quarta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2019

Trump Vai Publicar Lei Contra Anti-Semitismo nas Universidades

Ih, se a lei for ser posta na prática, demitirá inúmeros professores de humanas. Quando eu estudei em Cambridge, no Reino Unido, havia um professor tão radical ao ponto de colocar a bandeira da Palestina na janela de um prédio histórico da universidade e ninguém tinha coragem de mandar ele tirar de lá.  Se ele colocasse a bandeira de Israel, não passaria um dia lá.

A lei proíbe financiamento do governo a universidades  e faculdades que propaguem o anti-semitismo.

Além disso,  com a lei (tipo um decreto lei) o governo Trump vai designar o judaísmo não apenas como uma religião, mas também como uma nacionalidade. Assim, evita questões jurídicas, quando alguém disfarça o anti-semitismo atacando ou boicotando Israel.

A lei vai ajudar ao Trump ser ainda mais odiado nas universidades, mas Trump "could not care less" (não está nem aí).

Reconheço vários problemas em Israel (como encontro em qualquer país), mas quando eu encontro alguém que detesta raivosamente Israel, isso pra mim é uma barreira intransponível de amizade. Não conseguirei ser amigo dessa pessoa.

Abaixo vai o relato da notícia no The Jerusalem Post.

Trump to issue executive order to fight antisemitism on college campuses
Title VI prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance.

DECEMBER 11, 2019 13:43

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz praised US President Donald Trump on Wednesday ahead of his expected issuance of an executive order later in the day invoking Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to fight antisemitic rhetoric on college campuses. 
The new executive order would also label Judaism as a nationality in addition to a religion, so it would fall into the category of Title VI and, according to Katz, "enable a more effective fight against the anti-Israel boycott movement on campus.

"I congratulate US President Donald Trump on his intention to sign a presidential order to combat antisemitism on US university and college campuses, and to prevent funding from going to those institutions that will not prevent antisemitism," Katz continued.
The move will also direct federally funded agencies to consider the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism in cases of discrimination.
"I urge more countries to adopt similar measures," Katz said. 

Title VI prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. The Department of Education could cut federal funding for institutions that fail to remedy antisemitic incidents that fall under the title, once the order is made.

A senior administration official said on Tuesday that antisemitism on campuses is often hidden in an anti-Israel agenda. If campuses that receive money from the government adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism in cases of discrimination, students who will feel that they are being bullied on college campuses would be able to complain to their institution's administration, who will then need to decide if the incident is considered antisemitic. 

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