quinta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2018

Pai Nosso: "Não nos Conduza à Tentação" ou "Não nos Abandone em Tentação"

O Papa Francisco, em excelso orgulho, deseja mudar o Pai Nosso. Não sabe-se bem por que motivo, pois a passagem que ele quer mudar é clara e idêntica nos dois evangelhos de Mateus (6:13) e Lucas (11:4), onde se diz: "não nos conduza a tentação".

Sao Mateus e São Lucas escreveram em grego e a passagem foi traduzida literalmente para o latim.

O Papa acha que Deus não nos conduz a tentações mas acha que Deus pode nos abandonar em tentacoes. Assim, deseja mudar para "não nos Abandone em tentações".

Eu sempre achei que é em tentações que mostramos que somos verdadeiros cristãos, assim Deus pode sim nos conduzir a tentações, sem nos abandonar. Deus só nos abandona se assim desejarmos. Dessa maneira, sempre pensei o contrário do que o Papa pensa.

Eu não sou conhecedor de teologia ao ponto de entrar no debate, no entanto.

Mas hoje li que um especialista no assunto não aceita a mudança do Papa, considera um erro estúpido grave e anti-biblico.

Foi em um artigo do Christopher Ferrara, no qual Ferrara menciona o padre suíço linguista Reto Nay.

Vejam a parte que trata do assunto.

Revealing the shallowness of his theological formation, such as it is, Bergoglio exhibited  laughable incomprehension of the true sense of our Lord’s petition “and lead us not into temptation…” Said Bergoglio to Pozza: “But it’s not him [God] who throws me into temptation to then see how I have fallen.  No, a father doesn’t do this. The one who leads us into temptation is Satan.” Once again imposing his uninformed opinion, Bergoglio had already demanded that the Italian bishops abandon the traditional translation (“e non ci indurre in tentazione”) in favor of “and do not abandon us in temptation” [“e non abbandonarci nella tentazione”].  
Sandro Magister notes that during an extraordinary session of the Italian bishops’ conference (CEI) called to consider Bergoglio’s demand—under the President he had handpicked to control the CEI—“[t]he ‘old’ version was not even put to a vote, so that it was impossible to defend it.” As the increasingly contemptuous Magister observes of this latest Bergoglian farce: “Logically, if God cannot ‘lead’ us into temptation, we don’t see why he is allowed to ‘abandon’ us to it. For two millennia the Church has never dreamed of changing that difficult word of the Gospel, but rather of interpreting and explaining it, in its authentic meaning.”
In an interview with Life Site News, the Swiss linguist and Bible scholar Father Reto Nay, joining the swelling ranks of orthodox Catholics who have had enough of this circus, makes short work of Bergoglio’s junk theology:  “The text of the Our Father is passed down to us in the New Testament, which was written in ancient Greek. The phrase ‘and lead us not into temptation’ is contained both in Mt 6:13 and Lk 11:4 with identical wording: καὶ μὴ εἰσενέγκῃς ἡμᾶς εἰς πειρασμόν. This means that the wording of the petition in question cannot be blamed on a transmission error or misunderstanding.”
As Fr. Nay further explains:
The Roman Church may have used the Greek original in the beginning. But it quickly changed to Latin: “et ne nos inducas in tentationem” which is a literal translation of the Greek. So is the English version “and lead us not into temptation,” or the Italian “non ci indurre in tentazione.” 
These versions are the result of translating the verb εἰσφέρω/εἰσενέγκῃς (= to lead into, to bring into) and the noun πειρασμός (= temptation, putting to proof). The original text does not offer the possibility of an alternative translation. I am not aware of any period in Church history when this translation was questioned. There is simply no grammatical or syntactical reason to do so.
Of course, Bergoglio doesn’t think he needs a grammatical or syntactical reason to alter the 2,000-year-old translation of the very prayer God Himself dictated in the flesh. Bergoglio doesn’t like it, so it has to go. 
But the substitute wording Bergoglio maneuvered to obtain in Italy is theological nonsense, as Father Nay notes:
I have no idea where the “and do not abandon us to temptation” comes from. Deuteronomy 4:31 says, “Because the Lord your God is a merciful God, he will neither abandon you nor destroy you; he will not forget the covenant with your ancestors that he swore to them” (a similar reference is made in Psalm 94:14). If this is true (and it is), why then should we pray “and do not abandon us to temptation.” It also seems to insinuate that God actually could “abandon” us in temptation which comes close to blasphemy because it puts the blame on God when we abandon him. But 2 Chronicles 15:2 says, “if you abandon him, he will abandon you.”
To the objection that God would not “lead” us into temptation either, Father Nay replies with the obvious point that “the text does not say that God is the originator of the temptation; the devil is or men…. In this sense, Christ is led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit ‘to be tempted by the devil’ (Mt 4:1)…” That is, he is subjected to a trial, in order to show us that trials in the form of temptations are to be expected in keeping with the revealed truth that “all who want to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted (2 Tim 3:12),” with temptation being precisely a test of faith under persecution by the devil or his minions—a test we are able to pass if we correspond to God’s grace. 
Here I would note that Saint Paul explains this quite precisely: “But God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation make also the way of escape, that ye may be able to endure it.” (1 Cor 10:13). That is, God will subject us to the trial of temptation, but will also provide us with the means to overcome it. He will not abandon us to temptation, although we may abandon ourselves by rejecting His grace. This datum of revealed truth is obviously lost on Bergoglio, who operates on the assumption that what he thinks “is Magisterium.”

segunda-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2018

200 Anos de "Noite Feliz" (Stille Nacht)

Eu realmente adoro a música Noite Feliz que completa 200 anos este ano. A música foi escrita por Francis Gruber e a letra pelo padre Joseph Mohr, tocada na Igreja de São Nicolau na Áustria, pela primeira vez.  O nome original da música é Stille Nacht (Noite Silenciosa).

Leiam sobre a história da música no site Catholic Herald.

E Stacie Hiserman fez uma bela reflexão sobre a música no site The Catholic Action, especificamente ressaltando a importância do silêncio.

Um santo Natal a todos os amigos do blog.

quarta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2018

"Desenvolvimento" da Doutrina em Tempos do Papa Francisco.

Basicamente o desenvolvimento da doutrina em tempos do Papa Francisco é o que ele acha certo e sem debate teológico, que ele costuma considerar fútil.

O mais renomado teórico sobre desenvolvimento da Doutrina Católica é o beato John Henry Newman, que se converteu ao catolicismo depois de estudar muito os patriarcas da Igreja. Newman estabeleceu um ideia de desenvolvimento muito lento e profundamente erraigado na Tradição e no magistério da Igreja

Mas hoje em dia todo tipo de mudança que querem fazer na Doutrina, mesmo aquelas que rasgam as palavras de Cristo, são chamadas de desenvolvimento e até invocam Newman.

Eu mesmo sofri isso na própria terra de Newman, Oxford.

Em 2017, eu fui apresentar um artigo em Oxford e um dos palestrantes defendeu que Cristo tinha tendências gays (pode acreditar). Quando eu comecei um debate com ele, o mediador (um padre anglicano), disse que a Igreja Católica, usando o "desenvolvimento"  e Newman, ainda iria aceitar o casamento gay e o aborto. Não tive espaço para dizer que Newman não era isso.

O padre inglês John Hunwicke, que assim como Newman é de Oxford veio da Igreja Anglicana e é teólogo renomado, comentou a ditadura do desenvolvimento do Papa Francisco, comparando com a lentidão exigida por Newman.

Padre John condena a mudança do Papa Francisco em relação à pena de morte, chama de "pretty nasty" (que pode ser traduzida por nojenta, maligna). E cita que anteriormente o Vaticano já invocou o tal "desenvolvimento" para mudar a Igreja de forma radical sem qualquer debate.

Vejam abaixo o que disse o padre John.

How and how speedily does the Teaching of the Church "develop"?

PF is reported to have declared a day or so ago that his abandonment of the Church's previous teaching on the death penalty "doesn't imply any contradiction with the teaching of the past." He combines this with an insouciant statement that previous popes "ignored the primacy of Mercy over Justice". Dear dear dear. Pretty nasty, that. What silly fellows they must all have been to make such an elementary error. But Don't Worry. All, apparently, can be explained by 'development'.

We've had this cheap trick before. I don't know if you can still find it on the Vatican TV player ... the News Conference at which the Graf von Schoenborn 'introduced' Amoris laetitia. Right at the end, Diane Montagna, with an air of puzzlement, asked whether the new papal teaching contradicted that of Familiaris consortio.

With a sweet smile which has undoubtedly served him well in the Graf's rise within the hierarchy, he answered that No it did not; but it developed it. And he advised his questioner to go away ...

... and read Newman.


(1) Familiaris consortio was published in 1981; it repeated the Biblical precepts which for centuries had underpinned the Church's conviction that the Holy Euchatist ought not to be administered to "remarried" divorcees.
(2) Sacramentum caritatis, 2005, repeated this teaching.
(3) Amoris laetitia is dated 19 March 2016, and was released 8 April 2016.
(4) On 5 September 2016 'Guidelines' published by a group of Argentine bishops reached PF. These guidelines are commonly interpreted as allowing some 'remarried' divorcees to approach the Sacraments.
(5) On the same day, PF replied to this group of bishops praising their 'Guidelines' and saying "There is no other interpretation".
(6) On 5 June 2017, PF formally instructed Cardinal Parolin in audientia to have these texts published in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis as being "Authentic Magisterium".
(7) They duly appeared in AAS together with the Rescriptum ex audientia Sanctissimi.
(8) Cardinal Kasper, a Great Theologian, subsequently explained that the question was now authoritatively closed. Roma locuta est ...

                                      JOHN HENRY NEWMAN ...

... gave a rather different, and more painstaking, historical perspective. I expect he was a Silly Fellow, too.

" ... the Church of Rome has originated nothing ...  

" ... all through Church history from the first, how slow is authority in intervening! Perhaps a local teacher, or a doctor in some local school, hazards a proposition, and a controversy ensues. It smoulders or burns in one place, no one interposing; Rome simply lets it alone. Then it comes before a bishop; or some priest, or some professor in some other seat of learning takes it up; and there is a second stage of it. Then it comes before a university, and it may be condemned by the theological faculty. So the controversy proceeds year after year, and Rome is still silent. An appeal perhaps is next made to a seat of authority inferior to Rome; and then at last after a long while it comes before the supreme power. Meanwhile, the question has been ventilated and turned over and over again, and viewed on every side of it, and authority is called upon to pronounce a decision, which has already been arrived at by reason. But even then, perhaps the supreme authotrity hesitates to do so, and nothing is determined on the point for years; or so generally and vaguely, that the whole controversy has to be gone through again, before it is ultimately determined."

terça-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2018

Que Cardeal Tem Coragem de Chamar Francisco de Herético por Causa da Pena de Morte?

Ontem, o Papa Francisco, depois de ter assinado uma heresia no Catecismo sobre a pena de morte, defendeu essa heresia  publicamente de forma infantil, para dizer o mínimo, dizendo que era um desenvolvimento da doutrina que ele, e só ele viu.

Em poucas palavras, ele disse que a sociedade de hoje é melhor, tem condições de manter um sujeito perigoso afastado da sociedade. No passado, os papas e teólogos da Igreja apoiaram a pena de morte seguindo uma lógica equivocada que não tinha misericórdia.

A sociedade de hoje consegue manter afastados os criminosos? Onde?

No passado, os papas e téologos defenderam a pena de morte simpesmente porque a sociedade não conseguia afastar os criminosos em prisões?

O Papa ainda usou São Tomás de Aquino de forma errada. São Tomás de Aquino defendeu a pena de morte. Mas o Papa usou São Tomás para falar de legítima de defesa, coisas bem diferentes. A defesa de pena de morte por São Tomás de Aquino fala do bem comum da sociedade, justiça igualitária e da alma humana do criminoso (Suma Teológica II, questão 64 e Suma Teológica 108, questão 3) e não sobre legítima defesa que é algo mais amplo.

O desenvolvimento da Doutrina deve ser firmemente enraizado no magistério e na Tradição da Igreja, isso que o Papa fez é simplesmente heresia.

Apoiar criminosos sem qualquer critério de justiça não é ter misericórdia, é procurar a destruição da sociedade.

O Papa simplesmente desprezou a Bíblia, o direito natural, os Pais da Igreja, os teólogos (como São Tomás de Aquino) e todos os papas anteriores.

Sobre pena de morte, nada melhor que o livro do filósofo católico Edward Feser e de Joseph Bessette, que defendem a pena de morte usando a Bíblia, o direito natural, a história da Igreja e questões sociais contemporâneas. Eles esclarecem que os católicos são livres para discordar do uso da pena de morte em casos concretos, sem incorrer em erros, mas não pdem defender que a pena de morte é inadmissível como faz o Papa Francisco.

Quero ver aparecer um cardeal chamando o Papa Francisco de herético por conta de suas ações e palavras contra a pena de morte.

Quero ver que cardeal é homem suficiente.

Só aparecem leigos e filósofos católicos dizendo isso.

Esse assunto vai ter repersussão. Veremos se aparecem alguns homens entre os clérigos.

Eu já coloquei aqui no blog uma entrevista de Edward Feser explicando por que a pena de morte é justifiada. Vejam clicando aqui.

segunda-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2018

Comissários do Vaticano contra Grupos Religiosos Tradicionais

O caso da Fraternidade Sacerdotal São Pio X  (SSPX) é o mais conhecido de grupos católicos tradicionalistas, mas há outros. Reecentemente, eu fiquei sabendo da Fraternità Sacerdotale Familia Christi, de Ferrara, na Itália, fundada por Dom Giuseppe Canovai, que tem tido muito sucesso entre os jovens e no seu trabalho pastoral.

O padre americano Zuhlsdorf falou dessa Fraternidade italiana em tom bastante elogioso.

Mas o Vaticano parece que não está gostando.

O padre inglês John Hunwicke, renomado teólogo de Oxford, denunciou a indicação de um comissário do Vaticano e ainda alertou a SSPX sobre negociações com o pontificado do Papa Francisco.

Ao fim do texto o padre Hunwicke diz que o pontificado de Francisco "não é apenas cruel, mas grosseiro e vulgar".

Por coincidência, eu li que o superior geral da SSPX está "chocado" com a ideia de "misericórdia do Papa Francisco, que não procurar converter.

A luta dentro da Igreja é gigante.

Não me sinto muito confortável sobre esse assunto, não acompanho de perto. Mas aqui vai o texto do padre John Hunwicke que ataca o pontificado de Bergoglio:

The Age of the Commissars
So ... one of the Roman auxiliary bishops, a Jesuit, has been appointed  Commissar of the Priestly Brotherhood of the Family of Christ (FSFC) in Ferrara. Is he, one can't help wondering, a Bergoglian? The mere fact that he himself comes from Ferrara is hardly a guarantree of austere impartiality. One wonders whose idea it was ... assuming that the FSFC really did need to be handed over to a Commissar ... to treat them like this. Is there no sympathetic bishop who could have advised this small but growing Traditionalist Family?

There have been reports recently that the SSPX might resume negotiations with the Holy See. I do not mean disrespectfully to imply that I know better than the new management of that organisation how, or whither, it should be led. But I find it hard to believe that, in the current climate, it would be wise to subject it to the current Roman regime. And I do understand why Rome might be anxious to get its hands on the Society ... one of the few places in the Latin Church where the writ of the bullies does not yet run. Lente lente currite noctis equi.

Readers will remember the regulations according to which diocesan bishops were peremptorily deprived of the right to set up religious communities of diocesan right within their jurisdictions without interference from the Congregation for Religious. I imagine that wise bishops will refrain from canonically erecting any new and orthodox groups, but will instead protect and foster them in an informal uncanonical state until the days of joy and freedom return. Is it a sign of health in an ecclesial body that pastoral and prudent hierarchs will feel the necessity to operate beneath the canonical radar?

It is hardly surprising that, when an orthodox Shepherd dies or retires, there should be such anxieties about what might happen to his diocese. There must be quite a few seedy would-be misthotoi slouching impatiently  behind Roman pillars puffing away at their fags while eagerly awaiting the rewards of sycophancy and networking.

This present pontificate is not only cruel.

It is also coarse and vulgar.

domingo, 16 de dezembro de 2018

Católico do Ano no "Annus Horribilis": Você, Católico que Sofre pela Igreja

O Jornal the Catholic Herald classificou 2018 como "annus horribilis" (ano terrível) e não teve a quem dedicar o título de "católico do ano" a não ser àqueles católicos (leigos e padres) que carregam a Cruz de Cristo diariamente em um momento de crise terrível na Igreja, crise nunca vista.

O jornal diz que os escândalos na Igreja em 2018  - principalmente, mas não exclusivamente, relacionados à agressões sexuais feitas por bispos e padres americanos, e sua ocultação por parte de seus colegas - são a razão pela qual o Catholic Herald ter decidido não nomear qualquer indivíduo como católico do ano. Muitos líderes da Igreja estão comprometidos. E menciona que o Papa Francisco no começo do ano chamou as vítimas de abusos sexuais no Chile de caluniadores e também lembra o silêncio do Papa Francisco em responder às denúncias contra ele feitas pelo arcebispo Viganó.

O jornal fez uma lista das notícias terríveis do ano.

Vejamos o que diz o jornal.

Catholic of the Year: the winner is…

 13 December, 2018

In the year 1137, according to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, the reign of King Stephen descended into such bloody chaos that “men said openly that Christ and his saints slept”.
It is not much of an exaggeration to suggest that a similar thought occurred to many Catholics in 2018 – at least, those who have followed the international media’s lazy and inadequate coverage of the crisis in the Church.
We hope our readers will forgive us if we point out yet again the gravity of that crisis. References to the sexual scandals and episcopal backstabbing of 2018 do not make for spiritually uplifting reading. But they will at least prepare Catholics for the inevitable misery of 2019, as American dioceses – which are a major source of Vatican income – topple into bankruptcy.
These scandals – mostly but not exclusively relating to sexual assault by American bishops and priests, and its concealment by their colleagues – are the reason the Herald has decided not to nominate any individual as Catholic of the Year. Too many Church leaders are compromised. Their critics, meanwhile, have been drawn into an ecclesiastical civil war in which certain voices can plausibly be accused of playing politics with sex abuse.
Last month, the Catholic Herald launched its US edition. The experience of setting up offices in Washington, recruiting columnists and meeting so many remarkable American Catholics has brought home to us the despair that the faithful are now battling every day.
Something of that despair is creeping into Britain, too. There have been no comparable headlines, but the shadow of abuse in Catholic public schools has yet to pass – and, like Catholics in the United States, British Mass-goers are troubled by the absence of promised sweeping reforms from Rome.
And yet, on both sides of the Atlantic, the faithful Mass-goer bears witness to the truth. He or she not only celebrates the feasts and observes the penances of the liturgical year but complements them with countless acts of charity.
This, then, is our Catholic of the Year. There was a time when we might casually have talked about “the ordinary Catholic”. But increasingly there is no such thing. There is, sadly, an ever-increasing number of baptised members of the Church for whom Catholic identity amounts to little more than an entry on the census form. In contrast, there are Catholics who practise their faith as cheerfully as they can manage, guided by uncorrupted priests, in the face of an unprecedented betrayal by the hierarchy.
The faithfulness of these Mass-goers can be measured by the weight of the burdens placed on them in 2018. Of these, the heaviest has been the emergence of a monstrous figurehead for crimes against young people. Theodore McCarrick, the retired Archbishop of Washington and formerly one of the most prominent cardinals in the United States, was exposed this summer by the New York Times as a vicious predator. His assaults on young men continued for decades. His reputation was well known to some of his fellow bishops when – incredibly – they entrusted him with the task of drawing up the US bishops’ sex abuse guidelines in 2002.
That was the year after St John Paul II elevated McCarrick to the see of the nation’s capital, despite the fact that some Vatican officials had been informed of his behaviour.
In July, Pope Francis stripped McCarrick of the title of cardinal. But the applause for this gesture quickly died down when Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, a respected former nuncio to the United States, claimed that he had personally informed the Pope of McCarrick’s evil acts in 2013, at the very beginning of this pontificate. Despite this, said Viganò, the new Pope lifted the punishment imposed on McCarrick by Benedict XVI, who had tried to force the cardinal into internal exile following the latter’s retirement.
Was Archbishop Viganò telling the precise truth? We do not know, because the one man in a position to tell us – Pope Francis – has refused to say anything. Meanwhile, American cardinals who were close friends or protégés of McCarrick have insisted that they knew nothing of his crimes. Most Catholics find this hard to believe. Indeed, McCarrick’s successor in Washington, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, was forced to resign his see in October because – as the distinguished Vatican commentator Fr Raymond de Souza wrote bluntly in the National Catholic Register – his own priests “thought that he was lying” when he claimed to know nothing about McCarrick’s wickedness.
There is no space here to list the avalanche of lawsuits descending on the American Church as state and federal agencies begin investigating the complicity of other bishops in clerical sex abuse. 
The Archdiocese of Santa Fe has already filed for bankruptcy. Others will certainly follow, and not just in the United States. Many experts believe that the situation is even more squalid in parts of Latin America, Africa and Asia. The consequences of such worldwide contagion do not bear thinking about.
So let us think about something else: the heroic witness to Christ by faith-filled priests and lay people in every diocese in the world. We must not forget that 2018 was the year of rosaries on the coast and the Eucharistic congress in Liverpool; a year in which prophetic American Catholics intensified their defence of the unborn and, just last week, the impeccably orthodox Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco celebrated a new “Mass of the Americas” that seeks to heal wounds by renewing the liturgy.
And, every day, two great Catholic charities, Aid to the Church in Need and the Society of St Vincent de Paul, brought blessed relief to persecuted Christians abroad and lonely, pain-wracked Christians at home. Their self-sacrificing heroism is far more typical of hundreds of thousands of Catholics than the moral cowardice of ecclesiastical bureaucrats – and reminds us that, despite the nauseating sins of unscrupulous bishops, Christ and his saints do not sleep.
Annus horribilis: A year of bad news
January 2018 On a pastoral visit to Chile, Pope Francis accuses victims of the nation’s most notorious clerical abuser, Fernando Karadima, of “calumny”. The victims claimed that Bishop Juan Barros, who was appointed Bishop of Osorno in 2015, had been aware of Karadima’s actions – an allegation he denied.
February A senior Vatican judge is convicted of possessing 80 pornographic images involving children. Mgr Pietro Amenta pleaded guilty and was given a 14-month suspended sentence.
March Mgr Dario Viganò, the man appointed to reform the Holy See’s communications, resigns following a row over a letter from Benedict XVI. The prefect of the Secretariat for Communications came under fire after his department quoted selectively from the letter.
April An Australian court rules that Cardinal George Pell, prefect of the Vatican Secretariat for the Economy, must stand trial on historical sexual assault charges. The cardinal will plead not guilty.
May The whole of the Chilean episcopate (minus retired bishops) submit their resignations to the Pope following a meeting at the Vatican to discuss the country’s abuse crisis. Those resigning include Bishop Barros, whose resignation is formally accepted the following month.
June The US Church announces that Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the retired Archbishop of Washington, DC, will no longer exercise any public ministry after allegations that he had abused a teenager 47 years ago were deemed “credible and substantiated”.
July The New York Times interviews a man, identified only as “James”, who says that Cardinal McCarrick sexually abused him for almost two decades, beginning in 1969 when he was aged 11. Pope Francis accepts McCarrick’s resignation from the College of Cardinals. He asks the former Washington archbishop to observe “a life of prayer and penance in seclusion”.
August A grand jury report concludes that more than 300 priests abused children over seven decades in the state of Pennsylvania, prompting uproar in the US Church. In the middle of a torrid papal visit to Ireland, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò issues a letter claiming that he had personally warned Francis about McCarrick but that the Pope had ignored sanctions against him imposed by Benedict XVI. The ex-nuncio to the US urges Francis to resign. The Pope tells reporters he “will not say a single word” about Archbishop Viganò’s accusations.
September Pope Francis declines a request by leaders of the US bishops’ conference to authorise an apostolic visitation into the McCarrick affair. Archbishop Viganò issues a second letter, challenging the Vatican to disprove his allegations. “Neither the Pope nor any of the cardinals in Rome have denied the facts I asserted in my testimony,” he writes. The Pope dismisses Fernando Karadima from the clerical state.

...Para ver mais deve-se assinar o jornal.

sábado, 15 de dezembro de 2018

Forças Curdas Apoiadas pelos EUA Tomam Última Cidade do Estado Islâmico

Longa luta que ocorre desde 2011 e que foi travada até no Ocidente,  contra pacifistas tipo hippie na mídia, nos partidos de esquerda do mundo todo e no Vaticano.

Leio hoje que a guerra contra o Estado Islâmico conquistou a última cidade que era reduto deles, a cidade de Hajin, na Síria.

Sendo o Estado Islâmico uma ideologia religiosa, ele não está vencido totalmente, ele está presente em praticamente todos os países ocidentais, além, é claro, de nossos países muçulmanos. O Islã sustenta a ideologia deles, a guerra contra o Islã é uma guerra pelas almas e não por território.

E os terroristas ainda estão presentes em pequenas vilas na Síria.

O Estado Islâmico nasceu da tal Primavera Árabe em 2011, movimento que foi saudado estupidamente como libertador pelo Obama e por muitos líderes políticos da época. Durante o governo Obama, o Estado Islâmico chegou a dominar território maior do que a Grã-Bretanha. Em 2014, o líder do Estado Islâmico, al-Baghdadi (que não é visto há muito tempo), anunciou o seu califado.

Aliás, se o partido de Obama estivesse no poder e não Trump o Estado islâmico ainda estava no Iraque (foi expulso do Iraque no final de 2017).

Para Obama e muitos na ONU o inimigo era o ditador da Síria e acabaram financiando com armas o próprio Estado Islâmico.

Lembro do general Mattis de Trump dizendo o que faria com os terroristas do Estado Islâmico ("vou cercá-los e vou matá-los, não vou prendê-los").

A recuperação vai ser lenta na região. Nesta semana, eu mostrei Trump assinando lei de apoio aos cristãos e yazidis da região.

Vejam parte texto abaixo do Jihad Watch.

Syria: US-backed Kurdish forces take Hajin, the last town held by the Islamic State


BEIRUT — U.S.-backed, Kurdish-led fighters captured the last town held by the Islamic State group on Friday, after three months of ferocious battles in the militants’ single remaining enclave in eastern Syria, activists and Kurdish officials said.
The fall of Hajin marks an end to the extremist group’s hold over any significant urban area, which in three years shrunk from large swaths of Iraq and Syria the militants once held to this small enclave near the two countries’ shared borders.
The capture of Hajin, however, does not mark the end of the group which still holds some villages nearby and has a scattered presence and sleeper cells in both countries.
As the offensive by the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces intensified over the past days under the cover of airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition, ISIS fighters withdrew south to areas east of the Euphrates river and west of SDF positions along the border with Iraq. Among the villages still held by extremists in the enclave are Sousa, Buqaan, Shaafah, Baghouz and Shajla.
The latest push has also raised questions about the fate of ISIS leader and founder Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi who has not been seen in public since he announced his self-styled caliphate in 2014 from a mosque’s pulpit in the Iraqi city of Mosul. Last month, ISIS suffered a severe blow when the SDF said it captured Osama Owayed al-Saleh, a top aide to al-Baghdadi.
“It is a very difficult battle,” SDF spokesman Mustafa Bali told The Associated Press by phone from Syria where he said ISIS fighters are still attacking Hajin. He added that most of ISIS fighters besieged in the enclave are among the most experienced gunmen who came to the area from Iraq and Syria.
There are still villages to be taken but Hajin was the most important as it was the base for commanders from where they directed military operations,” Bali said….
Europe-based activist Omar Abu Layla of the DeirEzzor 24 monitoring group confirmed that the town had been recaptured, adding that some ISIS fighters are still holed up in small pockets on the edge of Hajin.
Abu Layla said that disagreements among ISIS ranks over hierarchy between Iraqi and Syrian fighters helped “speed up the collapse” of the extremist group’s defenses in Hajin.
Nuri Mehmud, spokesman of the Syrian Kurdish militia known as People’s Protection Units, or YPG, also the main component of the SDF, said “intense fighting” is still ongoing in small parts of Hajin.
The area is home to some 15,000 people, including 2,000 ISIS gunmen who fought back with counteroffensives and suicide attacks. Over the past days, hundreds of civilians were able to flee the enclave toward areas controlled by the SDF east of the Euphrates River and government-controlled regions on the river’s west bank….

Saudemos os guerreiros da Síria e do Iraque e Trump pela vitória.

sexta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2018

Vaticano do Papa Francisco: Esquerdista Radical em Política Internacional. Mais Radical que Angela Merkel

O jornal Crux, que costuma proteger o Papa Francisco, reconheceu que o Vaticano atual se posiciona como o esquerdista mais radical possível nos debates internacionais, defendendo até políticas abortivas e de imigração em massa.

O texto começa dizendo que ao contrário das políticas domésticas em que a "Igreja Católica" costuma ser contra o casamento gay e controles populacionais, a "Santa Sé" no campo internacional é o mais radical esquerdista. Bom, o texto mistura a Igreja Católica, uma entidade mística, com a Santa Sé, uma instituição política.

Se tivesse usando a palavra Vaticano para os dois casos, eu não concordaria, não lembro do Vaticano sob Francisco se alinhando a frentes políticas de direita em nenhum país. Mas, tudo bem, é um texto do Crux, que sempre tenta de alguma maneira "contrabalançar" suas críticas ao Papa Francisco.

O artigo tenta contralançar a crítica ao Papa, dizendo que a globalização deixou muitas vítimas e que a Igreja deve proteger os imigrantes a qualquer custo. Posições bem difíceis de engolir para dizer o mínimo. Mas reconhece que nem a Angela Merkel é tão radical como o Papa Francisco e que a defesa de políticas de imigração da ONU envolve defender o aborto.

Vejam parte do texto do Crux abaixo:

When it comes to migration, Vatican’s as progressive as they come

Claire Giangravè
Dec 13, 2018

ROME - When it comes to what one might call “domestic policy,” the Catholic Church is often considered to be a conservative institution. It promotes the sacredness of marriage between a man and woman and the inviolability of human life, making things such as divorce, abortion and gay marriage major no-nos.

Yet, when it comes to relationships between nations and global policy, the Holy See can come off as among the most liberal organizations in the world.

Given this evident climate of distrust - if not downright fear - of immigrants, the Catholic Church’s contribution to the compacts is even more astounding.

For the better part of two years, the Holy See has been cooperating, suggesting and promoting the UN endeavor, in line with Pope Francis’s efforts to make the welcoming of immigrants the lasting legacy of his pontificate.

The Vatican’s Section on Migrants & Refugees, with the collaboration of several Bishops’ Conferences and Catholic NGOs, presented Twenty Action Points on Migrants and Refugees that are not just progressive, but downright revolutionary given the global context.

o    Immigrants and refugees should have access to health care, minimum wage and education;
o    They should have the freedom to choose where they to live;
o    Child detention must be avoided and families, even extended relatives, should be reunited independent of financial requirements;
o    The international budget for welcoming states should be amplified;
o    Citizenship should be recognized at birth and countries must provide quick, safe and accessible paths to citizenship;
o    The requisite of knowing the local language for immigrants, especially when over 50, should be dismissed for the purpose of gaining citizenship.

These are just a few examples of the Vatican’s agenda when it comes to promoting immigrants and their free mobility around the globe. Added to this list, is the Holy See’s effort to remove the distinction between refugees and immigrants, a fundamental classification that determines the behavior of welcoming countries toward newcomers.

Even German Chancellor Angela Merkel, a champion of immigrants in Europe despite powerful national and international opposition, could not have presented such guidelines without risking losing the precarious conservative support keeping her in power.

“The adoption of the Global Compact on Migration comes at a critical moment in history,” said the Vatican Secretary of State, Italian Cardinal Pietro Parolin, during his speech and the intragovernmental conference in Morocco Dec. 10.

When “not managed well,” he added, “crises can form, rhetoric can eclipse reason, and migrants can seem more as threats than as brothers and sisters in need of solidarity and basic services.”

“The Holy See is convinced that the enormous challenges that migration poses are best faced through multilateral processes rather than isolationist policies,” Parolin concluded.

Cooperation sometimes also means compromise. While the compact reflects in many ways the Catholic view on migration, it also includes indications concerning reproductive health “that do not recognize the inherent value and dignity of human life at every stage of its beginning, development and end,” as Parolin described, adding that the Holy See “will present its reservations in due time.”

Progressive or not, the Catholic Church’s view of immigration will have to confront itself with the willingness of states to adopt it and implement it. So far, the reality on the ground is a far cry from the ideals presented in the compact, and certainly in the Vatican’s Twenty Points, Appleby observed.

According to the researcher, “the success of the compact will be measured one migrant life at a time,” as immigrants today face struggles such as poverty, exploitation, detention and family separation.

“If the compact can mitigate these deterrent policies, then I think it will be a success,” Appleby said, and if nations and international entities including the Holy See can promote an effort of collaboration and multilateralism “it will have been worth the effort.”

quinta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2018

Trump Assina Lei de Proteção aos Cristãos da Síria e do Iraque.

Presidente Trump assinou essa semana ato de proteção dos cristãos na Síria e no Iraque, uma força inestimável pára manter a presença dos cristãos na região do Oriente Médio. Muitos líderes religiosos e comunidades nativas do Iraque se reuniram na Casa Branca para a cerimônia da assinatiura da lei que se chama Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability.

O arcebispo Bashar Warda da Igreja Católica Caldeia (participante da Igreja Católica) disse que a lei é um grande acontecimento e uma vitória para as vítimas, em reconhecimento ao sofrimento delas. Ao final da cerimônia o arcbispo abençoou Trump em aramaico  e recitou o Pai Nosso.

O texto do jornal National Catholic Register lembra que no dia 10 de dezembro o Iraque celebrou uma ano de vitória total contra o Estado Islâmico (um feito também que deve muito ao próprio Trump), e que a lei assinada por Trump irá proteger os cristãos e os yazidis contra ameaças do tipo do Estado Islâmico.

A lei foi feita com apoio dos maiores partidos políticos dos Estados Unidos e autoriza financiamento direto para organizações que protejam os grupos religiosos do Iraque e da Síria, sem passar por intermediários internacionais.


Vejam parte do texto do National Catholic Register:

NATION |  DEC. 13, 2018
‘Victory for Victims’: Trump Signs Genocide Relief Act for Iraqi and Syrian Christians
The Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act is hailed as a vital piece in keeping the Christian presence alive in ancestral homelands.
Liberation From ISIS
In 2014, ISIS had marched into Iraq from Syria, conquering a vast swath of land for its self-declared “caliphate.” The army inflicted vicious atrocities on non-Sunni peoples under its control, devastating the numerically small Christian and Yazidi communities. ISIS finally turned its reign of terror on the remaining 
Sunni Muslims.

Iraqi forces eventually liberated the Nineveh Plain and Mosul from ISIS, declaring victory over the so-called caliphate Dec. 10, 2017, and allowing Christians for the first time in four years to celebrate Christmas in the shattered city.

The population of Christians in Iraq is down significantly: Fewer than 200,000 Christians remain of the 500,000 estimated in Iraq before ISIS.

quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2018

José Nêumanne Detona Papa Francisco, e com Razão.

Hoje ficamos sabendo que o Chico Buarque, com sua namorada, se encontrou com o Papa Francisco para defender "líderes populares", como o Lula, que supostamente estariam sofrendo perseguição legal.

Alguém ainda fica surpreso com essas estupidezes esquerdistas do Papa Francisco?

Lawfare, líderes populares? Estupidez é pouco. É tão idiota que fica até difícil comentar.

O jornalista José Neumane foi ao ponto no vídeo acima, entre os minutos 6 e 7, e disse:

"Esse Papa é um papinha argentino e comunista". 

"Qual é a autoridade que o Papa Francisco tem?"

"Você viu algum comentário desse bestalhão, desse argentino, desse portenho comunista,  que usa o anel de Roma para se impor sobre a Venezuela? Eu não conheço."

E chama o Chico Buarque de alcóolatra.

Natal - Tempo de Risco de Terrorismo na Europa...e no Brasil também?

Um terrorista muçulmano de nome Cherif Chekatt que já fazia parte da lista negra da polícia francesa atirou durante uma exposição de Natal em Estrasburgo na França e matou pelo menos 4 pessoas ferindo pelo menos 11. No momento em que escrevo,  terrorista ainda não foi pego pela polícia.

A França está fadada a destruição mesmo, este mês exibiu isso em fortes cores, especialmente na cor dos coletes.

Não é só a França.

Na Suécia, enquanto o país se prepara para a guerra civil no Natal, um jornal do país declarou que Natal deve ser chamado de "celebração de inverno" para não incomodar os muçulmanos da cidade.

Em 19 de dezembro de 2016, um caminhão atravessou uma feira de Natal em Berlim, matando 12 pessoas e as feiras de Natal na Alemanha hoje em dia são protegidas com forte concreto.

Outro dia eu vi fotos desses concretos que a polícia disfarça.

Pelo menos a Hungria reage, o chanceler do país disse que a Hungria deseja uma Europa que tenha celebração de Natal, árvore de Natal e presépios.

Mas o Papa disse ontem que tudo isso e símbolo de paz com muçulmanos. Fiquem calmos, europeus, e morram.

Os americanos têm alertado que um contingente assustador de brasileiros estão se convertendo ao islamismo. O meu primeiro artigo sobre terrorismo foi sobre a fonte de financiamento ao terro mundial que ocorre na Tríplice Fronteira entre Brasil, Argentina e Paraguai. Não é de hoje que temos ameaças próximas.

Hoje um atirador entrou na Catedral de Campinas, sentou por um tempo, depois sacou uma arma e atirou nas pessoas que estavam rezando no local, matando 4 pessoas. Será ele um muçulmano, um louco. No vídeo, pareceu bem tranquilo enquanto matava dentro da Igreja. Terrível.

Rezemos por Santiago Matamoros.

segunda-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2018

Papa Francisco: "O Assassinato de 19 Clérigos por Muçulmanos é Sinal que Deus quer Coexistir e Amar Dialogar Muçulmanos"

Como é que é?

Entre 1994 e 1996, 19 religiosos católicos foram assassinatos por muçulmanos na Argélia.

Mas o Papa acha que essas mortes são sinais que Deus quer coexistência e amor pelos muçulmanos e que esses assassinatos são uma prova de que cristãos e muçulmanos podem viver em paz?

Eu devo ter perdido a lógica desse raciocínio, eu e todos os papas que enfrentaram o Islã desde o nascimento dessa religião no século VII.

Vejam relato do Catholic News Service para acreditarem no que leram.

Algerian martyrs bear witness to Christian-Muslim peace, Pope Francis says


martyred during the Algerian civil war are a testament to God's plan of love and peaceful coexistence between Christians and Muslims, Pope Francis said.

In a message read Dec. 8 at the beatification Mass for the six women religious and 13 clerics, Pope Francis said it was a time for Catholics in Algeria and around the world to celebrate the martyrs' commitment to peace, but it was also a time to remember the sacrifices made by all Algerians during the bloody war.

Cardinal Angelo Becciu, prefect of the Congregation for Saints' Causes, celebrated the Mass in Oran, Algeria, for the martyrs who were killed between 1994 and 1996.

Both Christians and Muslims in Algeria "have been victims of the same violence for having lived, with faithfulness and respect for each other, their duties as believers and citizens in this blessed land. It is for them, too, that we pray and express our grateful tribute," the Pope said.

Among those who were beatified were Blessed Christian de Cherge and six of his fellow Trappists  – Fathers Christophe Lebreton, Bruno Lemarchand and Celestin Ringeard as well as Brothers Luc Dochier, Michel Fleury and Paul Favre-Miville – who were murdered in 1996 by members of the Armed Islamic Group in Tibhirine, Algeria.

Their life and deaths were the subject of the movie "Of Gods and Men," which won the grand prize at its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival in 2010.

Several months after their deaths, Blessed Pierre Claverie, bishop of Oran, was assassinated along with his driver by an explosive device. According to the website of the Dominican Order of Preachers, his death was mourned also by Muslims who considered him "their bishop."

Pope Francis said that all Algerians are heirs of the great message of love that began with St. Augustine of Hippo and continued with the martyred religious men and women "at a time when all people are seeking to advance their aspiration to live together in peace."

"By beatifying our 19 brothers and sisters, the church wishes to bear witness to her desire to continue to work for dialogue, harmony and friendship," the Pope said. "We believe that this event, which is unprecedented in your country, will draw a great sign of brotherhood in the Algerian sky for the whole world."


Rezemos pelos martires. Eles devem ter mexido em seus túmulos. Que eles nos ajudem na Igreja.