sexta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2018

Pesquisas Científicas: 1) Metade das Lésbicas Tentam Suicídio! 2) Ser LGBT é Contagioso

Pesquisa publicada pela Pediatrics, jornal acadêmico, da Academia Americana de Pediatria, mostrou que 50,8% das jovens meninas que se identificam como rapazes (lésbicas) já tentaram o suicídio pelo menos uma vez! Também mostrou que 40% daqueles que não se identificam nem como homem nem como mulher já tentaram suicídio pelo menos uma vez!

O estudo observou 120 mil adolescentes entre 11 e 19 anos. Os autores são Toomey Ruyssell, Amy Syvertsen e Maura Shramko.

Isso é muito mais do que terrível!

No mundo em que "cada um deve seguir seu coração", que despreza religião e o direito natural, temos adolescentes cada vez mais tristes, desamparados e se matando.

O site Fx Open relatou a pesquisa e relacionou com outra pesquisa.

Essa outra pesquisa mostrou que ser LGBT é contagioso, é influência dos contatos pessoais ou sociais. A autora Lisa Littman que mostrou que adolescentes que convivem com o pessoal LGBT ou ficam expostos a propaganda LGBT têm muito mais chance de se dizerem como tendo "disforia de gênero" (não se identificam como sexo que possuem).

Aqui vai o link para a pesquisa, que relatou os seguintes resultados:

RESULTS: Nearly 14% of adolescents reported a previous suicide attempt; disparities by gender identity in suicide attempts were found. Female to male adolescents reported the highest rate of attempted suicide (50.8%), followed by adolescents who identified as not exclusively male or female (41.8%), male to female adolescents (29.9%), questioning adolescents (27.9%), female adolescents (17.6%), and male adolescents (9.8%). Identifying as nonheterosexual exacerbated the risk for all adolescents except for those who did not exclusively identify as male or female (ie, nonbinary). For transgender adolescents, no other sociodemographic characteristic was associated with suicide attempts.
CONCLUSIONS: Suicide prevention efforts can be enhanced by attending to variability within transgender populations, particularly the heightened risk for female to male and nonbinary transgender adolescents.

Vejamos parte do relato do FXOpen.

Study: Half Of All Transgender Female Teens Have Attempted Suicide

One in every two transgender adolescents who are female but identify as male has attempted suicide in the past year, according to a new study. The study, “Transgender Adolescent Suicide Behavior,” was published in Pediatrics, the official peer-reviewed journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
The study raises serious questions about how families, schools, doctors, government, and the media should grapple with the increasing number of children and teens who label themselves transgender. In addition to the alarmingly high rate of suicide attempts among transgender girls, the study reported an attempted-suicide rate of more than 40 percent for adolescents who call themselves “gender nonconforming” (neither exclusively male nor female), and nearly 30 percent for transgender male teens.
Researchers said they did not find any evidence that non-Caucasian transgender youth were at a higher risk compared with white transgender adolescents. Higher levels of education among parents and geographical location—urban or rural—did not have a significant effect on suicide attempts either.
To arrive at the results, three researchers from the University of Arizona analyzed a survey filled out by more than 120,000 young Americans between the ages of 11 and 19. By comparison, they found that 14 percent of all teenagers had attempted suicide at least once. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is the second leading cause of death among adolescents and young adults ages 10 to 34 in the U.S.
The study’s leading author, Russell B. Toomey, PhD, focuses his work on youth who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or what they call queer—meaning that any attempts to discredit the research as “anti-LGBTQ” will likely fall flat.
he new study comes on the heels of another alarming and controversial one examining the contagious nature of transgender ideology. That study, published in the journal PLOS One by Brown University’s Lisa Littman, looked at “rapid-onset gender dysphoria”—that is, gender dysphoria not present in early youth that manifested within days or weeks in teens and young adults.
Littman found that exposure to peers who identified as transgender, and transgender-positive content online, may contribute to rapid-onset gender dysphoria. She also found that online transgender hubs instruct youth to threaten suicide when they come out as transgender if they don’t get sex-change drugs and other mutilating treatments.
Littman’s study suggests rapid-onset transgenderism could be social contagion. Research has also found that suicide is socially contagious—people who know a person who commits suicide are more likely themselves to do or attempt the same.
he study by Toomey and fellow University of Arizona researchers Amy K. Syvertsen and Maura Shramko provides further evidence that research institutions should encourage more studies in this area, not shut them down. At this point, we don’t just know that lives are at stake—we know how many lives are at stake.
Those numbers deserve repeating: One in two biological girls who call themselves boys tried to kill themselves in the past year. Two in five gender-nonconforming adolescents tried to kill themselves. And three in 10 biological boys who identify as girls tried to kill themselves.
In discussing these results, Toomey described an “urgent need to understand why transgender, female to male, and nonbinary adolescents report engaging in suicide behavior at higher levels than other adolescent transgender populations.”  He’s right. But that’s just the first of many questions this study begs to be answered, and there’s no excuse not to ask.

5 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Essa semana a instituição em que trabalho está mobilizada com o "Setembro Amarelo", iniciativa de combate ao suicídio. Imagina se fosse apresentada essa pesquisa aos organizadores! Será que teriam coragem de apresenta-la à juventude?
Tristes tempos em que se luta contra a verdade das coisas... como bem dissestes no post, a juventude que ignora a religião e a lei natural está cada vez mais desesperada. Esse é o resultado de se negar as aspirações verdadeiramente humanas que busca o Bem, o Belo e a Verdade.
Obrigado pelo post. Tenha um ótimo fds.

Pedro Erik Carneiro disse...

Obrigado, pelo seu depoimento, meu amigo Gustavo.

Pedro Erik

Adilson disse...

Lamentável, triste e tenebroso. Hoje não tenho dúvidas, de que a civilização ocidental vem sendo vítima de uma engenharia macabra. Não há como duvidar: quando lemos sobre as ações de grandes fundações e instituições internacionais, tudo fica bem claro. Por exemplo: estou lendo o livro A Guerra Contra os Francos de Edwin Black, logo vi que a coisa já vem de longe. E olha que esse jornalista é um liberal. Rezemos, rezemos, rezemos.

Pedro Erik Carneiro disse...

Rezemos sim, meu amigo.


Isac disse...

O suicidio é facilitado pela falta de fé em especial e vista de perda de valores cristãos, avida sem perspectiva de melhora, aparece o desespero e o vacuo e a pessoa perde o sentido da vida; às vezes ainda poderia se drogar, piorando o quadro, etc...