sexta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2018

Milhares de Mulheres Católicas Imploram que Papa Quebre Silêncio sobre Abusos Sexuais

Milhares de mulheres católicas, freiras, teólogas, missionárias e mães do Catholic Women Forum assinam carta pedindo ao Papa Francisco que quebre o silêncio sobre os abusos sexuais contra crianças e seminaristas. Elas mostram apoio ao arcebispo Viganò e ao presidente da Conferência dos Bispos dos Estados Unidos, cardeal Daniel Nicholas Dinardo.

É uma carta belíssima e direta ao ponto. A carta está no site Catholic Women Forum.

Vou traduzir alguns parágrafos da carta, para que tenham uma ideia:

Sua Santidade:
Você disse que busca “uma presença feminina mais incisiva na Igreja” e que “as mulheres são capazes de ver as coisas com um ângulo diferente dos [homens], com um olho diferente. As mulheres são capazes de fazer perguntas que os homens não são capazes de entender ”.

Nós escrevemos a você, Santo Padre, para fazer perguntas que precisam de respostas.


A recente declaração do arcebispo Carlo Maria Viganò nos impele a entrar em contato diretamente com você para obter respostas. O testemunho acusa você, o Santo Padre, e renomados cardeais de acobertarem o comportamento notório do ex-cardeal McCarrick, e promover este predador como porta-voz global e líder espiritual. Isso é verdade?

Essas são alegações devastadoras. Como o presidente do USCCB, cardeal Daniel D. DiNardo, declarou recentemente: "As questões levantadas merecem respostas conclusivas e baseadas em evidências". Concordamos.

Várias questões cruciais levantadas pela declaração do Arcebispo Viganò, no entanto, não exigem longas investigações nem evidências físicas. Eles exigem apenas sua resposta direta, Santo Padre. Quando os repórteres lhe perguntaram recentemente sobre as acusações do Arcebispo Viganò, você respondeu: "Não vou dizer uma única palavra sobre isso". Você disse aos repórteres que "leiam a declaração cuidadosamente e façam o seu próprio julgamento".

Para o seu rebanho ferido, Papa Francisco, suas palavras são inadequadas. Elas lembram o clericalismo que você recentemente condenou. Precisamos de liderança, verdade e transparência. Nós, seu rebanho, merecemos suas respostas agora.

Especificamente, imploramos humildemente que você responda às seguintes perguntas, pois as respostas certamente são conhecidas por você. O arcebispo Viganò diz que em junho de 2013 ele transmitiu a você esta mensagem (em essência) sobre o então cardeal McCarrick:

“Ele corrompeu gerações de seminaristas e sacerdotes e o papa Bento ordenou que ele se retirasse para uma vida de oração e penitência”.

- Isso é verdade? O que o arcebispo Viganò transmitiu a você em junho de 2013 sobre o então cardeal McCarrick?
- Quando você soube de quaisquer alegações de abuso sexual ou má conduta sexual com adultos pelo então cardeal McCarrick?
- Quando você soube das restrições do papa Bento XVI ao então cardeal McCarrick? E você liberou o então cardeal McCarrick de alguma das restrições do papa Bento?

Abaixo vai a carta inteira, vocês podem ver o nome de algumas mulheres que assinaram no site.

Letter to Pope Francis from Catholic Women

August 30, 2018
His Holiness, Pope Francis
Vatican City

Your Holiness: 

You have said that you seek a more incisive female presence in the Church,” and that “women are capable of seeing things with a different angle from [men], with a different eye. Women are able to pose questions that we men are not able to understand.”
We write to you, Holy Father, to pose questions that need answers.
We are Catholic women deeply committed to our faith and profoundly grateful for Church teachings, the Sacraments, and the many good bishops and priests who have blessed our lives.
Our hearts are broken, our faith tested, by the escalating crisis engulfing our beloved Church. We are angry, betrayed and disillusioned. The pain and suffering of the victims never ends, as each news cycle brings more horrific revelations of sexual abuse, sexual misconduct, cover-ups, and deceit—even at the Church’s highest levels.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s recent statement impels us to reach out to you directly for answers. His testimony accuses you, Holy Father, and highly placed cardinals of turning a blind eye to former Cardinal McCarrick’s egregious behavior, and promoting this predator as a global spokesman and spiritual leader. Is this true?
These are devastating allegations. As USCCB President Cardinal Daniel D. DiNardo recently stated, “The questions raised deserve answers that are conclusive and based on evidence.” We agree.
Several crucial questions raised by Archbishop Viganò’s statement, however, require neither lengthy investigations nor physical evidence. They require only your direct response, Holy Father. When reporters questioned you recently about Archbishop Viganò’s charges, you replied, “I will not say a single word on this.” You told reporters to “read the statement carefully and make your own judgment.”
To your hurting flock, Pope Francis, your words are inadequate. They sting, reminiscent of the clericalism you so recently condemned. We need leadership, truth, and transparency. We, your flock, deserve your answers now.
Specifically, we humbly implore you to answer the following questions, as the answers are surely known to you. Archbishop Viganò says that in June 2013 he conveyed to you this message (in essence) about then-Cardinal McCarrick:
“He corrupted generations of seminarians and priests and Pope Benedict ordered him to withdraw to a life of prayer and penance.”
  • Is this true? What did Archbishop Viganò convey to you in June 2013 about then-Cardinal McCarrick?
  • When did you learn of any allegations of sexual abuse or sexual misconduct with adults by then-Cardinal McCarrick?
  • When did you learn of Pope Benedict’s restrictions on then-Cardinal McCarrick? And did you release then-Cardinal McCarrick from any of Pope Benedict’s restrictions?
Holy Father, in your letter to the People of God on the scandals, you wrote: “An awareness of sin helps us to acknowledge the errors, the crimes and the wounds caused in the past and allows us, in the present, to be more open and committed along a journey of renewed conversion.” That’s why we expect you, our Holy Father, to be honest with us.
Please do not turn from us. You’ve committed yourself to changing clerical ways in the Church. That a cardinal would prey on seminarians is abhorrent. We need to know we can trust you to be honest with us about what happened. The victims who have suffered so greatly need to know they can trust you. Families, who will be the source of the Church’s renewal, need to know we can trust you, and thus trust the Church.
Please do not keep us at arm’s length on these questions. We are faithful daughters of the Church who need the truth so we can help rebuild. We are not second-class Catholics to be brushed off while bishops and cardinals handle matters privately. We have a right to know. We have a right to your answers.
We are wives, mothers, single women, consecrated women, and religious sisters.
We are the mothers and sisters of your priests, seminarians, future priests and religious. We are the Church’s lay leaders, and the mothers of the next generation.
We are professors in your seminaries, and leaders in Catholic chanceries and institutions.
We are theologians, evangelists, missionaries and founders of Catholic apostolates.
We are the people who sacrifice to fund the Church’s good work.
We are the backbone of Catholic parishes, schools, and dioceses.
We are the hands, the feet, and the heart of the Church.
In short, we are the Church, every bit as much as the cardinals and bishops around you.
Holy Father, we are the “incisive presence” the Church needs, and we need your answers.
 With love for Christ and the Church,

quinta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2018

Por que a Mídia Protege o Papa Francisco se Podia Atacar Bento XVI e João Paulo II?

Imaginem se o Bento XVI se nega a responder perguntas sobre padres pedófilos e homossexuais que abusaram de crianças e seminaristas por anos.

Francisco desde o início protegeu os homossexuais, desde aquela sua famosa frase "quem sou eu para condenar os homossexuais" está claro para a mídia global, que protege e apoia os grupos LGBT, que é preciso proteger o Papa também.

A relação entre homossexuais e pedofilia é clara nos dados dos abusos sexuais. Eu mesmo coloquei aqui no blog os dados de um relatório oficial independente feito para os casos de pedofilia nos Estados Unidos que mostrou que 82% (isso mesmo, 82%) dos casos de pedofilia de padres envolvia meninos.

O renomado jornalista católico Damian Thompson escreveu um excelente artigo no site The Spectator sobre como a mídia global está protegendo o Papa Francisco.

Interessante é que nas suas críticas a imprensa, Thompson diz que a mídia podia usar os fatos não só para atacar Francisco, mas também João Pualo II e Bento XVI. João Paulo II fez  McCarrick cardeal, mesmo diante de fatos conhecidos contra ele, e Bento XVI demorou muito a reagir contra McCarrick.

 Vou colocar aqui parte do texto de Thompson:

How the media are covering up for Pope Francis

It’s depressing to see the media – both Catholic and secular – shielding Pope Francis from the explosive allegation made by his own former nuncio to the United States, that he knowingly covered up for and revived the career of serial gay predator Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, in testimony published on Saturday, says he personally told Francis in 2013 that McCarrick, retired Archbishop of Washington, had ‘corrupted generations of seminarians and priests’.
The Pope shrugged this off, says Viganò, and went on to lift canonical sanctions placed on McCarrick by Benedict XVI. McCarrick was his close ally – as was retired Cardinal Danneels of Belgium, who had concealed incestuous abuse by one of his bishops. Fully aware of this, Francis invited Danneels to a synod on the family – something that didn’t trouble the Pope’s most fanatical supporters in the media, known as ‘Team Francis’. It still doesn’t bother them.
Confronted by these new grave and credible charges against the Pope, members of Team Francis writing in the liberal National Catholic Reporter, the Tablet and America magazine have desperately sought to discredit Viganò.
They’ve had very limited success. Yes, the former nuncio is an ideological opponent of Francis; assisted by fellow conservatives, he timed his statement in order to cause maximum embarrassment to the pontiff. Also, it appears that Benedict’s sanctions against McCarrick were delayed, ineffective and flouted.
But we know that the old cardinal was forced out of the seminary where he was living, and on the orders of Benedict. That may be as far as the sanctions went. It wouldn’t surprise me if McCarrick’s continued insubordination – supported by fellow cardinals aware of his dirty reputation – played a part in Benedict’s decision to resign the papacy in despair.
The evasive coverage of this scandal by Team Francis hardliners is impossible to justify. Certain ‘reporters’ should ask themselves whether they have become complicit in concealing sexual abuse.
Meanwhile, most of the secular media – now almost bereft of religion specialists – are lazily clinging to the narrative of Francis as a ‘Great Reformer’.
He is nothing of the sort. He’s a man whose ruthless and cynical modus operandi was well known in Argentina before he was elected pope. (I urge everyone to read the book The Dictator Pope by Henry Sire, which gives chapter and verse.) Note that Francis has not set foot in his home country since leaving for the 2013 conclave. He dare not: he has too many enemies there.
Liberal Catholics and the mainstream media are misleading us on two crucial points:
1. Viganò’s motives in releasing the testimony are fundamentally irrelevant. We need to know whether his claims are true. Did Francis ignore what Viganò told him about McCarrick – which, let us not forget, was the truth? I reckon he did, but then I’ve long been convinced that this Pope is prepared to overlook all manner of offences so long as the offender is useful to him. Read my blog post about the shady papal confidant Cardinal Oscar Maradiaga of Honduras, whom Francis declared innocent before the investigation of allegations of financial wrongdoing had even begun.
2. The reputations of John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis have all been damaged by the McCarrick scandal. John Paul made McCarrick Archbishop of Washington and a cardinal even though he was already widely rumoured to be a predator – and his previous archdiocese of Newark had paid money to adultsclaiming that they had been sexually assaulted. Benedict acted very late in the day against McCarrick, after the latter’s retirement, and his low-key canonical sanctions amounted to very little. Francis, however, is credibly accused of a far greater degree of complicity in McCarrick’s crimes. If the head of any other organisation were guilty of such complicity, he or she would not only be forced to resign but could also end up in the dock. Team Francis must understand this. To their eternal disgrace, and helped by ignorant secular news outlets, they want to make sure that the public doesn’t understand it and continues to believe in Francis the Reformer. Who does not exist.

quarta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2018

Entrevista com Arcebispo Viganò (Tradução) - "Agora mais do que Nunca a Corrupção Tomou Conta da Igreja"

O site One Peter Five acaba de divulgar uma entrevista com arcebispo Carlo Maria Viganò, que denunciou o Papa e vários cardeais de acobertarem homossexuais e pedófilos na Igreja.

Vou traduzir em forma de resumo a entrevista (não é a tradução palavra por palavra, não tenho tempo, apenas a ideia de cada pergunta e resposta):

- Monsenhor, como o Sr. Está?

Graças a Deus, estou muito bem e em paz e sereno com minha consciência. A luz sempre conquista a escuridão. Eu tenho fé na Igreja.

- Como o Sr. julgou as reações a seu testemunho?

As reações são mistas e contraditórias. Há aqueles que fazem ataques pessoais a mim, teve um que chegou ao ponto de dizer que eu até fui hospitalizado por uso de drogas. Outros imaginam teorias conspiratórias, coisas políticas, mas outros também gostaram e muitos padres e leigos me escreveram me agradecendo por dar nova esperança para a Igreja.

- Qual a sua respostas para aqueles que imaginam que você agiu por rancor?

Talvez eu seja ingênuo, mas eu nunca agi por rancor. Eu sempre acreditei na hierarquia da Igreja. Mesmo quando eu denunciei o Vatileaks eu escrevi dizendo que muitos conheciam os fatos mas permaneceram em silêncio, era a chance de falarem

- Por que o Sr. decidiu publicar e circular seu testemunho?

Eu fiz isso porque agora mais do que nunca a corrupção chegou a níveis elevadíssimos na hierarquia da Igreja. Anteriormente, eu me perguntei  por que os jornalistas não estão exigindo acesso aos documentos que o Papa Bento XVI repassou ao Papa Francisco no Castelo Gandolfo sobre o caso Vatileaks e nada aconteceu. 

- Como você responderia para aqueles que dizem que você é  "corvo" do Vatileaks?

Eu sou um corvo? Como você viu no meu testemunho, eu sempre faço as coisas à luz do dia. Sempre foi meu hábito imergir completamente no meu trabalho, eu trabalhei por 11 anos como Secretário de Estado pelo João Paulo II.

- Como o Sr. responde para aqueles que dizem que você foi expulso do Governadoria e assim tem rancor?

Como eu disse rancor e ódio não são sentimentos que eu não tenho. Minha resistência em não querer sair do Governadoria foi que eu vi que era muito injusto e que não correspondia ao desejo de Bento XVI. Cardeal Bertone para me demitir cometeu uma série de graves abusos de autoridade. Ele dissolveu a primeira comissão de três cardeais que foi formada investigar os fatos que relatei sobre o aos monsenhor Paolo Nicolini. Mesmo depois que Nicolini foi demitido pela comissão disciplinar, Bertone anulou a decisão e até me bloqueou de continuar meu trabalho de limpeza da corrupção no Governadoria.

- Como Sr. responde para aqueles que dizem que você tem "fixação" em se tornar cardeal e tem rancor pois o Papa Francisco não o nomeou?

Eu afirmo com toda sinceridade diante de Deus que eu rejeitei a oportunidade de me tornar um cardeal. Bento XVI me recebeu em audiência em 4 de abril de 2011 e disse que eu serviria melhor a Santa Sé como presidente de Assuntos Econômicos no lugar do cardeal de Paolis. Eu agradeci mas pedi para o Bento XVI esperar por seis meses ou um ano, porque se eu me tornasse cardeal  todo o trabalho do Governadoria seria perdido e o pessoa seria dispersado. E acrescentei que o cardeal de Paolis deveria também completar seu trabalho com o assunto delicado dos Legionários de Cristo. Bento XVI insistiu, mas aceitou meu pedido. Cardeal Re estava presente na ocasião e pode confirmar isso.

- Como o Sr. responde para aqueles que dizem que sua família tem interesses econômicos? 

Em 2013, meus irmãos escreveram uma declaração para a imprensa, mas eu não quis publicar. Mas desde que a acusação persiste de que eu teria mentido para Bento XVI ao pedir por uma licença para cuidar do meu irmão Lorenzo, eu decidi publicar (no site One Peter Five pode-se ver a resposta).

Austin Ruse e Roberto de Mattei sobre o "Não Direi Nada" do Papa Francisco

Tem gente importante, católica, reconhecida mundialmente, exigindo que o Papa se explique.

Austin Ruse (católico muito atuante na defesa da vida dentro da ONU) já está pedindo que o Trump exija que o Vaticano envie em uma semana os documentos contra os clérigos que abusaram de crianças e seminaristas nos Estados Unidos.

Será que o Trump deve entrar nisso?

Seria uma pressão internacional enorme sobre o Vaticano. Muitos iam dizer que Trump é terrível por atacar o "pobrezinho" do Papa. Mas acho que como líder do seu país Trump tem todo o direito de fazer isso. Trump por vezes entra em questões terríveis sem titubear e sem precisar, como a transferência da embaixada para Jerusalém. Ele não tem medo de controversas. A ver.

Outro católico muito conhecido, Dr. Roberto de Mattei, publicou no Rorate Caeli, que relacionou o "não direi nada" do Papa Francisco ao "omertá", código de honra da máfia italiana que protege os mafiosos quando um deles é pego. O texto de De Mattei é muito bom para mostrar o histórico da máfia gay dentro do Vaticano e  criticar o que o Papa Francisco chama de "clericalismo"

Vale muito a pena ler os dois textos.

Aqui vai apenas parte dos dois artigos:

How Donald Trump Could Help the Catholic Church
Sometimes Caesar must act.
Sometime tomorrow Ambassador Callista Gingrich should march into the Vatican Secretariat of State in Rome. Then demand the release of all documents related to now-disgraced Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. The former Archbishop of Washington, it’s widely known, molested teen boys and sexually preyed on seminarians.
Gingrich should tell Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin that the Vatican has one week to answer. If the answer is no, or if they are reluctant to answer, she should give them one month to reconsider. Then inform them on that day, she and her staff will leave for the United States. They won’t return until the issue is settled.

How High Does the Rot Go?

Read the 11-page memo prepared by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. He’s no crank or amateur gadfly, but the former papal nuncio (ambassador) to the United States. He claims, based on personal knowledge, that it was not just Americans who gave the nod and wink to the criminal sexual assaults of “Uncle Ted” McCarrick. He charges high-ranking members of the Roman Curia knew as well. And they allowed this behavior to continue by giving McCarrick promotions and cover for his behavior.
Viganò lists many high-ranking churchmen as knowing about McCarrick’s crimes:
  • Pope Benedict XVI (who tried to take action and was apparently thwarted and flouted by his own bishops).
  • Cardinal Angelo Sodano.
  • The aforementioned Cardinal Pietro Parolin.
  • Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone.
  • Pope Francis, who apparently revoked Benedict’s measures aimed at McCarrick, and made him a close advisor. (McCarrick had strongly supported him for pope.)
These and other Catholic prelates knew that Cardinal McCarrick was taking seminarians to his bed and molesting them. He did this for years, all the while receiving promotions, open-door access to the highest reaches of the Church. Also traveling high-wide-and-handsome on diplomatic missions for the Pope.

De Mattei: “I will not say a single word about this”

With this sentence, uttered August 26th 2018, on his return flight from Dublin to Rome, Pope Francis responded to the shocking revelations made by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, which involve him directly. To the journalist Anna Matranga (NBC) who had asked him whether the things the former Nunzio to the United States had written were true, the Pope in fact replied: “I read that statement this morning, and I must tell you sincerely that, I must say this, to you and all those who are interested: Read the statement carefully and make your own judgment, I will not say a single word on this. I believe that the communiqué speaks for itself, and you have enough journalistic skills to draw the conclusions. It’s an act of trust (confidence): after a while when you have drawn your conclusions, perhaps I will speak. But I’d like your professional maturity to do this work: it will be good for you, truly.  Fine like that.” 


This leprosy developed after the Second Vatican Council, as the consequence of the new moral theology which denied absolute morals and claimed the role of sexuality both heterosexual and homosexual, thought of as a factor in the growth and realization of the human person. The homosexualization of the  Church started to spread in the 1970s and 1980s, as the meticulously documented  book by Father Enrique Rueda reveals: The Homosexual Network: Private Lives and Public Policy, published in 1982.

In order to understand the situation at that time, it is essential to read the study dedicated to Homosexuality and the Priesthood. The Gordian Knot – of Catholics? by Professor Andrzej Kobyliński of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw.* Kobyliński cites a book entitled The Changing Face of the Priesthood: A reflection on the Priest’s Crisis of Soul, by Donald Cozzens, Rector of the Cleveland Seminary in Ohio, wherein the author states that at the beginning of the 21st century the priesthood became a “profession”, exercised predominantly by homosexuals and we can even talk about  “a heterosexual exodus from the priesthood.”

Kobyliński reports an emblematic case: that concerning the Archbishop of Milwaukee (Wisconsin), Rembert Weakland, acclaimed exponent of the American progressive and “liberal” current. “Weakland has, for decades, covered up cases of sexual abuse by priests, sustaining a vision of homosexuality contrary to that of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. At the end of his tenure, he effected a gigantic embezzlement of about half a million dollars from the funds of his archdiocese, to pay his former-partner who was accusing him of sexual molestations.  In 2009, Weakland had his “coming out”, by publishing his autobiography entitled: A Pilgrim in a Pilgrim Church, wherein he himself admitted to being homosexual and of having had, for decades, continuative sexual relationships with many partners. In 2011, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee was constrained to declare bankruptcy, for the high profile of compensations due to the victims of pedophile priests.”      

In 2004 The John Jay Report appeared, a document prepared at the request of the American Episcopal Conference, in which all the cases of sexual abuse of minors by priests and deacons, from 1950 to 2002, were analyzed. This document of almost 300 pages is of extraordinary informative value – writes Kobyliński.  The John Jay Report  “demonstrated the link between homosexuality and sexual abuse of minors by Catholic clergy. According to the report of 2004, in the overwhelming majority of cases of sexual abuse it is not about pedophilia, but ephebophilia, that is, a degeneration that consists not only of sexual attraction towards children, but towards adolescent boys, at the age of puberty. The John Jay Report demonstrated that about 90% of the priests condemned for sexual abuse with minors are homosexual priests.”

The McCarrick scandal is therefore not the last act in a crisis that goes way, way back. Yet, in the “Letter of the Pope to the People of God, and throughout his trip in Ireland, Pope Francis has not once denounced this moral disorder. The Pope retains that the main problem in sexual abuse by the clergy is not homosexuality but clericalism. Referring to these abuses, the progressive historian Alberto Melloni, writes that “Francis finally deals with the crime on the ecclesiastical level: and he entrusts it to that theological subject - the people of God. To the people Francis says without mincing words, that it is “clericalism” which has incubated these atrocities, not an excess or lack of morality” (La Repubblica , August 21, 2018).

«Le cléricalisme, voilà l’ennemi!». “Behold the enemy - clericalism,” The famous phrase pronounced on May 4th 1876 in the French Chamber of Deputies by Léon Gambetta (1838-1882), leading exponent of The Grand Orient of France, could easily have been made Pope Francis. This phrase, however, was considered the watchword by the Masonic secularism of the 19th century, and by applying it, the governments of the French Third Republic, carried out in the following years, an “anti-clerical” political program which had its stages in the secularization of the school, the expulsion of religious orders from the national  territory, divorce and the abolition of the concordat between France and the Holy See.  The clericalism Pope Francis speaks of is apparently different, but deep down he identifies it with that traditional conception of the Church which over the centuries was fought against by the Gallicans, the Liberals,  the Freemasons and the Modernists.  

To reform the Church and purify Her of clericalism, the Italian sociologist Marco Marzano suggests the following to Pope Francis: “For example, a start might be to remove parish priests completely from the running of the parishes, depriving them of those monocratic and absolute  governing functions (financial and pastoral) of which they benefit today. It might be possible to introduce an important element of democracy, making bishops electable [by popular vote]. It might be possible, by replacing them with open and transparent structures, to close the seminaries, institutions of the counter-reform in which clericalism as a “spirit of caste” is still exalted and cultivated today. It might above all, be possible to cancel the norm upon which clericalism is today mostly based (and which is also the basis for the overwhelming majority of sexual crimes by the clergy)  and that is, - obligatory celibacy. It is precisely the chastity presumed in the clergy, with all the consequences of the purity, the sacredness and superhuman [aspects] that go along with it, which establish the main basis of clericalism”. (Il Fatto Quotidiano, August 25th 2018).   

Those who wish to demolish clericalism, want to destroy the Church. And if instead clericalism is meant as an abuse of power that the clergy exercise when they abandon  the spirit of the Gospel,  then there is no worse clericalism  than that of those who forsake stigmatizing extremely grave sins like sodomy and forget that the Christian life  must necessarily attain Heaven or Hell.  But when Christianity is subordinate to secularism, the Kingdom of Christ is transformed into a worldly kingdom and reduced to structures of power.  The militant spirit is replaced by the spirit of the world,  And the spirit of the world imposes silence on the drama the Church is living through right now.  

terça-feira, 28 de agosto de 2018

Vídeo: Church Militant Pede Saída Imediata do Papa Francisco.

Com muita sustentação, o site Church Militant pede saída imediata do Papa Francisco, pede que o Papa renuncie imediatamente, apontando inúmeras justificativas que mostram que o Papa perdeu a moral para seguir como líder da Igreja.

Vejam o vídeo clicando aqui.

Abaixo vai transcrição do que disse Michael Voris pelo Church Militant no vídeo:


It needs to end!

Given the horror that has increasingly seized hold of the Church these past 50 years — and which has climbed to unimaginable heights under the pontificate of Pope Francis — now is the appropriate moment for the laity to offer comment, which we are rightly allowed to do according to canon law.
As many people know, Church Militant has taken great pains in the past to avoid public criticism of Pope Francis with regard to various confusing theological writings, interviews and off-the-cuff remarks.
Out of respect for the office of Pope, and so as not to induce scandal, we have dutifully left the work of publicly analyzing his theological content to those above us, more qualified to address those things specifically and those responses we have covered in great detail.
Likewise, we have made a point of steering far clear of any disrespectful or uncharitable comments denigrating the Holy Father owing to his theological pronouncements — but that was in the arena of theology.
The homosexual clerical sex abuse scandal and resulting cover-up is not theological at its foundation, but moral.
And in this arena, the laity are absolutely duty-bound to speak up, for while we may not all be theologians, each one of us is a moral being and will be judged by Our Blessed Lord on how faithfully we have lived in accord with that objective morality.
With that said, Pope Francis, Holy Father, for the salvation of your own soul, you must step down from the Chair of Peter and do so immediately.
You have treated too many of the faithful with coldness and callousness, abusing the power of your office in regard to their sufferings over this horrendous unconscionable evil which you have facilitated.
On multiple occasions, you have violated your own standard of zero tolerance when it comes to cover-up bishops. You are doing it with Donald Wuerl who covered up for predator priests.
You should have, more than a week ago, stripped him of his red hat, yet he still holds the office of cardinal with your blessing — a man who covered up a homosexual priest gay pornography ring while he was bishop of Pittsburgh, and who Viganò says is lying.
You have protected abusers of power, of office, and worst of all, young adults and even children. You have covered up for them. In some cases, you have drawn them close to yourself and taken them on as trusted advisors.
And now, given the revelations over the weekend from Abp. Viganò's testimony — a testimony you do not even deny — it is now clear that you yourself are one of the cover-up bishops because you directly covered up for an actual predator, Theodore McCarrick, until the media heat got too great to withstand.
You have violated your own zero tolerance policy as it pertains specifically to your own actions and omissions.
You have drawn into the temple of God, the most holy of sanctuaries, wicked men who have both raped and covered up the rape of innocents.
Your hypocritical and shameless parade of empty words of sorrow and pleading for forgiveness are an egregious affront to those who believe in God, because you lack all sincerity.
How many trips are you going to take, paid for by the faithful, where you continue to meet with victims, supposedly mourn with them and then return to Rome and conspire with those who abused them or created the environment for the abuse — or both?
The men you have surrounded yourself with have no supernatural faith, for one with supernatural faith would tremble and drop dead of fright at the thought of being judged for what they — and now you — have done. A man who aids, abets, protects and promotes such wicked, sexually perverted and predatory men is not fit for the Chair of St. Peter — he is fit for far worse.
These wolves in shepherds' clothing brutalize and sodomize the sheep, and you promote them. They have no fear of God, and with each passing day, it appears that neither do you.
Any other bishop acting as you have would have been removed immediately for abuse of power and the gravest negligence of office under canon law.
Catholics hold, as you know well, that the Pope is judged on Earth by no man except God, but in conscience, have you so quickly forgotten that in the case of yourself, you are judged?
With all sincerity and concern for your immortal soul, Holy Father, recalling how you are an old man who may not wake to see the next day, your eternal life hangs in the balance. Confess the truth before you stand before Jesus Christ.
You can duck and weave questions from the press on Viganò's testimony, and offer clever retorts to the media that sidestep the testimony of your own ambassador, but oh how you cannot do that with Almighty God.
Church Militant has independently confirmed with at least two different cardinals that the charges in the Viganò statement are absolutely true — and this is in addition to Cdl. Burke's support of Viganò.
You, Holy Father, as every Catholic must do when in a state of sin, should accuse and judge yourselfguilty, now, while you still have air in your lungs, and dispose of the wicked heretics and sodomites you have shamelessly collected around yourself so that they may never have a role in electing your successor.
Then as your last act in office, you should resign the papacy and spare Holy Mother Church and the People of God any further harm and evil that you could inflict upon them!
You are tearing the Body of Christ apart by elevating the very men whose crimes cry out to Heaven for vengeance, who never will stop because they have no supernatural faith.
Your actions and omissions have left you unable to reign over the Church in any meaningful way. You have no credibility, no moral authority, not a shred of decency left after having covered up one scandal after another, until the day you go to your own grave.
You had better hope that this is not the state you die in, or you will be delivered over to the demons for an everlasting death of agony and torment in the unquenchable fire, for popes are not immune from risk of damnation, whether you believe in Hell or not.
And when you would next encounter the henchmen you have promoted in this life, each of you will rip and tear one another apart for all eternity, having contributed to the damnation of each other as well as innocents while on Earth.
Whatever pact of evil you may have created with one another, or rationalized, it will be your everlasting shame and agony when you are plunged into the pit where the fire is never quenched and the worm dieth not.
You still have time, Holiness. Admit your tremendous failings, sweep the wicked hirelings from the College of Cardinals, resign your office and give us back the Holy Church that we love and your sycophantic minions loathe.
Holy Father, your friends, your advisors, have raped men and boys. They destroy truth and innocence and lives and souls. You are covering for them.
After you have resigned and they have been forced from office by you, the first thing your successor should do is prosecute the entire lot to demonstrate to the world that change has indeed come to the Church. It will go much better for you that you face justice now, rather than after you die.
For the good of your soul, Holy Father, so as not to be subject to the tortures of demons for eternity, step down.
Pray, my fellow Catholics, pray your Rosary that the Queen of Heaven convert the heart of the Holy Father and bring an end to this scourge of sexual predation and cover-up.
May God have mercy on us all.