terça-feira, 19 de junho de 2018

UE quer Criar Campo de Concentração de Imigrantes. Alemanha (!), Áustria e Itália se Unem Contra Imigrantes.

O ministro do interior da Alemanha, Horst Seehofer desafia o próprio governo de Angela Merkel e se une aos ministros do interior da Itália, Matteo Salvini,  e da Áustria, Herbert Kickl paera conter os avanços da imigração na Europa (fotos do jornal Daily Mail).

O governo de Angela Merkel parece prestes a cair, por conta de sua política imigratória que aceita sem quaisquer critérios cotas enormes de imigrantes.

Hoje li que a própria União Europeia, com receio da repercussão da queda do governo de Merkel, está pensando em criar um campo de concentração de refugiados fora do bloco europeu (fala-se em Albânia ou Tunísia) para que seja feita uma triagem de imigrantes, deportando aqueles que vieram apenas atrás de dinheiro do bem-estar social europeu.

Os campos foram chamados de "Plataformas de Desembarque".

Humm... essa triagem teria qual chance de funcionar? Zero, claro.

Vejamos parte do texto do site O Politico sobre a brilhante ideia das "plataformas de desembarque" em estudo pela União Europeia.

E também parte do texto do Daily Mail sobre os ministros do interior da Alemanha, Itália e Áustria. 

EU leaders consider centers outside bloc to process refugees

Draft conclusions for the European Council summit next week propose the creation of ‘disembarkation platforms.’
European Council President Donald Tusk has proposed that EU leaders create “regional disembarkation platforms” outside the European Union, where officials could quickly differentiate between refugees in need of protection and economic migrants who would potentially face return to their countries of origin.
The proposal is an effort to break the acute political crisis over migration and asylum that has bedeviled EU leaders since 2015 — and even threatened in recent days to topple the German government — even as the numbers of arrivals have plummeted since the peak of the crisis.
The disembarkation platform concept — which officials said would have to be implemented in cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) — could create a formal mechanism by which the EU can bridge the divide between hard-line leaders calling for tough border controls and those insisting that EU nations obey international law and welcome refugees in need of protection.
But the idea could also open EU leaders to criticism that they are outsourcing their political problem by creating centers for people seeking entry in countries on the periphery of the bloc. Among the potential partner nations are Tunisia and Albania, but officials say it is far too soon to speculate.

Europe's 'axis of the willing' to combat illegal migrants: Hardline interior ministers of Germany, Austria and Italy form alliance to protect borders - in defiance of Merkel

The hardline interior ministers of Austria, Germany and Italy have formed an 'axis of the willing' to combat illegal immigration, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said Wednesday, escalating a Europe-wide row over the issue.
The announcement by Kurz in Berlin after talks with German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer marks a shot across the bow at Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is trying to pull together a deal for EU cooperation on placing asylum seekers.
Seehofer - who is locked in an open migration feud with Merkel that is threatening the stability of her coalition government - said that he and his far-right Austrian and Italian counterparts, Herbert Kickl and Matteo Salvini, formed their alliance this week.
Their cooperation would extend to 'issues of security and terrorism', he said, but did not offer specifics on what it would entail.  
The news comes as Merkel called for tolerance amid a wave of support for anti-immigration parties across Europe, with the Chancellor saying the current political crop's migration policy would act as a 'litmus test' for the future of the continent.

Kurz, whose country assumes the EU's rotating presidency on July 1, said he welcomed the 'good cooperation that we want to develop between Rome, Vienna and Berlin'.
'I think it marks very sensible cooperation that will contribute to reducing illegal migration to Europe,' Kurz told reporters at a convivial news conference with Seehofer, in marked contrast with the far more formal exchange he had with Merkel late Tuesday.
'We believe an axis of the willing is needed to fight illegal migration.'

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Enquanto isso a mídia só quer mostrar as crianças separadas dos pais que tentam entrar ilegalmente nos EUA! Eita midiazinha tendenciosa!
Abraço amigo!

Pedro Erik Carneiro disse...

Pois é, meu amigo. Uma pessoa que arrisca a vida dos próprios filhos para entrar em outro país, na melhor das hipóteses, deve morar em um país muito ruim. México deve resolver esse problema e não os EUA.