We have been listening to political environmentalists like Al Gore
for years now, partly discounting what he says ever since his alarmist film An
Inconvenient Truth was
shown to be so full of wild claims, such as that Hurricane Katrina was caused
by global warming (there is no evidence at all for this), and that polar bears
as a species were under threat from drowning because of melting polar icecaps
(on the contrary, the polar bear population has been growing so much it has to
be regularly culled): and, anyway, polar ice, if we include the Antarctic, is
growing rather than shrinking.
need, to say the least, to treat the “science” of global warming with extreme
care. Any such hesitations, however, form no part of the Pope’s thinking: his
encyclical is in places like Al Gore on steroids.
Si’ appears closely to reflect the influence of the environmentalist Hans
Joachim Schellnhuber, a pillar of the UN’s tendentiously political
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC), who has been described in the
New York Times as “a scientist known for his aggressive stance on climate
policy” and who the Pope recently appointed to the Pontifical Academy of
Sciences, despite his other beliefs (he is hardly a Catholic thinker).
of the encyclical are crude in the extreme. “A number of scientific studies
indicate,” says Pope Francis, though without specifying which, “that most
[that’s right, he says ‘most’] global warming in recent decades is due to the
great concentration of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen
oxides and others) released mainly [I repeat “mainly”] as a result of human
Actually, only about five per cent of present
atmospheric carbon dioxide is derived from the use of fossil fuels; that is,
just 19 parts of CO2 per million parts of atmosphere. Most CO2 is a natural
part of the atmosphere. It is not pollution: indeed, human life is
largely dependent on it since without CO2 there could be no growth of any kind
of vegetable matter: no CO2, no trees. No trees, no oxygen. And yet Francis
writes that “Carbon dioxide pollution increases the acidification of the oceans
and compromises the marine food chain”: It’s a dubious theory put forward by
some: but it is far from having been proved.
danger of getting too closely involved in the politics of climate change is
that they destructively divert our attention, (and that “our” includes the Pope
himself), from a political imperative one would have thought much closer to the
heart of what Francis, and with him the Church, really cares about. He has
always claimed, with evident sincerity, to be on the side of the poor. And yet
he attacks fossil fuels, their chief energy source, which he does admit are “at
the heart of the worldwide energy system”.
So how are the poor to cease to be poor? Only as a
result of their economic development. As Charles Moore asked on
Saturday: “Why is the developed world rich? The answer lies in
the name: it developed more than other places. Development happens by uniting
the resources of the earth with the capacities of the human brain and the
institutions of human society. The resulting innovations are driven by energy,
the cheaper the better. Hence the overwhelming historic (and present) importance
of fossil fuels.”
nations, he unanswerably argues, “see this clearly. Countries like China and
India have at last become industrially successful and internationally
competitive. If their energy becomes more expensive, their development will
stall. They scorn what they see as the hypocrisy of the West which, having done
so well out of fossil fuels, now wants a binding global agreement to prevent
them doing the same. They will accept green energy only if the price is right.
At present, it isn’t. So they won’t agree to ‘save the planet’ just because
rich Westerners tell them they should. Even loyal, Catholic Poland will not
stop its heavy use and sale of coal.”
fact is that if we really care about feeding the poor, environmentalist fads
like the global warming obsession destructively divert our attention from what
should be our real priorities. This is true of other environmentalist nonsense,
like the campaign against Genetic Modified (GM) foods (by which millions of the poor have been
saved from starvation), a campaign by which the Pope has also clearly been
strongly influenced in Laudato Si’ (§§ 133-4): he has, it seems become a
fully-fledged green.
concedes, in the classic formula that no “conclusive” proof exists that GM
foods are harmful; but this implies that, proof or no proof, they are risky.
The fact is that there is general agreement that food derived from GM crops
poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food. The anti-GM
greens argue vociferously that GM foods are objectionable on grounds including
safety, environmental impact and the fact that some GM seeds that are food
sources are subject to intellectual property rights owned by corporations: and
the encyclical supports these generally anti-capitalist arguments at some
Pope Francis is getting all this from the atheist Schellnhuber, I don’t know:
but it’s certainly entirely consistent with the professor’s general ideological
stance. So when the Holy Father tells me, as he does in his encyclical, that
Laudato Si’ is now to be regarded as part of the social teaching of the Church,
along with Rerum Novarum and Centesimus Annus, I must and I believe we all
must, respectfully decline to accept what he says. Social teaching of a sort it
may be: but given its content and its openly acknowledged intellectual sources
we have to say that consistently “Catholic” it is not.
2 comentários:
Boa tarde Pedro, meu nobre.
Alguns minutos de comentar esta postagem (e a anterior) recebi a notícia de que o papa Francisco havia reconhecido o estado palestino. Não sei se é verdade; recebi a notícia pela TV Globo, entidade que não confio e pela qual tenho asco. Mas vou pesquisar sobre o assunto. Vc confirma isso?
Não tenho o hábito de ler o jornal inglês Catholic Herald, William Oddie, mas me parece uma boa notícia. É boa pelo fato, como vc mesmo explicou, de ser um jornal que sempre baixava a cabeça às declarações do papa. Espero que, num futuro não muito distante, os editores desse jornal reconheçam que foram céticos em ralação ao perfil ecclesiástico de nosso papa.
Rezemos por este homem.
Abraços, meu irmão.
Sim, Adilson. Pela primeira vez, em um documento oficial, a Igreja reconheceu o Estado Palestino. Israel reagiu a isso.
Foi um reconhecimento meio torto, sem alarde, mas sim, é verdade.
Grande abraço,
Pedro Erik
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